2021年2月23日 星期二

福團加拿大P島的三位英文流利的福尼,對衛報訴苦的表演,應該還是得到同情票吧!只是不知福尼對媒體”裝可憐”的招式,是金女教唆,還是律師的提議呢?為什麼IRAC不將報告公開呢?是被金女集團買通,讓金女可以在拖延中,脫產嗎? 妙音GWBI說的尼數,一般都不會包含大陸尼團的尼數-現在這樣混著說,一定是有很深的隱情或內幕吧!


福團加拿大P島的三位英文流利的福尼,對衛報訴苦的表演,應該還是得到同情票吧!只是不知福尼對媒體裝可憐的招式,是金女教唆,還是律師的提議呢?為什麼IRAC不將報告公開呢?是被金女集團買通,讓金女可以在拖延中,脫產嗎? 妙音GWBI說的尼數,一般都不會包含大陸尼團的尼數-現在這樣混著說,一定是有很深的隱情或內幕吧!




護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動



RE-[加拿大P島衛報的發文標題] 為什麼有的居民對(GWBI 妙音)佛學院產生懷疑?尼姑們想知道



@...>福團加拿大P島的三位英文流利的福尼,對衛報訴苦的表演,真是令人看不下去,但她們這樣的作態,應該還是會達到獲得P島島民同情的效果吧! 只是不知福尼這回對媒體裝可憐的招式,是金女教唆,還是律師的提議呢?


RE-GEBISGWBI、經營動物保護區的月光國際基金會、在夏洛特敦的Leezen(里仁)雜貨店(Grain Essence Garden Inc.)Splendid Essence Restaurant (華香齋-素菜館)

目前還不清楚IRAC是否發現這些組織 有任何聯繫。IRAC沒有將其調查結果告知GWBI

@....>為什麼IRAC不將報告公開呢? 是被金女集團買通下,好讓金女可以在拖延戰術中,脫產嗎?


RE-為多達1 400名尼姑 增建住房的計畫 以及在Brudenell建造一個大型宗教校園的計畫 因三河鎮議會 9月拒絕發放建築許可證而停滯不前。這個決定也讓國王郡的一些島民 對這個佛教組織 及其在該地區的計畫 產生了懷疑和不信任。

@....>1400名的尼數,是怎麼算出來的-1400 很不上不下的.


RE- “Fox Run Acres”房產是引起懷疑的幾個房產之一。

202010月常設委員會的一些內部電子郵件列出了Brudenell  (布魯德內爾) area7所房屋,這些房屋要麼是尼師,要麼是教友。



RE-約有470名修行尼眾,她們來自中國大陸、臺灣、美國、新加坡和其他國家。大多數人分散在Uigg(烏格)的一棟農舍、蒙塔古的一個前 "龍蝦棚 汽車旅館和餐館、一些零散的住宅 Brudenell  (布魯德內爾)的一個新宿舍大廳之間。

@...>GWBI妙音佛學院會,這時怎麼忽將住在改裝過大覺舊院(原龍蝦汽車旅館)” 大陸尼團之尼師(200-250位尼眾), 歸在台灣南海尼團住在P島的470名尼眾數呢?



Why are some P.E.I. residents suspicious of Buddhist school? Nuns want to find out


Premium content

Stu Neatby (stu.neatby@theguardian.pe.ca)

Published: 15 hours ago

Updated: 7 hours ago



Venerables, from left, Yvonne Tsai, Joanna Ho and Sabrina Chiang at the Uigg monastery site in January 2020. The three board members of Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute say the organization is facing increasing pressures to find housing. - Stu Neatby • The Guardian


[20201月,、妙音佛學院的三位董事會成員法師們(左起)Yvonne蔡、Joanna何和Sabrina ,Uigg(烏格)寺院,表示,該組織正面臨越來越大,找房的壓力。- 記者Stu Neatby - 衛報]

Editor's Note:

The Guardian has spent months interviewing members of Buddhist organizations and residents of Kings County about the hundreds of Buddhist nuns and monks who now live in P.E.I. The story that has emerged is one that involves landholdings, immigration, housing, government transparency, religious freedom and geopolitics in Asia. Watch for the second part later this week.



