福智醜聞曝光-學院兼拘留營房(8)-大多數福僧的英語能力不足以讓他們走出加拿大P島GEBIS,並與島民(或加拿大警察)交談;且GEBIS位於僻靜的區域,這使P島的福僧人難以逃生;金女意識到在P島,良好公關的重要性,故金女要福僧辦開放日,設網站,臉書等; 福智任何活動,最底下的捐款帳號,才是重點!
福智醜聞曝光 - 學院兼拘留營房 - 第8部分:
福智醜聞曝光 - 學院兼拘留營房 - 第8部分:
(梵因法師聲稱他曾在PEI被軟禁 - 他的護照被沒收,被禁止離開寺院或返回台灣。一名線人還告訴一些法師和沙彌,那名與金女有性關係的法師 也在加拿大被軟禁)。
多年來,法師們基本上都沒有察覺到他們在PEI上的存在,從島民的角度來看 應該是奇怪的。
簡介:加拿大的福智(又名GEBIS傳燈寺),毫無疑問,堪稱是整個佛教歷史上最詭異的邪教以下這篇文章是從一些新進法師處所了解而寫成的料,涉及從日常法師於2004年10月去世至2017年年年中,在首任方丈梵因法師公開撼世驚人的醜聞音檔之前期間(這又是另一則文章的主題)。一小群資深法師和學員操縱策劃了一個大膽詭計多端的計劃,企圖說服法師,僧尼和學員接受金夢蓉(Mary Jin)作為福智的接班人,並最終在愛德華王子島設立替代中心。福智利用了變相依止法來設立一個對金夢蓉個人效忠崇拜的邪教。
RE-【傳燈寺建設工程快訊 2019.03.14】
@......>淨遠最近一直強調要趕建”傳燈寺”的大法堂或大齋堂等,以便將散在P島各地的福僧 (其實福僧也只是住在大覺佛學院,其他的如金女的大房子-那是給聯波與大陸僧眾住)集中到”傳燈寺”一處,那原來的那些僧院,是等著要”賣掉”嗎?
@......>淨遠最近一直強調要趕建”傳燈寺”的大法堂或大齋堂等,以便將散在P島各地的福僧 (其實福僧也只是住在大覺佛學院,其他的如金女的大房子-那是給聯波與大陸僧眾住)集中到”傳燈寺”一處,那原來的那些僧院,是等著要”賣掉”嗎?
難不成是因為台灣福團的呆胞太多-願意當金女或金女集團的搖錢樹嗎? 不然,真是搞不懂為何要選這樣花大成本,又沒有多大利益的地方(加拿大P島)撒錢呢?
RE-未來的[傳燈寺]大法堂,可容300僧眾, 共修學法之處
@...> 在2012-2014年,金女就花了台灣福團 100個百萬美金(=30億台幣)在加拿大P島的小沙鎮,建了可容600多位僧眾的”大覺佛學院新僧院”-
@...> 在2012-2014年,金女就花了台灣福團 100個百萬美金(=30億台幣)在加拿大P島的小沙鎮,建了可容600多位僧眾的”大覺佛學院新僧院”-
RE- 淨遠說: 既然下雪無法避免 我們必須與他和平共處
@.....> 看淨遠說的多輕巧-即不是花他的錢(暖氣,飛機費 建設等費用),故這般不關痛癢呀!.
@.....> 看淨遠說的多輕巧-即不是花他的錢(暖氣,飛機費 建設等費用),故這般不關痛癢呀!.
天火 傳燈寺已經幾乎是變成本部了,在台灣宣傳卻仍稱「分部」,台灣對P島傳燈寺捐款卻是用月稱光明寺的帳號,這種事私下做也就算了,還印宣傳名片🙄,然後名片標題要人家參與心靈世界,下面卻是附上傳燈寺捐款帳號,心靈世界的參與和捐款傳燈寺有何關係?真的是為傳燈寺募款無所不用其極,而且在台灣宣傳捐款的目標不是以台灣月稱光明寺為主,卻是宣傳遠在好幾萬公里外的P島傳燈寺,這名片看的真的很讓人搖頭!
