2021年2月23日 星期二

雖金女很知道用僧尼的清純形象,來遮擋人們對她與她同夥之’非法行徑”,但這應該還是非”長久之計”-以務實者.還是會想知道”事情”的真相的; P島衛報這樣袒護GEBIS 與GWBI的報導,馬上讓P島島民看穿;錢來自哪裡? 誰確保他們有一個真實的章程,是一個合法的宗教組織呢? ·


雖金女很知道用僧尼的清純形象,來遮擋人們對她與她同夥之非法行徑”,但這應該還是非長久之計-以務實者.還是會想知道事情的真相的; P島衛報這樣袒護GEBIS GWBI的報導,馬上讓P島島民看穿;錢來自哪裡? 誰確保他們有一個真實的章程,是一個合法的宗教組織呢? ·




護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動

分享了 1 條連結。



RE-[P島島民的留言] 人們對尼師或僧侶沒有任何問題, 人們質疑外國投資者購買這麼多土地的井井, 以及其他人為他們購買土地並捐贈給他們 以規避法律的指控. 那麼, 來點實際的新聞, 而不是試圖攪拌鍋



RE-關於如何獲得和捐贈 以規避我們的土地保護法案的問題 也未得到回答.



RE-錢來自哪裡? 誰確保他們有一個真實的章程. 你知道, 讓你成為一個合法的宗教組織的東西? ·




The Guardian


ICYMI: A housing shortage is affecting the ability of students of P.E.I.'s Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute to stay in the province. But the school also faces challenges from some residents.

Stu Neatby breaks down the issues in Part 1 of this special series.

萬一你錯過了: 房屋短缺正在影響P.E.I. 妙音佛學院學生留在該省的能力. 但是學校也面臨著一些居民的挑戰.

Stu Neatby詳細解析了本系列的第1部分的問題.


Why are some P.E.I. residents suspicious of Buddhist school? Nuns want to find out | Local | News | The Guardian

Why are some P.E.I. residents suspicious of Buddhist school? Nuns want to find out

為什麼有的居民對(GWBI 妙音)佛學院產生懷疑?尼姑們想知道



Justin MacIntyre

Why isn’t the Guardian interviewing the actual investors who own the property(s) why is it only the sane three nuns who are the public face. People don’t have any issues with the nuns or the monks, people are questioning the well, questionable purchase of so much land by foreign investors, and allegations of others buying the land for them and donating it to them to circumvent the law. So how about some actual journalism instead of trying to stir the pot.

Justin MacIntyre

為什麼守護者不採訪 擁有財產的真正投資者, 為甚麼只有理智的三位尼師是公眾面孔.

人們對尼師或僧侶沒有任何問題, 人們質疑外國投資者購買這麼多土地的井井, 以及其他人為他們購買土地並捐贈給他們 以規避法律的指控. 那麼, 來點實際的新聞, 而不是試圖攪拌鍋怎麼樣.


Jessica Smith 

Justin MacIntyre

 the guardian just deleted a whole thread of comments about that issue on this article... weird


The monks are great people! Excellent neighbours. No one disputes that. The issue is practical not social. We have a finite amount of space on our little island. We are also in a rental crisis while many rural properties sit unoccupied and not rented out.

That is the problem.

Jessica Smith

Justin MacIntyre

守護者 剛剛刪除了一整條關於這篇文章的評論... 奇怪


和尚是偉大的人! 優秀的鄰居. 沒有人對此有爭議. 這個問題是實際的, 不是社會的. 我們的小島上空間有限. 我們也處於出租危機-即許多農村房地產沒有被佔據,沒有出租.


Justin MacIntyre 

Jessica Smith

 I agree, and the questions around how some properties were acquired and donated to circumvent our land protection act are going unanswered as well.

Justin MacIntyre

Jessica Smith

我同意, 關於如何獲得和捐贈 以規避我們的土地保護法案的問題 也未得到回答.


Jessica Smith  Funny thing, as soon as I raised that issue and had a *citation... everything got deleted lol

The Guardian

Jessica Smith  有趣的事情, 我一提出這個問題並*引用... 一切都被刪除了, 哈哈



Kyle Riley

Justin MacIntyre

 100% but it's easier to put a picture of the same few harmless looking nuns asking why the local people dont like them or what they did wrong...the fact of the matter is much deeper then the unknown minded people calling down there neighbor for raising logical concern!