For Joanna Ho, Yvonne Tsai and Sabrina Chiang, three Buddhist nuns who sit on the board of the Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute (GWBI) in Kings County, one word sums up how they felt about saying goodbye to 22 teenaged students last month.

“Sad,” Tsai, Ho and Chiang said in unison, when asked about the departures of the students – all between the age of 14 and 17 – from the monastic academy run by GWBI.

"Many of them cried before they went. They didn't want to leave P.E.I.,” Venerable Yvonne Tsai told The Guardian in an interview.


S蔣來說,一個詞就能概括她們上個月 22 十幾歲學生 告別的感受。

"很難過" 當被問及這些學生--年齡都在14歲至17歲之間--從妙音佛學院(GWBI)開辦的校園 離開時,蔡、何、蔣三人異口同聲地說。


“They really wanted to be with the elderly nuns. It's like their family."

The students left P.E.I. in January in part because GWBI is facing a shortage of housing for the hundreds of Buddhist nuns who have come to live and take part in the devout study of Buddhism in P.E.I.


學生們在1月份離開了P.E.I.,部分原因是GWBI正面臨著住房短缺的問題,因為數百名佛教尼姑已經來到P.E.I.居住 並參加虔誠的佛學研究。

[Practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism practice a form of debate, while others carry out a prostration at the Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute monastery in Uigg. - Stu Neatby • The Guardian

藏傳佛教的修行者們(福尼) Uigg(烏格)的妙音佛學院寺院 進行辯論,其他人則進行跪拜。記者-斯圖 尼特比--《衛報》。]


Plans to construct additional housing for up to 1,400 nuns, as well as a large-scale religious campus in Brudenell, were brought to a standstill when Three Rivers town council denied a building permit in September.

The decision also brought to the forefront suspicion and distrust some Island residents in Kings County have of the Buddhist organization and its plans for the region.

為多達1 400名尼姑 增建住房的計畫 以及在Brudenell建造一個大型宗教校園的計畫 因三河鎮議會 9月拒絕發放建築許可證而停滯不前。

這個決定也讓國王郡的一些島民 對這個佛教組織 及其在該地區的計畫 產生了懷疑和不信任。


GWBI’s monastery in Kings County is a rarity.

The organization, which traces its origin back to a socially engaged school of Buddhism in mainland China and Taiwan, currently runs a monastery for practising female Buddhists.

GWBI在國王縣的寺院 是一個罕見的。



"We're the only monastery outside of Tibet and India to offer this to females,” Tsai told The Guardian in an interview last year.

“If they want to learn this type of curriculum, this is the only place they can go. That's why we've been having increased enrolment for the last few years."

"我們是西藏和印度之外 唯一為女性提供這種修行的寺院,"Tsai在去年(2020)的一次採訪中告訴《衛報》。


Bliss and Wisdom

Individuals who come to P.E.I. to take part in the Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute’s rigorous program of study are often followers of Bliss and Wisdom, an 80,000-member Buddhist organization that is effectively the parent organization of GWBI. The spiritual leader of Bliss and Wisdom, a woman known as Master Zhen-Ru, lives in P.E.I.



來到PEI(P)參加妙音佛學院嚴格課程的人,通常都是福智的信徒,福智是一個擁有8萬名成員的佛教組織,實際上是妙音佛學院的父母組織。福智的精神領袖是一位住在PEI,被稱為 "真如上師 "的女人.

The popularity of GWBI’s curriculum has meant the community has grown beyond the capacity the group currently has to house them.

GWBI的課程受到歡迎,這意味著群團的(人數)發展 已經超出了該團體目前的容納能力。


There are about 470 practising nuns in P.E.I., who have arrived from mainland China, Taiwan, the United States, Singapore and other countries.

Most are scattered between a converted farmhouse in Uigg, a former 'lobster shanty' motel and restaurant in Montague, a number of scattered homes and a new dormitory hall in Brudenell.

“We want to live together because we're a family,” Tsai said.


大多數人分散在Uigg(烏格)的一棟農舍、蒙塔古的一個前 "龍蝦棚 "汽車旅館和餐館、一些零散的住宅 和布魯德內爾的一個新宿舍大廳之間。


About 150 people protested the planned Brudenell monastery construction outside the Three Rivers meeting in September, surprising many town councillors.


