2021年3月4日 星期四

福團加拿大P島的GEBIS是一個非常秘密的組織,有很好的公關人員,但沒有人能和擁有真正權威的人說話;還有其他關於孩子和宗教教義的問題;但核心是 "多少土地"?"什麼目的"?"為什麼在這裡"? 困擾P島島民的是金錢!以它從哪裡來,及如何流入加拿大P島的呢?


福團加拿大P島的GEBIS是一個非常秘密的組織,有很好的公關人員,但沒有人能和擁有真正權威的人說話;還有其他關於孩子和宗教教義的問題;但核心是 "多少土地"?"什麼目的"?"為什麼在這裡"? 困擾P島島民的是金錢!以它從哪裡來,及如何流入加拿大P島的呢?




護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動



RE-[加拿大P島的 David ] 為什麼我不喜歡GEBIS?


*還有其他關於孩子和宗教教義的問題,但核心是 "多少土地""什麼目的""為什麼在這裡"


* Gebis是非常秘密的組織, 有很好的公關人員... 但沒有人能和任何擁有真正權威的人說話.


@...>加拿大P島的 David  GEBIS的擔心與質疑,是很真切的.


RE-[P島島民說] 困擾我的是金錢! 它從哪裡 以及如何流入這個國家的?

*是的, 他們(GEBIS)做麵包, 是的, 他們分發食物, 但島上沒有近距離調查(他們),那是在支援(他們)甚麼呢?


@...>一些島民開始想要追查GEBIS的背後是甚麼人在操控 GEBIS為何會有這麼多現金,流入加拿大P.


RE-[Maisonneuve MARK MANN JUNE 18, 2013 寫道]


最近,一個神秘的佛教組織帶著 數個 百萬美元和對有機農業的興趣來到艾德華王子島。


@....> 這篇 2013.6.18 Mark Mann GEBIS的質疑與報導,應該算是最早的長篇探入報導,只可惜沒有接續

也就是P島是在2017年後,才有David K議員,開始關心與追蹤GEBIS的動態.


David Weale

2021. 225日上午8:53  · 






I was quoted recently in the Guardian as saying I am critical of GEBIS (the Buddhists). And that is true. I am suspicious of any corporation that comes to PEI with a lot of money looking to buy a lot of land, and I have been of that opinion since 1973 when my friend, the late Harry Baglole and I, as co-founders of the Brothers and Sisters of Cornelius Howatt, published an open letter calling for strict control on land ownership.

But thats not the only reason I dont like GEBIS. I also don't like GEBIS because it is a fundamentalist cult.



我對任何帶著大量資金來到PEI尋求購買大量土地的公司都持懷疑態度,自1973年我的朋友,已故的Harry Baglole和我,作為Cornelius Howatt兄弟姐妹會的共同創始人,發表了一封公開信,呼籲嚴格控制土地所有權,我就一直持這種觀點。



I know fundamentalist cultism first-hand and think it is dangerous and divisive within a society. Many of you will recall how hard Islanders worked to get rid of Catholic and Protestant cultism, where the followers did exactly what their priests and ministers told them, and where both groups had their own schools and universities as places of indoctrination.



Where we weren't supposed to associate with the 'other kind'. We outgrew that. Didn't we?

Now I ask you, having gone through that why would we open our arms wide to welcome a new cult?

我們不應該和 "異類 "聯繫在一起 我們已經長大了 不是嗎?

現在我問你,經歷了這些... ...為什麼我們要張開雙臂 歡迎一個新的邪教呢?


Why would it please us to be global headquarters of a very large and exclusive group of religious zealots about whom most of us know next to nothing.




As individuals they are my brothers and sisters, and I love them, but when they come peddling a fundamentalist cult I want no part of their grandiose schemes.

And they are that: much beyond what most Islanders understand.




Reggie Deagle

I shake my head every time i hear islanders going on how great they are


D Mae Dedman

Agree 100%

What bothers me is money! Where and how is it being funneled into this country.

100 %同意

困擾我的是金錢! 它從哪裡以及如何流入這個國家

How do they feel about concentration camps persecuting Uighur Muslims and other human rights abuses.



Why are underage children being allowed to travel here without parental supervision to be indoctrinated for years in Buddhist cultism?

為什麼允許未成年的孩子 在沒有家長監督的情況下 到這裡接受佛教邪教多年的灌輸?


These things bother me the most. You can be all peace and joy and take a vow of poverty etc. My question is what are we supporting?