護持摘"金" RE-名片標題要人家參與心靈世界,下面卻是附上傳燈寺捐款帳號
.....> 這是金女與金女集團合力想將加拿大"傳燈寺" 造成一個可以長期向台灣福團學員斂財的單位-稱"心靈世界"
.....> 這是金女與金女集團合力想將加拿大"傳燈寺" 造成一個可以長期向台灣福團學員斂財的單位-稱"心靈世界"
Ti 福智任何活動,最底下的捐款帳號才是重點!
Introduction: Bliss and Wisdom (aka GEBIS) in Canada, must rank among the most bizarre Buddhist cults in the entire history of Buddhism. This writing is written from the knowledge of junior monks in the monastery from the period of Rih-Chang's death in Oct 2004 to mid-2017, before the first abbot, Venerable Fan Yin released the earth shattering audio file detailing the scandal, which is the subject of another writing. A small group of senior monks and members master minded an audacious and cunning scheme persuading monks, nuns and members to accept Mary Jin (Jin Mengrong) as the bona fide successor of Bliss and Wisdom, and eventually setting up alternative centres in Prince Edward Island in Canada. Bliss and Wisdom has built a personality cult revolving around Mary Jin in the guise of guru devotion (依止法) concept.
It’s still easier to be up to some mischief in Taiwan than Canada. Most of the monks do not speak enough English to travel out of GEBIS and speak to islanders (or Canadian police). And GEBIS is located in a secluded area, which makes escape impossible. In Taiwan, bus stops are only a short walk away from the monastery. Moreover, many events and festivals are held in the Taiwan monastery each year, involving the lay people; family and friends can visit the monks/pre-ordinates any time during the year (with permission, of course). It’s easy to get your family and friends to smuggle in something for you, or smuggle something out, so long as you don’t get caught.
(Venerable Fan Yin claims he was once held under house arrest in PEI – he had his passport confiscated and was prevented from leaving the monastery or returning to Taiwan. An informant also told a few monks/novices, the one who had sexual liaisons with Mary Jin, was also held under house arrest in Canada)
GEBIS and the media
For many years, the monks were largely oblivious that their presence on PEI should be strange from the islanders’ point of view. They dealt with the neighbors well, using hospitality, kindness and OMAK to soothe any ruffled feathers. Gradually they realized the importance of good PR, and for the past few years, have been organizing many open houses, opening a website and going on Facebook.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Introduction: Bliss and Wisdom (aka GEBIS) in Canada, must rank among the most bizarre Buddhist cults in the entire history of Buddhism. This writing is written from the knowledge of junior monks in the monastery from the period of Rih-Chang's death in Oct 2004 to mid-2017, before the first abbot, Venerable Fan Yin released the earth shattering audio file detailing the scandal, which is the subject of another writing. A small group of senior monks and members master minded an audacious and cunning scheme persuading monks, nuns and members to accept Mary Jin (Jin Mengrong) as the bona fide successor of Bliss and Wisdom, and eventually setting up alternative centres in Prince Edward Island in Canada. Bliss and Wisdom has built a personality cult revolving around Mary Jin in the guise of guru devotion (依止法) concept.
It’s still easier to be up to some mischief in Taiwan than Canada. Most of the monks do not speak enough English to travel out of GEBIS and speak to islanders (or Canadian police). And GEBIS is located in a secluded area, which makes escape impossible. In Taiwan, bus stops are only a short walk away from the monastery. Moreover, many events and festivals are held in the Taiwan monastery each year, involving the lay people; family and friends can visit the monks/pre-ordinates any time during the year (with permission, of course). It’s easy to get your family and friends to smuggle in something for you, or smuggle something out, so long as you don’t get caught.
(Venerable Fan Yin claims he was once held under house arrest in PEI – he had his passport confiscated and was prevented from leaving the monastery or returning to Taiwan. An informant also told a few monks/novices, the one who had sexual liaisons with Mary Jin, was also held under house arrest in Canada)
GEBIS and the media
For many years, the monks were largely oblivious that their presence on PEI should be strange from the islanders’ point of view. They dealt with the neighbors well, using hospitality, kindness and OMAK to soothe any ruffled feathers. Gradually they realized the importance of good PR, and for the past few years, have been organizing many open houses, opening a website and going on Facebook.
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