[2020]9月,約150人在三河會議外 抗議計畫中的Brudenell修道院建設,讓許多鎮議員感到驚訝。

Residents accused GWBI of contravening the Lands Protection Act (LPA), a unique piece of legislation in P.E.I. that sets out limits on landholdings of corporations and non-residents.

Others suggested GWBI or its parishioners were buying up houses in the area and leaving them empty, driving up real estate costs in the process.

居民指責GWBI違反了《土地保護法》,該法是英屬維京群島的一項獨特的立法,對公司和非居民的土地持有量 作出了限制。

還有人說,GWBI或其教友買下了該地區的房屋,讓它們空著,在此過程中 抬高了房地產成本。


[A Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute nun prays at a shrine within the group's monastery in Uigg. The monastery is currently located within a converted farmhouse. - Stu Neatby • The Guardian

妙音佛學院的一名尼姑 在該團體位於Uigg(烏格)的寺院內的神龕前祈禱。寺院目前位於一棟農舍內。-記者 Stu Neatby - 衛報]


Many Islanders have been open and welcoming to the Buddhist nuns during the past decade.

But September’s council meeting caused concern, for both parents and students.

Some wondered whether Islanders were rejecting the monastic community as a whole.


在過去的十年中,許多島民對佛教尼姑 持開放和歡迎的態度。


一些人懷疑島民 是否在拒絕整個僧團。


"The parents read the news. And then the parents, due to COVID they can't come here,” Tsai said.

“So they shared the information with the kids. So the kids got kind of worried.”



Tsai said the decision for the students to return to their home country was made by teachers as well as the board of GWBI. She believes it is for the best, but added the vast majority of nuns and remaining young students very much want to remain in P.E.I.

蔡說,學生們回國的決定 是由老師以及GWBI的董事會做出的。

她認為這樣做是最好的,但她補充說,絕大多數尼眾和留守的年輕學生 都非常希望留在PEI


The denial of the Brudenell  permit has put GWBI at a crossroads.

Conditions at the farmhouse in Uigg and at the lobster shanty are cramped and the separated communities are far from ideal. Chiang said she shares a room with eight people.


igg(烏格)的農舍 和龍蝦棚的條件 都很擁擠,分離的社區(群體)遠非理想。蔣說,她與八個人共用一個房間。


These facilities have also effectively been on lockdown since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, with very limited visitors.

Tsai says P.E.I.’s deputy fire marshal has recommended nuns living at the lobster shanty move out by the end of 2021.

The location is simply not up to the new fire codes.

“We need to find housing for 70 people," Tsai said.






"Right now, we don't want to do anything that will scare people. But we really don't know what to do."


The planned campus in Brudenell would have been able to provide the needed housing spaces as well as teaching space, lecture halls, a worship space and green space.

計畫中的Brudenell校區 本可以提供所需的住房空間,以及教學空間、演講廳、禮拜空間和綠地。

Three Rivers Mayor Ed MacAulay said he was surprised by the opposition at the September council meeting.

三河市市長Ed MacAulay表示,他對9月議會會議上的反對意見 感到驚訝。


Many of the concerns about land holdings of GWBI and the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS), the sister organization of GWBI composed largely of male monks, have been around for years.



“In my opinion, it has a lot to do with the lack of facts and the lack of information. And I think there's a lot in the rumour mill,” MacAulay told The Guardian in November.

“I think that GEBIS and GWBI have been kind of a victim of that, to some degree."


"在我看來,這與事實的缺乏和資訊的匱乏 有很大關係。而且我認為謠言中有很多,"MacAulay11月告訴衛報。

"我認為,GEBISGWBI在某種程度上 已經成為這種情況的受害者。"


Tsai said the organization has embarked on a sort of listening tour of community leaders and members in Kings County.

Islanders have told her they want more transparency about GWBI’s activities.




"Our first priority is to communicate with the local community to build trust rather than pushing that construction plan,” Tsai said.



A three-year-old investigation conducted by the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission (IRAC) could provide clarity on some of the concerns related to GWBI’s landholdings.

Between 2015 and 2018, The Guardian has confirmed, IRAC conducted an investigation into the landholdings of five Buddhist organizations.




