2019年3月2日 星期六



福智內幕大公開分享了 1 連結


福智醜聞曝光 - 馬可僧團 - 5部分:

簡介:福智(又名GEBIS)在加拿大, 一定算是在佛教史上最離奇的佛教崇拜。
這篇文章由一些從日常(和尚)200410月去世,2017年中期(@5-6) “在福智僧團,度過的福僧之認知寫成的;


2009年左右開始,金女和馬可 從兩個主要基地開始運營,一個在新加坡,另一個在愛德華王子島。



這種安排很適合他們 - 以這種方式,所遇上的天氣更舒適,



在土地稀缺的新加坡,物價非常昂貴。金女在新加坡租用的房子,Wilby Road 1A2010年以1800萬新元(1750萬加元,新台幣4.1億元)的要價發售。

1A Wilby Road被指定為馬可住所,只有馬可法師能住在那裡。其他法師,包括住持,必須在其他地方掛單。



(龍蝦餐廳的地理位置是眾所周知的 - > GEBIS Little Sands

PEI,馬可位於Little Sands的福智寺院[@大覺佛學院的新僧院]範圍內。

[]相信馬可的地址 PEI蒙塔古的2661號房屋 [@即金女的住處]—

這是距離GEBIS [@2012-2014年建好的大覺佛學院”] 20公里,也被僧團稱為柚木屋[橡木屋]”


360 位法師從傳燈寺[@這裡不是說"傳燈寺",應該是說從小砂石的"大覺佛學院新僧院"] 步行到馬可住處 [@=金女住處],完成了朝聖之旅。總距離為19公里,法師們在沒有任何休息的情況下走了5個小時。

由於傳燈寺[@2015年才興建的傳燈寺,是在Heatherdale 它是 ]距離2661[@橡木屋或馬可住處] 只有一小段距離,因此[@2015年以後]馬可法師可以輕易地隨時過來[@到傳燈寺]舉行會議,並監督其他法師。

A級和B級(小沙彌學僧班)是學習五大論中 最資深的法師,住在馬可住處,由金女親自監督,可以很方便地 前往傳燈寺指導他們的後輩。

為何金女要有這樣一招-即為何金女要台商或中國商人或福智企業的負責人到新加坡見面呢? 難不成是在搞"洗錢"之流的事.

乃至2009-2019年的金女,那更是忙得享樂與跟這些有錢有權的人混在一起, 怎可能有時間教福僧-福僧家長,請好好的追查,不要再讓自己的子女被拐到加拿大當人質與做苦工吧!
至於這些被金女利用的福僧,為何還要在"已明知真相",繼續幫金女辦事,或隱瞞事實的真相呢? 實在不解呀!

學習五大論中 最資深的法師,住在馬可住處,由金女親自監督,可以很方便地 前往傳燈寺指導他們的後輩。

RE-(龍蝦餐廳的地理位置 是眾所周知的 - > GEBIS Little Sands
龍蝦餐廳的地理位置,不是Little Sands
2015年吧! 此僧院已經讓大陸尼團居住了)
即福團金女在2012-2014,P島南邊一靠海濱的Little Sands 用了100個百萬美金(=30億台幣)建了一座可以容納600多位僧眾居住的大覺佛學院新僧院, 舊僧院讓出了
至於Little Sands離金女居住的橡木屋(=馬可住處)Heatherdale,慢徒步(行腳)5個小時,開車大概15-20,就可以到.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Part 5 - Bliss and Wisdom (GEBIS) Scandal Unfolding - The Three Islands

Introduction: Bliss and Wisdom (aka GEBIS) in Canada, must ranks among the most bizarre Buddhist cult in the entire history of Buddhism. This writing is written from the knowledge of junior monks in the monastery from the period of Rih-Chang's death in Oct 2004 to mid-2017, before the first abbot, Venerable Fan Yin released the earth shattering audio file detailing the scandal, which is the subject of another writing.

A small group of senior monks and members master minded an audacious and cunning scheme persuading monks, nuns and members to accept Mary Jin (Jin Mengrong) as the bona fide successor of Bliss and Wisdom, and eventually setting up alternative centres in Prince Edward Island in Canada. Bliss and Wisdom has built a personality cult revolving around Mary Jin in the guise of guru devotion (依止法) concept. 
Finally, a hybrid solution emerged Mary Jin and Marco would operate from two main bases, one in Singapore and another in Prince Edward Island, beginning around 2009. Mary Jin would typically spend winter in the sunny tropical island of Singapore, and summer on Prince Edward Island. She and the Marco monks would migrate annually between Singapore and PEI, with some of the Marco monks dropping by Taiwan island to check up on Bliss and Wisdom every now and then. This arrangement suited them just fine the weather was more comfortable in this way, and the monks could enter Canada for six months visa-free. Besides, Mary Jin could get a shot at eventually applying for both Canadian and Singaporean passports, both relatively easy to get for foreigners, which would make her entry into Taiwan easier.

Property is very expensive in land-scarce Singapore. What became Mary Jins house in Singapore, 1A Wilby Road, was listed for sale at S$18 million (C$17.56 million, NT$410 million) in 2010. 1A Wilby Road was designated as Marco residence, so only Marco monks were allowed to stay there. Other monks, including the abbot, had to stay elsewhere.

Singapore became a convenient venue for holding meetings with Taiwanese and Chinese businessmen and the heads of dharma enterprises. However, housing large numbers of monks is an expensive logistical nightmare in the city-state.

Land on PEI, however, is plentiful and cheap. Houses in the countryside are located far apart, making it ideal for the monks, who prefer to live in a more cloistered environment.

(the lobster restaurant location is well known -> GEBIS Little Sands)

In PEI, Marco is situated in a distinct compound from GEBIS in Little Sands. The address is believed to be a house number 2661 in Montague, PEI, 20km from GEBIS, known as the teak house among the monks

(according to http://bwsangha.org/news/c/578-07034 今年行腳僧,有360人之眾,路線總長19公里,以5小時中途無休的方式走完全程。360 monks completed a pilgrimage on foot from GEBIS to Marco. Total distance is 19 km, and the monks walked for 5 hours without any rest).

Because GEBIS is just an arms length away from 2661, the Marco monks can pop over easily to hold meetings and check up on the GEBIS monks. The class A and B (child intake) monks, who are the most senior in learning the Five Treatises, live in Marco closely supervised by Mary Jin, and can travel easily to GEBIS to teach their juniors.
... continue part 6

