2020年9月24日 星期四

加拿大P島的Kevin 在 "GEBIS/ GWBI/ CGI /Guan Yin …是誰?" 的文中說-GEBIS 在P島,最不缺的就是大房子–以貨櫃都有一個存放的大房子來安放呀!金女從未在P島公開露過面,她半年住在這裡(PEI) 半年在百慕大(Bermuda)-但顯然沒人知道她何時在那裡;在P島的依止金女的大陸僧團與大陸尼團也在增建僧院-真是興盛的好怪異呀!


加拿大P島的Kevin "GEBIS/ GWBI/ CGI /Guan Yin …是誰?" 的文中說-GEBIS P,最不缺的就是大房子以貨櫃都有一個存放的大房子來安放呀!金女從未在P島公開露過面,她半年住在這裡(PEI) 半年在百慕大(Bermuda)-但顯然沒人知道她何時在那裡;P島的依止金女的大陸僧團與大陸尼團也在增建僧院-真是興盛的好怪異呀!



護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動分享了 1 連結





又從這則訊息,更證實GEBIS P,最不缺的就是大房子以貨櫃都有一個存放的大房子來安放呀!


RE-顯然,還有更多的佛教寺院計畫為PEI,一個被稱為CGI的團體,有大約500名佛教徒 現時居住在PEI等待這一事件(佛教寺院計畫)的發生。這些佛教徒不是來自臺灣,而是來自中國大陸。

CGI女性 現時住在龍蝦棚屋 和三河中的許多其他地方,有些人顯然擠在一間老人院裡。

@.... > 這應該就是一直聽說之依止金女,也飛到P島的大陸尼團”-也就是就以前的資訊,她們在2014-2015,就已在可容250-300位的GEBIS最早的據點(-即改裝龍蝦旅館為大覺舊僧院”)安住了.

不想,2020年大陸尼團可能也已經不夠住的要增建了. 只是這個增建的費用,是金女要負責嗎? 會還是由台灣福團學員護持嗎?


RE-第四座寺院(2016年正式成立,總部設在美國斯特拉特福StratfordPE)被稱為觀音寺院。剛剛獲得國王政府批准購買504英畝土地的Hopetown Corporation的董事的地址與觀音寺的法人地址相同。向IRAC提交的購買504英畝的申請清楚地表明,其目的是建造住宅開發區。儘管這片土地是農業用地,但國王政府還是以不開發土地為條件予以批准!事發後,部長佈洛斯·湯普森(Bloyce Thompson)在接受媒體採訪時證實,該土地將用於住宅開發。動搖佛教徒的帶頭者,要佔地500英畝的建設群,這是出於什麼真實的目的呢? 以這個500英畝的佔地,可是蒙塔古(Montague) 的大小。

*要獲得GEBIS僧眾和GWBI尼眾,或在CGI的僧眾或尼眾人數 都不可能,更不用說Guan Yin 了,因為這個數字是不斷變化的,而且還在不斷增加。

@......>這個觀音寺院(Guan Yin)大概就是以前聽過的來自大陸的僧眾”-因為也是依止金女,故一到P,是先在金女的一個舊居(很大的住處)安住.



RE-[Kevin "GEBIS/ GWBI/ CGI /Guan Yin …是誰?" 文中還說] 這就是我在這裡對PEI佛教徒的現狀所要說的全部-我只是想知道,僧侶和尼眾在加拿大的名字和公司名稱不同,實際上來自不同的地方(主要是中國或台灣),但是完全相互聯繫並在多個層面上作為一個法人(企業)實體運作-至少就《土地保護法》而言






*真如大師從未在PEI公開露過面。她半年住在這裡(PEI) 半年在百慕大(Bermuda),但顯然沒人知道她何時在那裡,您如何拼寫傳票呢?

*蜂房的共同目的 來自女王在這種情況下,真如大師對那些都以她為毫無疑問之領袖的組織成員,都是給予女王尊敬和效忠。

她是父母組織中的家長,所有定居在PEI的佛教徒 都是她的孩子,都參加了同一個家庭安置計畫,但我們島民 至今對他們這樣的現狀,還都沒有聽到任何內容(@即都還不知曉)




只是所有這些 都是一點點發生的,幾乎不引人注意-似乎是在某種不可察覺的秘密外衣下發生的


@....> Kevin的追蹤,真是越來越接近核心的真相了! 在此,幫他加油!



