2019年3月17日 星期日

智醜聞曝光-病菌感染和文化衝突(9) 2016年 福團在P島的形象急轉直下-一位當地記者想寫一則篇幅較長,關於GEBIS的老鼠問題的文章,但卻以某種方式被“勸阻”這樣做; P島四個僧團急買鋼板和其他設備,來強化他們的牆壁-新的廚房水槽以及所有能改善衛生的東西,許多本地供應商的存貨,突然被一掃而空

福智醜聞曝光-病菌感染和文化衝突(9) 2016 福團在P島的形象急轉直下-一位當地記者想寫一則篇幅較長,關於GEBIS的老鼠問題的文章,但卻以某種方式被勸阻這樣做; P島四個僧團急買鋼板和其他設備,來強化他們的牆壁-新的廚房水槽以及所有能改善衛生的東西,許多本地供應商的存貨,突然被一掃而空


福智內幕大公開分享了 1 連結

2019.3.17· 下午8:50

福智醜聞曝光 - 病菌感染和文化衝突 - 9部分:



這不只是GEBIS法師 捕捉和釋放老鼠; 所有四個僧團都在各個地方(特別是他們認為沒有人看到的僻靜地區,以及不屬於GEBIS的土地)這樣做。

來自中國的尼僧更加公開 - 在釋放老鼠之前,他們會在路邊念誦和加持他們一段時間!當PEI農民看到中國尼僧這樣做時,他們特別憤怒。









一小群資深法師和學員操縱策劃了一個大膽詭計多端的計劃,企圖說服法師,僧尼和學員接受金夢蓉(Mary Jin)作為福智的接班人,並最終在愛德華王子島設立替代中心。福智利用了變相依止法來設立一個對金夢蓉個人效忠崇拜的邪教。



Hungyen    團體生活-定會有病毒在身旁.-個傳-個好可怕

福智內幕大公開    肺病會感染,GEBIS將病患福智送回台灣或大陸,並對加國媒體封鎖新聞,利誘記者。

福智內幕大公開    園區及海內外僧團身心症機率高,肺病傳染率也高,福智心知肚明,卻照樣一直拼命拉人進來剃頭,以僧人數量增加作為宣傳手段,居心叵測!

福團在加拿大P島的道場,或現在算是聽金女話的四大僧團(福僧團/福尼團/大陸僧團/大陸尼團) 的這個買鋼板和其他設備來強化他們的牆壁,新的廚房水槽以及所有能改善衛生的東西”---這個改裝的範圍,到底是有多大,或有多少物件,要更換-以怎會讓P島的供應商的存貨,一掃而空呀!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Part 9 (End) - Bliss and Wisdom (GEBIS) Scandal Unfolding - Transmittable Infection and Cultural Clashes 

Introduction: Bliss and Wisdom (aka GEBIS) in Canada, must rank among the most bizarre Buddhist cults in the entire history of Buddhism. This writing is written from the knowledge of junior monks in the monastery from the period of Rih-Chang's death in Oct 2004 to mid-2017, before the first abbot, Venerable Fan Yin released the earth shattering audio file detailing the scandal, which is the subject of another writing. A small group of senior monks and members master minded an audacious and cunning scheme persuading monks, nuns and members to accept Mary Jin (Jin Mengrong) as the bona fide successor of Bliss and Wisdom, and eventually setting up alternative centres in Prince Edward Island in Canada. Bliss and Wisdom has built a personality cult revolving around Mary Jin in the guise of guru devotion (依止法) concept.   
In 2016, their image in PEI took a sharp turn:                                         

It’s not just the GEBIS monks catching and releasing rats; all four sanghas have been doing it at various locations (especially secluded areas where they think no one is watching, and in land not belonging to GEBIS). The China nuns have been even less discreet about it – before releasing rats, they chant and pray for them for some time, right by the roadside! PEI farmers were especially enraged when they saw the China nuns doing that.

Some of the GEBIS monks said that incident was a major watershed for them. They did not know that westerners hate rats. In GEBIS, living conditions were cramped and hygiene was poor. The kitchen used to be infested with rats, which chewed through the walls and snuggled up indoors, always happy with the ready supply of food nearby. Rat urine stained the walls. A local reporter wanted to write a longer article about the rat problem in GEBIS, but was somehow “dissuaded” from doing so.

After that, Mary Jin gave strict instructions to all monasteries on PEI to clean up, and all monks and nuns were told that if the local media got wind of the severity of the rat problem, they could be booted out of PEI. All four sanghas hurriedly sent people out to buy steel boards, other equipment to fortify their walls, new kitchen sinks and what not to improve hygiene. Many local suppliers went out of stock all of a sudden. If you visit the GEBIS kitchen now, you will probably not find rat pee on the walls anymore.

The monks had another close shave (in 2015 or 2016) when a number of Marco monks living in 2661 caught tuberculosis and the disease threatened to spread to GEBIS. Mary Jin and Marco monks understood the potential adverse publicity and a chartered flight was arranged to bring them out of Canada.

Outbreaks of skin disease, tuberculosis, gastric flu and other diseases occur frequently in BW’s Taiwan monasteries, spreading quickly around the monks because of the crowded living condition and sharing of utensils and plates (not always sterilized before use). Shower soap is shared. Some do not wash their hands before eating. In Taiwan, used toilet paper cannot be flushed down the toilet, and must be put in a wastepaper basket, to be collected manually (disgusting jobs like these earn you more good karma!). In the monastery, they collect the used toilet paper manually, and bury them in the ground together with food waste. The tuberculosis outbreak in Canada did not last long, and was contained. No reporters got wind of it.

==== END ======

