2019年3月2日 星期六

福智醜聞曝光-馬可僧團(4) 福智金女集團利用了變相依止法設立一個對金夢蓉個人效忠的邪教;馬可是僧團一個非常獨特的組織,即只有馬可才能與金女一起生活;福僧有重要問題,不會去找住持-以住持是受尊重,但無權,只負責代表福智到外邊場合給居士開示;找馬可,且最好是找她的貼身侍者-即來自甲乙班的首席侍者-如法

福智醜聞曝光-馬可僧團(4) 福智金女集團利用了變相依止法設立一個對金夢蓉個人效忠的邪教;馬可是僧團一個非常獨特的組織,即只有馬可才能與金女一起生活;福僧有重要問題,不會去找住持-以住持是受尊重,但無權,只負責代表福智到外邊場合給居士開示;找馬可,且最好是找她的貼身侍者-即來自甲乙班的首席侍者-如法


福智內幕大公開分享了 1 連結


福智醜聞曝光 - 馬可僧團 - 4部分:



一小群資深法師和學員 操縱策劃了一個大膽詭計多端的計劃,企圖說服法師,僧尼和學員 接受Mary Jin(金夢蓉)作為福智的接班人,並最終在愛德華王子島 設立替代中心。福智利用了變相依止法來設立一個對金夢蓉個人效忠崇拜的邪教。


金女和馬可法師鼓勵所有的法師經常給金女寫信 - 以修習他們的依止法(憶念金女的慈悲),並學習向金女溝通和懺悔他們的過失。實際上,幾乎所有的信件都沒有得到回复。然而,這意味著馬可僧幾乎知道了每個人的想法

能進入馬可 是鳳山寺每個法師的夢想,因為所有的法師都被教育成佛之路的因 是依止上師,以及還有什麼方式 比每天向金女學習能更快得到開悟呢?

如果金女直接承許接受你,或者其中一位高級馬可法師 批准或為你牽線,你就可以成為馬可。






不妨想像一下,多年來一個沙彌掌權駕馭其他資深受戒法師之上。如法不是馬可的實際負責人,馬可總管(馬總管 - 曾經是Ru Wei,但現在還不確定他是否仍擔任該職位),





負責福智財務的頂級法師,台灣和中國龐大的佛法企業,以及利潤豐厚的里仁,建造新寺院,監督傳燈寺在加拿大的建設 - 都來自馬可。

許多東南亞國家也被考慮 - 並且也被排除在外。
淨遠法師和金夢蓉前往澳大利亞 - 但澳大利亞最終被排除在外。
他們最初嘗試過溫哥華(在那裡還有一間房子),最終來到PEI [加拿大愛德華太子島]

 RE-馬可總管(馬總管 - 曾經是Ru Wei,但現在還不確定他是否仍擔任該職位),但如法可能比馬可總管更有權力。
記得2004.10.15-2004.10.17 常師父在廈門往生,到機場接從台灣匆匆趕去廈門的賴錫源,與諸位上座跟學長,就是如偉-

福智內幕大公開     募心單位是暗黑單位,在福智組織圖內並未列入!


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Part 4 - Bliss and Wisdom (GEBIS) Scandal Unfolding - The Marco Polo Monks 

Introduction: Bliss and Wisdom (aka GEBIS) in Canada, must ranks among the most bizarre Buddhist cult in the entire history of Buddhism. This writing is written from the knowledge of junior monks in the monastery from the period of Rih-Chang's death in Oct 2004 to mid-2017, before the first abbot, Venerable Fan Yin released the earth shattering audio file detailing the scandal, which is the subject of another writing. A small group of senior monks and members master minded an audacious and cunning scheme persuading monks, nuns and members to accept Mary Jin (Jin Mengrong) as the bona fide successor of Bliss and Wisdom, and eventually setting up alternative centres in Prince Edward Island in Canada. Bliss and Wisdom has built a personality cult revolving around Mary Jin in the guise of guru devotion (依止法) concept.

Marco is a very distinct organization within the sangha (community of monks), because only Marco monks are allowed to live together with Mary Jin. They also wield tremendous power, because the Marco monks have the final say in who gets to meet Mary Jin, and who gets to visit her house for teachings. They also decide whose letters get into her hands. Mary Jin and the Marco monks encourage all the monks to write letters to Mary Jin frequently – to practice their guru devotion (by remembering the kindness of Guru Mary), and to practice communicating their problems and confessing their mistakes to Mary Jin. In practice, almost none of the letters are replied to. However, this means that the Marco monks know pretty much what everyone is thinking. 

To get into Marco is the dream of every monk in the Fengshan sangha, because all the monks are told that the root of the path to enlightenment is guru devotion, and what better way to get enlightened quickly than to be close to Mary Jin and be able to learn from her every day? Admission to Marco can be achieved if Mary Jin directly admits you, or one of the senior Marco monks grants admission or pulls some strings to get you in. The Marco monks (numbering about 50-100 according to some estimation) are divided into a hierarchy of seven (some say nine) concentric layers, like an onion. Her personal attendants (侍者) form the inner most layer. If any of the monks have a serious problem, they don’t bother going to the abbot, who commands some respect but has little authority within the monastery, and whose primary job is representing Bliss & Wisdom at external events, and giving lessons to the lay people. They go straight to the Marco monks, preferably her personal attendants, and hopefully the chief attendant, Ru Fa (如法師), who is from 甲乙班 Class A & B, the first child intake. He was only ordained as a full monk in 2018 and is in his 30s now. Imagine a novice wielding power over full-fledged monks for many years. Ru Fa is not the actual head of Marco, the 馬可總管 (Marco overall manager – used to be  Ru Wei but it's not certain if he still holds the position now), but Ru Fa probably wields greater power than the Marco manager anyway. The manager has influence over administrative matters in Marco, Ru Fa has greater influence over the entire monastery as a whole (curriculum, disputes, etc). 

This would be an aberration as far as sangha organization is concerned, because the Buddha’s guidelines for decision making in the sangha state that major decisions should be taken by consensus, at a meeting of senior monks, or all bhikshus (monks). At most monasteries, the abbot is chiefly responsible for decision making.  In Fengshan Monastery, the abbot’s power and authority has gone to Marco. The top monks in charge of Bliss and Wisdom’s finances, the sprawling dharma enterprises in Taiwan and China, as well as the hugely profitable Li Ren, building new monasteries, overseeing Chuan Deng Monastery’s construction in Canada --- are all from Marco.

Jing Yuan is a very important figure in Marco and has direct access to Mary Jin.

A tale of three islands
Marco Polo Villas, however, for some reason, could not be a permanent solution.  Jing Yuan was tasked with finding another place. Other locations in China were considered, but ruled out. Many South East Asian nations were also considered – and also ruled out. Jing Yuan and Mary Jin travelled to Australia – but Australia was eventually ruled out. Even South America countries like Argentina and Brazil had been considered. They tried out Vancouver initially (still have a house there), and eventually came to PEI. 