Kevin J Arsenault



WHO ARE GEBIS AND GWBI and CGI and Guan Yin and…?
[ GEBIS/ GWBI/ CGI /Guan Yin …


Posted on September 9, 2020by Kevin J. Arsenault




Every Islander can tell you that there are Buddhist monks and nuns down East. Most would know that the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) are monks (men) and now have a monastery with residences in Heatherdale. This will be the centre for the international Buddhist men.

Islanders paying attention would also know there are Buddhist nuns living in a monastery in Brudenell. They are still at a temporary residence in Uigg as they transition to the new mega-monastery. They have one building with a 200 nun capacity filled so far.






A CTV article published on March 13, 2018 noted the number of monks and nuns who were living on the Island at that time, as well as the expansion plans in the works:

“It seems P.E.I. communities will continue to benefit from the monks’ charity work, as the number of monks on the island is expected to grow from 200 to about 800 at the monasteries in Heatherdale and Little Sands. [See: “‘Serenity and calm’: Buddhist monks find peace on Prince Edward Island.“]

I’m not exactly sure how those modest numbers turned into a mega-plan to buy and build and bring upwards of 30,000 Buddhists to PEI.



看來P.E.I.社區將繼續受益於僧侶的慈善工作,因為希瑟代爾(Heatherdale)和小沙地(Little Sands.)的寺院中的僧侶人數預計將從200,增加到800名左右。

[請參閱:寧靜與安寧:和尚在愛德華王子島上找到和平。”] 我不確定這些微不足道的數字 如何變成一個龐大的計劃,用於購買和建造,並將超過30,000名佛教徒帶到PEI

The monasteries are the ‘hives’ of the Buddhist community being formed in PEI – we see the hive, but we don’t see all the bees flying around the countryside (aka “Investor Class Immigrants”) who are not wearing brown robes, but are nonetheless the real movers and shakers behind the massive transfers of money and Buddhists. That’s material for later articles, and each issue will need to be dealt with separately for clarity’s sake…….

寺院是在愛德華王子島,形成的佛教社區的蜂巢” –我們看到了蜂巢,但我們沒有看到穿著棕色長袍的所有蜜蜂 在鄉下飛來飛去(又稱投資移民--雖沒有穿棕色長袍[在走動],但是[他們是]大量金錢和佛教徒轉移之背後的真正推動者和動搖者。這是以後文章的素材,且為了清楚起見,每個問題都需要分別處理。

With the provincial election in the Spring of 2019, and COVID-19 in early 2020, there really hasn’t been a lot of additional public information or news stories on the Buddhists in PEI. Just a lot of local chatter about the increasing amount of land, houses, buildings, equipment and other assets the monks and nuns have been purchasing at an alarming pace.


I suspect that’s about as much as most Islanders know about the Buddhists down East, other than they (1) wear burnt orange robes, (2) don’t have a lot of hair (neither the monks nor nuns); (3) they smile a lot, which is not a bad thing at all, unless you’re hiding something; (4) they wouldn’t harm a flea (or a lobster purchased at Sobeys for that matter); (5) they’ve hosted a few open houses for Islanders;(6) grew sunflowers galore; (7) they sometimes donate bread rolls to charities; and (5) they buy a lot of land and buildings….did I mention that already?

我懷疑這和大多數島民對東邊的佛教徒瞭解的一樣多,除外是 他們(1)穿著燒焦的橘色長袍,(2)頭髮不多(僧侶和修女都不是);(3)他們經常微笑,這一點都不是壞事,除非你在隱瞞什麼;(4)他們不會傷害一隻跳蚤(或是在索比買的龍蝦);(5)他們為島民舉辦了幾次開放式招待會;(6)大量種植向日葵;(7)他們有時會向慈善機構捐贈麵包卷;(5)他們買了很多土地和建築物……我已經說過了嗎?


