2021年1月27日 星期三







護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動



RE-P.E.I.綠党週三[2019.11.18]在立法機構 該黨領袖Peter Bevan-Baker所說的 該省私立寄宿學校 缺乏政府監督表示關注。該黨特別挑出一所私立宗教學校--月光國際學院,質疑該省如何處理與學生的語言障礙等問題,以確保學生的權利得到保護。







該校發言人Geoffrey Yang解釋說,學生們如何通過互聯網、電話和視訊會議與父母保持日常聯繫。


@...>所以可以去P島月光國際學院所開辦的小學留學的小留學生,(或小移民者)的父母,不是台灣的有錢人 (才可能有錢或有閒的,不時住到P,或移民P島的,接近自己在P島學習的小孩), 就是已經在美加生活的父母吧!


P.E.I.綠黨指控私立宗教學校 "缺乏監督

被命為佛教學校,在立法機構辯論中,宣稱-孩子們得到 "最高標準的照顧

Kerry Campbell · CBC News ·

Posted: Nov 20, 2019 9:41 PM AT |

Last Updated: November 21, 2019

P.E.I.綠党週三[@大概是2019.11.18()] 在立法機構 該黨領袖Peter Bevan-Baker所說的 該省私立寄宿學校 缺乏政府監督表示關注。


我需要說明的是,我們對那裡可能發生或不發生的任何事情都沒有特別的問題,"Bevan-Baker在提問時間結束後告訴記者。"但我們確實有一個關注 []我們最脆弱的人口,也就是我們的兒童可能缺乏監督。




正如該省教育部長布拉德-特裡弗斯(Brad Trivers)告訴立法機構的那樣,月光國際學院自2014年起在該省獲得了私立寄宿學校的許可。











學生是由他們的家庭(同意) 被錄取(入學),而不是被"捉拿而來"

CBC聯繫上月光國際學院後,月光國際學院提供了一份聲明,稱學校的孩子們 "受到最高標準的照顧,是安全的,受到保護的"

該組織在聲明中說,它對立法機構中的問題(議案) "表示失望""-即議案說到 兒童是從家庭中,'帶走';相反,他們是(經由)家長(同意下) 被錄取的"

聲明還邀請官方反對派成員 "訪問我們,我們歡迎有機會解決他們的關切"

該校發言人Geoffrey Yang解釋說,學生們如何通過互聯網、電話和視訊會議與父母保持日常聯繫。


Yang說,學校的課程融合了東方的 "古老智慧",同時注重當代的分析能力、語言藝術和體育。


他說,除了教育廳的年度檢查外,學校還定期與兒童保護服務機構和醫療系統聯繫--主要是在必要時 帶學生去無預約診所或急診部。


但是,Bevan-Baker表示(Yang)所說的這些內容 在自由資訊中(就可以得知的訊息),是令人失望- 以更多有關學校運作的情況,(Y都沒有報出)---

[Bevan-Baker]建議 一旦新的獨立兒童和青年宣導者的職位被填補,就應該對省內所有有兒童居住的私立學校進行調查;


[澄清]這篇報導的早期版本對該校的學生人數有誤。月光學院修改了之前提供給CBC的數字。。[@以前可能是說183 現在更正為185位吧] 20191121日上午10:29 AT


[相片]大覺佛學院協會位於P.E.I.Heatherdale的校園設計 可容納800名學生。(大覺寺佛學院協會提交)[相片]綠黨領袖Peter Bevan-Baker希望省內新任的獨立兒童和青年宣導者在職位填補後,對省內私立寄宿學校展開調查。(P.E.I.立法議會)




P.E.I. Greens allege 'lack of oversight' of private religious school

P.E.I.綠黨指控私立宗教學校 "缺乏監督

Buddhist school named during debate in legislature says children receive ‘highest standard of care’

被命為佛教學校,在立法機構辯論中,宣稱-孩子們得到 "最高標準的照顧

Kerry Campbell · CBC News ·

Posted: Nov 20, 2019 9:41 PM AT |

Last Updated: November 21, 2019

An aerial shot of the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society campus in Little Sands, one of three the organization has developed on P.E.I. (Submitted by GEBIS)


The P.E.I. Green Party expressed concern in the legislature Wednesday over what party leader Peter Bevan-Baker characterized as a lack of government oversight of private boarding schools in the province.

P.E.I.綠党週三[@大概是2019.11.18()] 在立法機構 該黨領袖Peter Bevan-Baker所說的 該省私立寄宿學校 缺乏政府監督表示關注。

In particular the party singled out one private religious school, Moonlight International Academy, questioning how the province is able to deal with things like a language barrier with students in order to ensure their rights are protected.


"I need to be clear that we have no particular issues with anything that may or may not have happened there," Bevan-Baker told reporters after question period. "But what we do have is a concern [over] the potential lack of oversight for our most vulnerable population, which is our children.


"They are a long way from home in a different continent and a place where nobody speaks their language outside of the confines of their small community."


·        Construction on monastery campus in Heatherdale taking longer than expected

·        P.E.I. Buddhist monks welcome outside world this weekend

·        - 希瑟代爾修道院校園的建設時間比預期要長。

·        - 佛教僧侶本週末迎接外界的到來。

School licensed since 2014

As the province's Education Minister Brad Trivers told the legislature, Moonlight International Academy has been licensed as a private boarding school in the province since 2014.