Kyle Riley

Justin MacIntyre

 100 % 但很容易放一張同樣少數無害的尼姑的照片, 問當地人為甚麼不喜歡他們或他們做錯了甚麼... 事實比未知深得多

有心的人呼叫那裡的鄰居, 為他們提出了合理的關切!

Justin MacIntyre

Kyle Riley   yep, I agree 100%.

Justin MacIntyre

Kyle Riley   是的, 我同意100 %.

Vicky Smith

Justin MacIntyre   The article addressed concerns you wrote about. Were you able to read the article?

Vicky Smith

Justin MacIntyre  這篇文章解決了你寫的關切. 你能閱讀這篇文章嗎?


Justin MacIntyre

Vicky Smith   I read it... believe me, there’s far more concerns then what I put in my comment. But we will never get the full story. Just smoke and mirrors.

Justin MacIntyre

Vicky Smith  ..... 我讀了... 相信我, 比我在評論中發表的更多關切. 但是我們永遠不會得到完整的故事. 只是煙霧和鏡子.

Vicky Smith

Justin MacIntyre

 Immediate concern for PEI is that individuals, organizations, corporations from anywhere don't acquire more land than they are legally (and in the spirit of the law) entitled to (no workaround shenanigans).

As to the background or future intentions of B and W, that might be more of a job for some other type of investigation.

Vicky Smith

Justin MacIntyre

PEI的直接關注是, 來自任何地方的個人, 組織, 公司獲得的土地比他們依法(並依法的精神)有權獲得的(沒有工作惡作劇)更多.

至於BW的背景或未來意圖, 這可能更像是其他類型的調查的工作.

Justin MacIntyre

Vicky Smith   I totally agree with that, and that’s my main concern. I don’t have an issues with the monks or nuns themselves, it’s the organization that is putting everything up that I question, and I certainly hope the health and safety of the children here are not at risk of anything either

Justin MacIntyre

Vicky Smith  我完全同意這一點, 這是我的主要關注. 我對僧侶或尼姑本身沒有任何問題, 正是這個組織把我質疑的一切都放在上面, 我當然希望這裡的孩子們的健康和安全 也不會受到任何威脅.

Andrew Ghillie Dhu

Where’s the money coming from? And who made sure they have an actual Charter. You know, the thing that makes you a legitimate religious organization?

Andrew Ghillie Dhu

錢來自哪裡? 誰確保他們有一個真實的章程. 你知道, 讓你成為一個合法的宗教組織的東西? · 


Bill Gamble

Alysha Arsenault   from what most are saying race is not the determining factor here, the larger concern is adherence to the land protections act and understanding the goals/plans of the group(s) buying up so much property. We have the highest population density of the provinces our systems/infrastructure are already being pushed to their limits, adding the population of a town so quickly is a big deal and all the ramifications need to be considered. Not to mention the effects on the housing market in the area and how some of these properties were acquired. The people asking that we proceed with caution in this situation are the same names calling our the Irivings and other large corporations buying up swaths of land through dubious means, because when it comes down to it a few pr campaigns, some lower level friendly faces as your representatives and the fact you're a religious group should not be enough to stop people from questioning the motives of a large corporation with seemingly limitless wealth.


Bill Gamble

Alysha Arsenault    從大多數人所說的種族不是決定性因素, 更大的關切是遵守土地保護法, 瞭解該集團購買這麼多財產的目標/計劃. 我們的系統/基礎設施已經被推向極限, 這麼快就增加了一個小鎮的人口是件大事, 所有影響都需要考慮. 更何況該地區房產市場的影響以及其中一些房產是如何獲得的. 在這種情況下, 人們要求我們謹慎行事, 就像我們的Irivings和其他大公司以可疑的方式購買一片土地一樣, 因為當它落後於幾個pr運動時, 一些較低階的友好面孔 你的代表和你是一個宗教團體的事實 應該不足以阻止人們質疑一家看起來無限財富的大公司的動機.