I suspect most Islanders when asked, “What d’ya really know about the Buddhists in Eastern PEI?” would give a blank stare wondering if it was trick question, and follow-up zingers like the following would just add head-scatchin and grimaces to the staring:


會呆呆地盯著,想知道這是不是個一個詭計的問題,接著又是津津樂道的問題,只會給凝視 增加頭暈和鬼臉:

A number of people I’ve spoken to from areas close to the Monks and Nuns say they are friendly and nice and all, but that the monks and nuns clearly have no real interest in integrating into PEI society. Fair enough I suppose – they’re monks and nuns after all, but what kind of sense does that make for an immigration policy and strategy?


For an immigration strategy to be based on bringing thousands of people who have absolutely no interest in contributing to the Island way of life, culture or economy [Over and above the contribution they obviously make by virtue of being a pretty big ‘bubble’ within our society and economy] is actually quite shocking.

把成千對島上的生活方式、文化或經濟 毫無興趣的人 帶到這裡的移民戰畧基礎 [他們顯然是因為在我們的社會和經濟中 形成了一個相當大的泡沫而作出的貢獻] 實際上是相當令人震驚的。

Despite all the unavoidable local contract work and purchase of local material supplies (cement can’t be imported) the monks and nuns are apparently importing more than their own workers. They are bringing in building materials, household goods, food, etc. and own a fleet of ‘containers’ parked at one of their properties for shipments back and forth to Taiwan.

儘管所有 不可避免的地方承包工作 和購買當地資料供應(水泥不能進口),僧侶和尼姑顯然比他們自己的工人進口更多。他們帶來了建築材料、家居用品、食品等,並擁有一支貨櫃車隊,停在他們的一處房產上,用於往返於臺灣的貨物運輸。

Master Zhen-Ru, Leader of Bliss and Wisdom真如上師-福智的領導

You will see in future articles how GEBIS, GWBI, Hopetown Inc., and other corporate entities are all interconnected and serving the same plan and purpose evident in particular transactions and exchanges.

您將在以後的文章中看到GEBISGWBIHopetown Inc.和其他公司實體 是如何相互關聯的,並為特定交易和交易所中明顯的相同計畫和目的服務。

The common purpose of the hive comes from the queen – in this case, Master Zhen Ru – to whom they all bestow veneration and allegiance as members of the organization she directs as unquestioned leader.

蜂房的共同目的 來自女王在這種情況下,真如大師對那些都以她為毫無疑問之領袖的組織成員,都是給予女王尊敬和效忠。

She is the ‘parent’ in the parent organization to which all the Buddhists settling in Eastern PEI belong as her children, all participating in the same family resettlement plan, but we Islanders have heard nothing about any of that until now.

This will be the subject material of my next episode – PEI Buddhists and Bliss and Wisdom.

她是父母組織中的家長,所有定居在PEI的佛教徒 都是她的孩子,都參加了同一個家庭安置計畫,但我們島民 至今對他們這樣的現狀,還都沒有聽到任何內容(@即都還不知曉)


Think about it. Would you uproot from the land of your birth and relocate the global headquarters of your worldwide organization on the other side of earth all on a wing and a Buddhist prayer? When billions of dollars are at stake?


Yet progress with those long-term plans are surely but steadily materializing in PEI, almost with a quiet, determined confidence that they will be realized, but all happening little by little, almost inconspicuously, seemingly under some imperceptible cloak of secrecy, without so much as a word from the PEI government about its decision to adopt this particular immigration strategy rather than one focused on, let’s say, bringing young entrepreneurs who want to farm.


只是所有這些 都是一點點發生的,幾乎不引人注意-似乎是在某種不可察覺的秘密外衣下發生的,PEI政府對此隻字未提,只是決定採取這種特殊的移民策略,而不是專注於吸引想要耕種的年輕企業家。

It is impossible to get an exact number of monks at GEBIS and Nuns at GWBI or Monks and Nuns at CGI, not to mention Guan Yin, because that number is fluid and ever increasing.

Things have changed since the restrictions on international travel from COVID-19 a little more than a 1/2 year ago, but before that there was as a steady stream of nuns, monks, and parishioners back and forth from PEI, as anyone taking a plane out of the Charlottetown airport would know from seeing first-hand the passenger manifestos.