這些東西讓我最困擾. 你可以保持和平與喜悅, 發誓要貧困等. 我的問題是我們(島民)支援了甚麼?


Yep they make buns, yep they hand out food, but what is the Island supporting by not investigating closer.

是的, 他們做麵包, 是的, 他們分發食物, 但島上沒有近距離調查,那是在支援甚麼呢?

Child indoctrination bothers me alot.

Didn't we do that and support that with Residential Schools brainwashing First Nations Children with Catholicism?

灌輸兒童 讓我很困擾.

難道我們不是這樣做並支援-以住宿學校 以天主教 洗腦第一民族兒童嗎?


Flora Thompson

I think many PEI people know a lot and are afraid.

When they comment they are trampled with ridicule or caled racist etc.

我想很多PEI的人 知道很多 而且很害怕.

[]當他們評論時, 他們被嘲笑或種族歧視等踐踏.


Read the second part of the story today Feb 25th. Also notice how little space is given with letters to the editor and many who write letters to The Guardian are never published.


也注意到 給編輯的信的空間很小, 以及給衛報寫信的人 從未被發出


I absolutely have no understanding of why they come here....any of the Asian cultures.....who believe they are special and should be allowed so much.

No one builds and buys this much without a lot of money behind them.

我完全不知道他們為甚麼來這裡.... 任何亞洲文化..... 他們認為他們很特別而且應該很被允許.


I lived here most of my life and could not afford an acre of land with a house and car.

我一生大部分時間都住在這裡, 買不起一畝土地和一輛車.


Brent MacKinnon

When very large construction projects, at least by PEI standards, are paid for, in large part, with boxes of cash, the results of the sniff test are affected.

至少按照PEI的標準-當一項非常大的建設專案,其很大程度上是用盒裝現金支付時,嗅覺測試的結果 就會受到影響

David Weale 

Brent MacKinnon

 yes indeed...it's one of the ways my sniffing detection was affected early on...just didn't smell right, all that cash in the trunks of cars.

是的, 確實... 這是我早期發現的嗅探方法之一... 只是聞起來不對,所有現金在車廂裡的.


David Weale  

  Ron Kelly  Gebis is VERY secretive organization with good PR people...but nobody gets to speak with anyone with real authority. Believe me I've tried.

 Gebis是非常秘密的組織, 有很好的公關人員... 但沒有人能和任何擁有真正權威的人說.

相信我, 我試過了.


David Weale

Barb McKenna

 Actually Barb there are few people on the Island over the last decade who have spent more time trying to understand GEBIS than I.

實際上, 在過去十年裡, 島上很少有人 花比我更多的時間 試著理解GEBIS.

And of course they will attempt to convert.  It's how religions grow.

And when it comes right down to it they are not open.

當然他們會嘗試轉換[開放]. 宗教就是這樣發展的.[]到了關鍵時刻,他們卻不開放

For example, I don't believe there is one person who has been granted an interview either with the leader or any of the inner circle.

例如, 不相信會有一人獲准與(GEBIS)領導 或任何內部人士面.

Barb McKenna  Have you ever met with them yourself? Talked with them ever in 10 years?

你曾經親自見過他們嗎? 10年內與他們交談過嗎?


David Weale

Barb McKenna   Yup...many times...but I was never permitted to speak to anyone with actual authority. Nor has anyone else as far as I know.

Did a major story on then 8 years ago.

是的... 很多次... 但我從未被允許與擁有真正權威的人交談.

據我所知, 也沒有其他人.

8年前 曾有對當時的(GEBIS)做了一個重要的報導

[@2021年的8年前. 那是指2013年吧! https://translate.google.com.tw/translate?hl=zh-TW&sl=en&u=https://maisonneuve.org/article/2013/06/18/when-monks-come-town/&prev=search

When the Monks Come to Town

A mysterious Buddhist organization recently arrived on Prince Edward Island with millions of dollars and a taste for organic farming. The monks and their followers are friendly—until you start asking too many questions.



最近,一個神秘的佛教組織帶著 數個 百萬美元和對有機農業的興趣來到艾德華王子島。



Lynn Ellsworth

Let's not lose sight of the primary concern here, which seems to be lost among those engaged in 


David Weale

 Bashing. It is, and always has been, about vast, relatively speaking, tracts of PEI agricultural land, being bought by/sold to, foreign corporate entities.


Yes, there are other questions concerning children and religious indoctination, but at the heart of it is "how much land"? for what purpose? and "why here"?

是的,還有其他關於孩子和宗教教義的問題,但核心是 "多少土地""什麼目的""為什麼在這裡"


