2021年1月27日 星期三

原來由金女當董事長的“月光國際學院”是專負責台灣或大陸等僧人,或7-12歲的小孩,進入加拿大P島的 ”大覺佛學院”或”傳燈寺”; ”大陸僧團”與”大陸尼團”或“月光小學”的總指揮處;2017年,金女集團已經意識到不可以對外”多報” P島的僧數吧! P島的”月光小學”相當於”福智園區A的小學”-即要到福團所屬的寺院出家,就須先進入福團所辦的學校.


原來由金女當董事長的月光國際學院是專負責台灣或大陸等僧人,7-12歲的小孩,進入加拿大P島的 大覺佛學院傳燈寺”; ”大陸僧團大陸尼團月光小學的總指揮處;2017,金女集團已經意識到不可以對外多報” P島的僧數吧! P島的月光小學相當於福智園區的小學”-即要到福團所屬的寺院出家,就須先進入福團所辦的學校.




護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動



RE-[ Meagan Campbell  July 18, 2017的撰文小沙石的小和尚


*月光國際學院把來自臺灣、新加坡、馬來西亞和中國大陸的孩子 帶到了加拿大人的家中,現在[2017]也有300名僧侶。

*省政府急於移民,去年[2016]修改了教育法,允許孩子們接受僧侶培訓,也允許阿米什家庭在家教育孩子。總理在帶來移民時支持另類課程,大多數島民也歡迎 "遠道而來的人"

@...>原來由金女當董事長的月光國際學院是專負責台灣或大陸等僧人,7-12歲的小孩,進入加拿大P島的大覺佛學院傳燈寺”; ”大陸僧團大陸尼團月光小學的總指揮處.


*只是2017年進入P島的福僧,只有300名嗎? 應該是少報吧! 2014年建好的小砂石的15棟建築的GEBIS “大覺佛學院”, 就已經號稱有500多位的福僧住在那.

2020 GEBIS的傳燈寺的簡介-說有700多位的福僧,住在P.—2017, 金女集團已經意識到不可以對外多報” P島的僧數吧!


RE-學生的父母本身主要是佛教徒,他們把兒子送到加拿大的寺院,不需要支付任何學費。在投入之前,家庭通常會到現場參觀,男孩子在幼稚園 和一年級學習孔子,這門課程叫《大師的教誨101

@...> 這是說要先進入P月光小學學習,後才能投入福團加拿大的大覺寺傳燈寺” “妙音尼團為僧或為尼嗎?

如是說來, P島的月光小學不就是相當於台灣的福智園區的小學”-即要到福團所屬的寺院出家,就是須先進入福團所辦的學校.



The little monks of Little Sands


Eager for immigration, P.E.I. changed its education laws allowing children to train as Buddhist monks


By Meagan Campbell July 18, 2017


Young Buddhist monk Venerable Xing-Shuo recites an ancient Indian classic called “Ornament of Clear Realization” at the Moonlight International Academy in Little Sands, PE. (Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society)

[相片]小沙彌性碩在PE小沙石(GEBIS)月光國際學院 誦讀古印度經典《清淨覺悟的飾物》。(大覺佛學院社)

At 3:30 a.m. the school bell gongs. Robes donned, boys file into a prayer hall. They fold their socked feet onto cushions, chant Tibetan scripture and prostrate before a statue of Buddha. Their school is a monastery. Their curriculum is atypical for Prince Edward Island.


“This is a good starting point for life,” says Premier Wade MacLauchlan, who has visited Moonlight International Academy, part of a Buddhist monastery in Little Sands, P.E.I. “My main concern is that people are learning, working at it, are well in their skin and in their lives,” he says, “not that education is somehow a stamp we put on someone but a way we do our best.”

這是一個很好的人生起點,"總理Wade MacLauchlan說,



The academy brings children from Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and China to the home of Bud the Spud[@ Canadian 見如下註解],, now also home to 300 monks.

