2020年9月25日 星期五

福團金女到處有福僧幫她 “頂名”買大房子,乃至幫金女辦事或GEBIS的辦事座車,都被P島島民驚嘆-看來台灣福團學員,護持福僧或供養金女到無可比擬了;P島的居民都知道GEBIS -即金女將台灣的小孩或年輕人拐到P島學習,是多不智,但金粉卻完全不懷疑地將小孩交給金女來處置


福團金女到處有福僧幫她頂名買大房子,乃至幫金女辦事或GEBIS的辦事座車,都被P島島民驚嘆-看來台灣福團學員,護持福僧或供養金女到無可比擬了;P島的居民都知道GEBIS -即金女將台灣的小孩或年輕人拐到P島學習,是多不智,但金粉卻完全不懷疑地將小孩交給金女來處置



護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動




*洗錢項目非常重要. 錢從哪裡來的? 合法或非法企業

*兩個(福僧)(執行)任務. 他們的車比我這輩子擁有的任何東西都好.

*在路邊買了一個地方... 大約2225英畝... 沒有人住在那裡... 他們偶爾會來整理灌木叢.

*一座外型很美的超大房子, 據稱是僧侶所有的.但看起來似乎無人居住。
金女到處有福僧幫她頂名的買大房子呀! 乃至幫金女辦事或GEBIS的辦事的座車,都被P島島民驚嘆-
看來台灣福團學員,護持福僧或供養金女到無可比擬了-即金粉或不知狀況者,這些年,真是金女等 "最忠實"的提款機呀!

*年僅六歲的孩子現在似乎是PEI東方的寄宿學校. 我們怎麼能允許這種情況發生? 我們沒有制定保護兒童權利的規則嗎?


@.....>P島的居民都知道GEBIS 即金女將台灣的小孩或年輕人拐到P島學習,是多不智, 但金粉卻完全不懷疑地將小孩交給金女來處置-這是純 還是蠢呀!?


Kevin J Arsenault




Anne Mac 

Thank you for shedding insight and info into this Kevin. I’ve always maintained there’s an ulterior motive behind all the Buddhist relocating here in eastern pei and I will definitely write my counsellors.

Anne Mac

謝謝你為這個凱文帶來見解和資訊. 我一直認為佛教徒在relocating東方遷移的背後都有一個不可告人的動機, 我一定會寫信給我的輔導員.

Janice Nicolle

Thank you Kevin finally some questions and info we have wanted for a long time.
The money laundering item is very important. As it where did the money come from? Legal or illegal enterprises

Janice Nicolle

謝謝你, 凱文, 終於有一些我們長期以來一直想要的問題和資訊.
洗錢項目非常重要. 錢從哪裡來的? 合法或非法企業

Tami Martell

They bought a place down the road here...about 22 to 25 acres...no one living there...they drop off brush every once in a while.

Tami Martell

他們在這裡在路邊買了一個地方... 大約2225英畝... 沒有人住在那裡... 他們偶爾會來整理灌木叢.

Peggy Coffin

Why isn't this a national news story? Children as young as six are now in what appears to be an Eastern PEI residential school. How can we allow this to happen? Haven't we got rules in place to protect the rights of the child? Is Island curriculum part of their learning?

Peggy Coffin

為甚麼這不是一個全國性的新聞報道? 年僅六歲的孩子現在似乎是PEI東方的寄宿學校. 我們怎麼能允許這種情況發生? 我們沒有制定保護兒童權利的規則嗎? 島嶼課程是他們學習的一部分嗎?

Felipe Porto

I also think its time a national news team be called in. There is massive evidence coming forward. Even the feds are involved. There needs to be a review. Thankfully the new council whe seemed to be silent are pulling the emergency break. kudos to them.

Felipe Porto

我也覺得是時候叫一個國家新聞團隊了. 有大量證據出來. 連聯邦調查局都參與進來. 需要一個評論. 幸好新理事會似乎保持沈默, 正在拉緊急休息. 對他們來說.


WHO ARE GEBIS AND GWBI and CGI and Guan Yin and…?

Flora Thompson

I saw two of them today in Missions. They had a car better than anything I ever owed in my life. Only 2 guys in car. I do not trust any of them. I wanted to say go back to where you came from because of large land purchases.

他們的車 比我這輩子擁有的任何東西都好.



我想說, 回到你來自的地方, 因為[你們]大量的[P]購買土地.


WHO ARE GEBIS AND GWBI and CGI and Guan Yin and…?


Posted on September 9, 2020by Kevin J. Arsenault


Janet L Hirshberg says:

September 10, 2020 at 5:17 pm

Arguably, Buddhism is not a religion, but a way of life. How do these folks get a blanket release from paying taxes (as you justifiably ask)?

Three or four years ago, I got a grand tour of the area around Montague, along with painful stories of folks who ended up being pressured to sell their farmland, sometimes by monks bearing cash — in pillowcases. Are all these stories apocryphal?

There’s also a very large house on a beautiful lookout on Blooming Point Road, purportedly owned by monks. It seems uninhabited. So many questions, so little time. I’ve been astonished by people’s utter lack of curiosity.

Keep digging, Kevin. If it looks like a duck…. 



在布盧姆波因特路(Blooming Point Road)有一座外型很美的超大房子, 據稱是僧侶所有的.但看起來似乎無人居住。
在這麼短的時間,就有這麼多問題 然人們(P島島民)完全缺乏好奇心[要追查] 使我感到驚訝。

Bob Mckenna says:September 9, 2020 at 9:53 pm

I am a little concerned about the matter of the GEGIS organization’s plans to uproot 1500 youngsters from their homes to bring them to Prince Edward Island. Who can possibly think this is a good idea?


bwinsider says: September 22, 2020 at 4:11 pm

Chinese Mary Jin took off Taiwan Master property quickly
when Master from Taiwan died strangely in Xiamen

Bliss & Wisdom controversy catches attention of Tibetan media




bwinsider says:September 22, 2020 at 4:12 pm

GEBIS Important articles