IRAC Investigation Letter by The Guardian



These were GEBIS, GWBI, the Moonlight International Foundation, which runs an animal sanctuary, Grain Essence Garden Inc., which owns the Leezen grocery store in Charlottetown, and Splendid Essence Restaurant.

It is unclear whether IRAC found the organizations to be linked at all. IRAC has not communicated its findings to GWBI.

這些GEBISGWBI、經營動物保護區的月光國際基金會、在夏洛特敦的Leezen(里仁)雜貨店(Grain Essence Garden Inc.)Splendid Essence Restaurant (華香齋-素菜館)

目前還不清楚IRAC是否發現這些組織 有任何聯繫。IRAC沒有將其調查結果告知GWBI


Tsai said she did not wish to criticize IRAC. To do so would be against her Buddhist precepts, she said. She expressed a willingness to work with IRAC.

"I personally would like to know what they think about us," she said.

"I would like them to tell me what they feel we should do."




IRAC has declined to release details on the report’s findings.

Even P.E.I.’s minister of agriculture says he has not seen the report.

"I'm just aware that it happened or that it could have possibly happened,” Bloyce Thompson told The Guardian in October.

After appearing before a standing committee meeting Feb. 18, 

IRAC CEO Scott MacKenzie said its procedures for land investigations involve providing a copy of the investigative report to respondents.



"我只是知道它發生了,或者說它有可能發生,"Bloyce Thompson10月份告訴《衛報》。

218日出席常設委員會會議後,IRAC首席執行官Scott MacKenzie表示,其土地調查的程式包括向被調查者提供一份調查報告的副本。

He also said IRAC investigations remain confidential in cases where an infraction of the LPA is not found.

No orders involving contraventions of the LPA have been made public by the commission since 2014.

"The investigations that we've done did not bear out that there was a violation. And in those circumstances, the investigations are confidential," MacKenzie said.

But when asked why GWBI appeared to have not been provided with a copy of the 2018 investigation report, MacKenzie said he could not comment on specific cases.

他還說,IRAC的調查在沒有發現違反LPA的情況下 仍然保密。

2014年以來,該委員會沒有公開過 涉及違反LPA的命令。




IRAC’s refusal to release details of this investigation has echoes of a 2020 IRAC investigative report into the Brendel sale.

This sale of 2,200 acres of land, which occurred without cabinet approval, prompted another IRAC investigation.

That investigation’s findings have also not yet been released publicly, although Thompson has said one of the buyers contravened the Lands Protection Act.




Critics often claim GWBI and GEBIS control or own more land than they are permitted under the LPA.

The act, designed to protect against consolidation of limited farmland, limits corporate landowners to ownership of 3,000 acres.



One of those critics is David Weale, an author and editor of RED Magazine.

"The main issue for me was, and remains, the purchase of land — here, there and everywhere. Thousands and thousands of acres,” Weale told The Guardian.




"In Prince Edward Island, I get defensive when strangers come in and start up buying up a lot of land without answering any questions."

But The Guardian has found the combined total acreage owned by both GEBIS and GWBI are verifiably well below this limit.




A public search of land purchases on the IRAC website shows GWBI currently owns 672 acres while GEBIS owns 584 acres.

Weale still believes the two organizations have disguised their holdings by arranging land purchases through either lay followers or through landholding corporations established by lay followers.



"These people are extremely loyal to this group,” Weale said.

“They're buying it, there's no doubt in my mind, because of the group. So it's a circumvention of the spirit of the legislation."



In the past, GWBI has admitted to assisting in the negotiation and purchase of land and houses for lay followers who had newly arrived in P.E.I.


Tsai said this was done because newly arrived parishioners often did not understand English, let alone understand how to negotiate home purchases.

“One of the reasons (is) they want to be close to their children. Second, they believe the positive energy from the monastery would affect them a lot," Tsai said.



Tsai said GWBI no longer offers this help to newly arrived immigrants or seasonal residents from Taiwan. There is too much suspicion.

“Imagine that you were moving to Asia with some of your Islander friends. You would help each other out because you don't know the language,” Tsai told The Guardian.