要獲得GEBIS僧眾和GWBI尼眾,或在CGI的僧眾或尼眾人數 都不可能,更不用說Guan Yin 了,因為這個數字是不斷變化的,而且還在不斷增加。

自從COVID-19對國際旅行實施限制以來,情況已經改變了半年,但在此之前,來自PEI的來回穩定的尼眾,僧侶和教區居民, 從夏洛特敦機場(Charlottetown airport)來回乘飛機,都會親眼看到[他們來往的]乘客的宣言。

There are apparently additional Buddhist monasteries planned for PEI, one by a group referred to as CGI which has approximately 500 Buddhists currently living in PEI waiting for this to happen. These Buddhists are not from Taiwan, but from mainland China. The CGI woman are currently at the Lobster Shanty and many other locations in three rivers, some apparently cramped in an old senior’s home.

顯然,還有更多的佛教寺院計畫為PEI,一個被稱為CGI的團體,有大約500名佛教徒 現時居住在PEI等待這一事件(佛教寺院計畫)的發生。這些佛教徒不是來自臺灣,而是來自中國大陸。

CGI女性 現時住在龍蝦棚屋 和三河中的許多其他地方,有些人顯然擠在一間老人院裡。

A fourth monastery has been incorporated (federally in 2016, with head office in Stratford, PE) called the Guan Yin Monastery. Hopetown Corporation, which just recently received approval from the King Government to purchase 504 acres has a director with the same address as the head office of Guan Yin Monastery’s corporate address.

第四座寺院(2016年正式成立,總部設在美國斯特拉特福StratfordPE)被稱為觀音寺院。剛剛獲得國王政府批准購買504英畝土地的Hopetown Corporation的董事的地址與觀音寺的法人地址相同。

The application to purchase the 504 acres as submitted to IRAC clearly stated that the purpose was to build a residential development. Despite the land being ‘agricultural land’, it was nonetheless APPROVED by the King Government with a condition that it not be developed!



After the fact, Minister Bloyce Thompson confirmed in a media interview that the land was destined for residential development. For what purpose are the movers and shakers with the Buddhists building subdivisions sprawling 500 acres exactly? That’s about the size of Montague.

事發後,部長佈洛斯·湯普森(Bloyce Thompson)在接受媒體採訪時證實,該土地將用於住宅開發。

動搖佛教徒的帶頭者,要佔地500英畝的建設群,這是出於什麼真實的目的呢? 以這個500英畝的佔地,可是蒙塔古(Montague)的大小。

That’s all I want to say about the current status of Buddhists in PEI here -I only want to give some sense that the Monks and Nuns have different names and incorporation in Canada, and actually originate from different places (china or Taiwan mostly) but are completely ‘interconnected’ and operate as one corporate entity on a number of levels – at least as far as the Lands Protection Act is concerned.



Despite the differences between the different groups of Buddhist monks and nuns, including where they originate from (China or Taiwan) there is one thing that makes them all the same at a ‘corporate’ or ‘body’ level – they all venerate the same Master, follow the same Buddhist tradition, and are united in their common identity as members of Bliss and Wisdom.


Master Zhen-Ru is not only the head of the parent corporation for all the different groups of monks and nuns and their affiliated corporations, charities and school;, she is the spiritual ‘parent’ who has the final say over what happens, as well as control over billions of dollars being funnelled to and used by the Buddhist monks on the Island.


Master Zhen-Ru has never made a public appearance in PEI. She lives here half the year and half the year in Bermuda, but no one apparently knows where she is when. How do you spell subpoena???

真如大師從未在PEI公開露過面。她半年住在這裡(PEI) 半年在百慕大(Bermuda),但顯然沒人知道她何時在那裡,您如何拼寫傳票呢?

Summary 摘要

To understand the Buddhist monks and nuns in PEI we need to cut through the largely convenient and customary difference they’ve presented to us and see them all as members of Bliss and Wisdom, the “parent” and controlling corporation based in Taiwan.


That body has one and only one Director and Shareholder. How a Chinese female national became the Master of the Bliss and Wisdom Buddhist organization based in Taiwan now claiming over 100,000 followers (mainly in Taiwan and China) is a fascinating story which sheds some light [but also raises many more questions] and will be the topic of the next episode.



Checker says: September 10, 2020 at 10:16 pm

With regard to the containers coming and going to the GEBIS complex, Canada BorderServices Agency should be inspecting all shipment to and from the country. Are they doing that,what do they say about the matter?