Buddhist monks on P.E.I. greeting visitors during an open house in 2015. (Submitted)


正如該省教育部長布拉德-特裡弗斯(Brad Trivers)告訴立法機構的那樣,月光國際學院自2014年起在該省獲得了私立寄宿學校的許可。

[相片] 2015年,P.E.I.上的佛教僧侶在開放日期間迎接訪客。(提交)

It's associated with the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society, a group that attracts hundreds of monks from around the world to P.E.I. for training each year. According to the group's website, most of the monks come from Taiwan.


The group has three campuses on P.E.I. While most students are adults, it said it has 185 children currently enrolled in studies between grades 7 and 12.


"I'm not making any accusations or assertions here I'm just saying that I want to know that those children are fully protected as they have to be under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child," Bevan-Baker said. "And I'm just not fully confident that that's the case so we're just asking government what are you doing."


Annual inspections


Trivers told the legislature that as is the case with all private schools on P.E.I., Moonlight International Academy is inspected annually.


"Some of the things you look for in the inspection are: fire and environmental health requirements; child protection matters; staff criminal record checks; campus safety; liability insurance requirements; instructor qualifications; and educational requirements," Trivers told the House.

Trivers later said the school had passed all its annual inspections.



Students enrolled by their families, not 'taken'

學生是由他們的家庭(同意) 被錄取(入學),而不是被"捉拿而來"

After being contacted by CBC, Moonlight International Academy provided a statement saying children at the school "receive the highest standard of care, are safe and protected."

CBC聯繫上月光國際學院後,月光國際學院提供了一份聲明,稱學校的孩子們 "受到最高標準的照顧,是安全的,受到保護的"

The Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society campus in Heatherdale, P.E.I. was designed to accommodate 800 students. (Submitted by Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society)

[相片]大覺佛學院協會位於P.E.I.Heatherdale的校園設計 可容納800名學生。(大覺寺佛學院協會提交)

In the statement the organization said it was "disappointed" questions in the legislature "suggested children were 'taken' from families; rather, they were enrolled by their families."

該組織在聲明中說,它對立法機構中的問題(議案) "表示失望""-即議案說到 兒童是從家庭中,'帶走';相反,他們是(經由)家長(同意下) 被錄取的"

The statement also invited members of the Official Opposition "to visit us and we would welcome the opportunity to address their concerns."

聲明還邀請官方反對派成員 "訪問我們,我們歡迎有機會解決他們的關切"

Geoffrey Yang, a spokesperson for the school, explained how the students maintain routine contact with their parents by internet, phone and video-conferencing.

He said students don't go home in the summer, but their families come to P.E.I. to stay nearby to spend time with their children.

該校發言人Geoffrey Yang解釋說,學生們如何通過互聯網、電話和視訊會議與父母保持日常聯繫。


Yang said the school's curriculum is a blend of "ancient wisdom" from the East along with a focus on contemporary analytical skills, language arts and sports.

He said all curriculum materials have been documented through P.E.I.'s Department of Education, and Island educators have visited the school "to see the education program first-hand."

Yang說,學校的課程融合了東方的 "古老智慧",同時注重當代的分析能力、語言藝術和體育。


He said besides annual inspections by the Department of Education, the school is also in regular contact with child protection services and with the health-care system — mostly through taking students to walk-in clinics or the emergency department, as necessary.

他說,除了教育廳的年度檢查外,學校還定期與兒童保護服務機構和醫療系統聯繫--主要是在必要時 帶學生去無預約診所或急診部。

He said the school is in compliance with provincial rules, running criminal records and vulnerable sector checks on teaching staff.

But Bevan-Baker expressed frustration over efforts —some of them throughfreedom-of-information —

to learn more about the school's operations

and suggested an investigation of all private schools in the province where children live on-site should be undertaken by P.E.I.'s new independent child and youth advocate, once the position has been filled.

Legislation to create the position was passed Wednesday.

他說[Yang ],學校符合省裡的規定,對教職員工進行犯罪記錄和弱勢部門檢查,

但是,Bevan-Baker表示(Yang)所說的這些內容 在自由資訊中(就可以得知的訊息),是令人失望- 以更多有關學校運作的情況,(Y都沒有報出)---

[Bevan-Baker]建議 一旦新的獨立兒童和青年宣導者的職位被填補,就應該對省內所有有兒童居住的私立學校進行調查;



·        An earlier version of this story had an incorrect figure for the number of students at the school. The Moonlight Academy amended the number it previously provided to CBC.

Nov 21, 2019 10:29 AM AT


- 這篇報導的早期版本對該校的學生人數有誤。月光學院修改了之前提供給CBC的數字。[@以前可能是說183 現在更正為185位吧]

20191121日上午10:29 AT

Green Leader Peter Bevan-Baker would like to see the province's new, independent child and youth advocate launch an investigation into private boarding schools in the province, once the position is filled. (Legislative Assembly of P.E.I. )

[相片]綠党領袖Peter Bevan-Baker希望省內新任的獨立兒童和青年宣導者在職位填補後,對省內私立寄宿學校展開調查。(P.E.I.立法議會)


Kerry Campbell

Provincial Affairs Reporter

Kerry Campbell is the provincial affairs reporter for CBC P.E.I., covering politics and the provincial legislature. kerry.campbell@cbc.ca

關於作者 Kerry Campbell


坎貝爾(Kerry Campbell)是CBC P.E.I.的省級事務記者,報導政治和省級立法機構。kerry.campbell@cbc.ca


· Construction on monastery campus in Heatherdale taking longer than expected

· P.E.I. Buddhist monks welcome outside world this weekend


- 希瑟代爾修道院校園的建設時間比預期要長。

- 佛教僧侶本週末迎接外界的到來。