Tsai說,GWBI不再為臺灣的新移民或季節性居民 提供這種幫助。[因為]有太多的疑慮。


“Now we're forced not to help out because we will look bad."

“We're really scared to help our parents," Ho added.


"我們真的很害怕幫助父母," 補充。


A 2016 purchase of a house and 20 acres of land has raised questions about these purchasing practices.

This transaction came up during the October meeting of the standing committee on natural resources and environmental sustainability.

Tsai, Chiang and Ho spoke before MLAs from all three major parties.



[相片-蔡、蔣 何在三大黨派的工作重點面前發言。]


During the meeting, Progressive Conservative MLA Cory Deagle confronted Tsai, Chiang and Ho with a series of internal emails he had obtained between staff and board members of GWBI.

Deagle did not share the emails with Tsai, Ho or Chiang during the committee meeting. He said he wanted to protect the source who sent them to him.

The Guardian has reviewed these emails.

在會議期間,民進保守派工作重點Cory Deagle向蔡、蔣、何三人出示了他獲得的一系列GWBI工作人員與董事會成員之間的內部郵件。




[Venerable Sabrina Chiang, left, and Venerable Yvonne Tsai speak before a standing committee at the P.E.I. legislature in October. - Stu Neatby • The Guardian

10月,蔣法師(左)和蔡法師 PEI立法機構的常設委員會上 發言。- 衛報-司徒尼特比]


One, dated Aug. 16, 2016, referred to the purchase of a home at 32 Fox Run Acres in Brudenell.

The email was sent from a former board member of GWBI, named in the emails as Janet. It referred to the IRAC investigation that was ongoing at the time.

“See if this will work. Let’s pretend that the lay people are buying first for better negotiation and then transfer to GWBI later before closing,” Janet wrote in the email.

其中一封日期為2016816日的郵件提到在BrudenellFox Run Acres 32號購買房屋。

這封郵件是由GWBI的一名前董事會成員 發出的,郵件中的名字是Janet。它提到了當時正在進行的IRAC調查。


Another email sent from Janet, dated Aug. 5, 2016, says there would be “five buyers to hold title to avoid IRAC application” in relation to the Fox Run property.

Under the Lands Protection Act, a non-resident can purchase up to five acres without seeking approval from cabinet.

Using five individuals would allow the purchase of a property of up to 25 acres without approval from cabinet.

Janet發出的另一封日期為201685日的郵件稱,將有 "五個買家持有產權,以避免IRAC的申請",與Fox Run房產有關。



全國農民聯盟P.E.I.地區主任Doug Campbell說,這明顯是規避《土地保護法》的行為。

Doug Campbell, P.E.I. district director for the National Farmers Union, says this was a clear circumvention of the Lands Protection Act.

“They've admitted to being in violation of the act. So why isn't somebody doing something about that?" Campbell said.

"What was the purpose of the Lands Protection Act? It was to protect against foreign interests and to make sure the farmers could farm, and processors could process."

But speaking before the committee, Tsai said Janet, who is no longer a board member with GWBI, had been advised about the five-person loophole by a local realtor.

"他們已經承認自己違反了該法案。那麼,為什麼沒有人對此有所行動呢?" 坎貝爾說。



“She later realized that it’s not the way it could be accepted,” Tsai told the committee.


Tsai later provided The Guardian with an email chain from a local realtor representing the seller of 32 Fox Run Acres.

“I understand that your client may have several individuals who are P.E.I. residents who would not require IRAC approval to purchase this property personally and then they could transfer these properties to GWBI,” said the email from the realtor, dated March 30, 2016.

蔡後來向《衛報》提供了代表32 Fox Run Acres賣家的當地房地產經紀人的電子郵件鏈。



“We think it is improper to do so for someone to purchase the land without applying to IRAC with the intention to directly transfer the land back to GWBI,” Tsai wrote in an email reply dated April 4, several months before the messages written by Janet.

44日的電子郵件回復中,蔡寫道,"我們認為,有人在沒有向IRAC申請的情況下購買土地,打算直接將土地轉回GWBI,這樣做是不妥當的。" 這比Janet寫的資訊[2016.8.16] 早了幾個月。

In the end, the Fox Run Acres property was purchased in October 2016 by five individuals, all residents of New Taipei City in Taiwan.