The provincial government, eager for immigration, changed its education laws last year to allow children to train as monks, as well as Amish families to homeschool their children. The premier supports alternative curricula when it brings migrants, and most Islanders welcome the “come from away-ers.”

學院把來自臺灣、新加坡、馬來西亞和中國大陸的孩子 帶到了加拿大人的家 ( the home of Bud the Spud),現在也有300名僧侶。


總理在帶來移民時支持另類課程,大多數島民也歡迎 "遠道而來的人"

Master Zhen-Ru studied with sages in Tibet before searching the globe for a place to establish a monastery. In 2006, she registered a charity called the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) in British Columbia, then tried Ontario before she decided her disciples’ red robes were best suited for P.E.I.


2006年,她在不列顛哥倫比亞省註冊了一個名為"大覺佛學院協會"GEBIS)的慈善機構。然後嘗試了安大略省,然後她認為弟子們的紅袍 最適合在P.E.I

“‘How come you monks always look so happy?’ ” locals ask, says Venerable Dan, a monk at GEBIS. “If [the children’s] definition of happiness changes from ‘getting what I want’ to ‘helping others get what they want,’ ” he says, “it’s a win-win situation.”

The province changed the Private Schools Act last year, allowing the academy to teach in Mandarin and Tibetan.

The students’ parents are mainly Buddhists themselves, and they pay no tuition to send their sons to the monastery in Canada.

Before committing, families usually visit the site, where boys study Confucius in kindergarten and Grade 1, a course called Guru’s Teachings 101.





在投入之前,家庭通常會到現場參觀,男孩子在幼稚園 和一年級學習孔子,這門課程叫《大師的教誨101》。

The school strips away material temptations so the children can dedicate themselves to helping other living beings. After one rainfall, a boy patrolled the gravel roads with a tofu container, using a woodchip to move slugs to safer grass. The children eat plain meals so they don’t get attached to food, and they fashion toys from chopsticks and rubber bands. The playground has homemade slides, swings and a sandbox, where even the older monks occasionally play.





“The Mighty Island” is P.E.I.’s new slogan in its drive to grow its population, a rebranding from the old “Gentle Island.” The province tied with Alberta last year for immigration per capita—a critical feat given that the number of Islanders is expected to start naturally declining with more deaths than births in 2018 (the province also predicts a gender imbalance by 2055, with a deficit of about 7,500 men).

In kindergarten at Moonlight International Academy, students learn the stages of the path to enlightenment. They currently do not learn English, but the academy may introduce the language in coming years. “Being in P.E.I., English is a must,” says Venerable Dan.




In monastic life, the children also learn must-nots. Monkhood demands celibacy, and they learn sexual education around Grade 8 through health classes and informal conversations with elders.



“To train our mind to do what we want, we have to physically restrain ourselves from certain things,” says Venerable Dan. “If you’re attached to chocolate, it’s a good idea to stay away from a candy store for a while so you can control yourself.” Regardless of curriculum, children seem to somehow absorb popular culture.

"為了訓練我們的心做我們想做的事,我們必須在身體上克制自己對某些事情的依賴。"丹法師說。"如果你對巧克力情有獨鍾,最好暫時遠離糖果店,這樣才能控制自己。" 無論課程如何,孩子們似乎都會以某種方式吸收流行文化

When MacLauchlan visited Moonlight, he says, “you have all the impression of going to a community that is living off the grid, or in its own kind of universe apart.” But one of his ministers walked across campus with a young monk in training, who held an umbrella for him. The boy examined the minister’s face and said, “Has anyone ever told you you look like George Clooney?”



Educational Institution's Profile (cicdi.ca)




註解: "Bud the Spud "


"Bud the Spud "1969年在康納斯的專輯《Bud The Spud and Other Favourites》中發行.[3]這首歌是寫給他的卡車司機朋友Bud Roberts.[4]






"Bud the Spud "是加拿大唱作人Stompin' Tom Connors的一首歌。