But the property has not been transferred to GWBI and is currently still owned by these individuals.

最終,the Fox Run Acres(福克斯潤雅園)的房產在201610月被5個人購買,他們都是臺灣新北市的居民。


Tsai told The Guardian the property has been used by GWBI only twice since 2016 – once for use for self-quarantining nuns during the pandemic and once for a retreat.

It is far from clear whether this represented any contravention of the LPA.




The Fox Run Acres property is one of several that have aroused suspicion. Some of the internal emails from October’s standing committee listed seven houses in the Brudenell area owned by either nuns or lay followers.

Fox Run Acres房產是引起懷疑的幾個房產之一。

10月常設委員會的一些內部電子郵件列出了Brudenell (布魯德內爾) area7所房屋,這些房屋要麼是尼師,要麼是教友。


[This property at 32 Fox Run Acres in Brudenell has been leased by the Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute (GWBI) during the COVID-19 pandemic for quarantining members. A 2016 purchase of the home was controversial and appears to have been negotiated by members of GWBI. - Stu Neatby • The Guardian

位於BrudenellFox Run Acres 32號的這處房產在COVID-19大流行期間被妙音佛學院(GWBI)租用,用於隔離成員。2016年對該房屋的購買引起了爭議,似乎是由GWBI的成員協商的。- Stu Neatby--《衛報》。]


GWBI carries out regular maintenance and snow-clearing of these seven homes. Many are vacant during the winter months but GWBI members have been observed using them for activities, such as storage of goods or food.



Jason Ellsworth, a lecturer in the department of sociology and social anthropology department at Dalhousie University in Halifax, has been studying GWBI and GEBIS on P.E.I. for several years.

哈利法克斯 達爾豪斯大學 社會學和社會人類學系的講師 傑森-埃爾斯沃斯(Jason Ellsworth)幾年來一直在研究P.E.I.GWBIGEBIS

Several people — “come-from-aways” and locals — have told him they believe a discriminatory double-standard is being applied when it comes to the landholdings of the Kings County Buddhists.

“Why are we looking at one specific religious community — the Buddhists — but not looking at Catholic communities or Protestant communities? They have vast amounts of land if you put them together,” Ellsworth said.

有幾個人-"遠道而來"和當地人-告訴他,他們認為在涉及到 國王郡佛教徒的土地所有權時,採用了歧視性的雙重標準。


The experience of GWBI could be looked at as that of an immigrant community.

Many lay followers have arrived with significant resources and access to capital that many Islanders do not have.

Ellsworth said Canada’s immigration system often seeks out migrants with access to financial wealth or capital.





"One of the big questions for people, all the time, is do you have money so you can sustain yourself so you're not going to be a drain on our system?” Ellsworth said, referring to federal requirements set out for immigrants in economic streams.

"人們的一個大問題,一直是,你是否有錢,所以你可以維持自己的生活,所以你不會成為我們系統的消耗品?" 埃爾斯沃斯說,指的是聯邦對經濟流移民提出的要求。


“And here comes a group that does have money. But it's almost as if they have too much, to people. And now they can do more than people want them to be able to do.”

Chiang told The Guardian that lay followers or families of nuns are not always in lockstep with decisions of the GWBI board. Many have independent careers as realtors or entrepreneurs.


告訴《衛報》,非專業的追隨者 或尼師的家人 並不總是與GWBI董事會的決定 保持一致。許多人都有獨立的職業,成為房地產商或企業家。

Islanders often view some of the business activity of lay followers to be linked with the activity of GWBI, even if the two are not at all connected, she said. Co-ordinating members of Eastern P.E.I.'s Taiwanese or Mainland Chinese residents is not something the group is able to do.

"It's because we don't really know what we're doing (and) everyone's just doing their own thing that it's turned out like this," Chiang said.

她說,島民往往認為一些非專業信徒的商業活動 GWBI(妙音佛學院)的活動有關聯,即使兩者完全沒有聯繫。

協調P島東部的臺灣人 或中國大陸居民,並不是該團體(GWBI)能夠做到的。



Stu Neatby is The Guardian's political reporter.

Stu Neatby是《衛報》的政治記者。




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