若加拿大P島的人士,能就近的揭發金女在P島的各種違法的經營手法,那應該是可以讓台灣的福團學員相信吧! 希望P島的K議員可以在P島收集到-令GEBIS發言人”不只是臉紅,且是啞口無言”的具實證據.
RE-[Kevin J Arsenault] LadaKh2017部落格提供的是一個真正的佛教視角, 既有個人作為佛教和尚在福智的生活經驗, 也有對文化的徹底理解, 規則, 傳統等- 我無法提供的東西.
@.....>雖2017年Ladakh 就以英文將”福團金女的詭異與背後深沉陰謀”發表在部落格,但卻是在2020年才被P島的關心人士注意到與採納.
RE-[Shane Bryanton留言] GEBIS發言人將駁回他(L)的指控, 因為傳言說一個不滿的前和尚.. 然後臉紅笑.
2020.12月10日上午2:31 ·
Two for the Price of One [Free] Buddhist Investigations
So my new best Buddhist buddy in Taiwan is the ex-Bliss and Wisdom monk
who published over 30 articles over a period of several months back in 2017,
providing excellent information and analysis on the situation.
所以, 我在台灣最好的新佛友是前福智和尚, 他在2017年幾個月前發表了超過30篇文章, 提供了有關情況的出色資訊和分析.
There was no great public interest and/or organized actions though, so the
articles stopped.
雖然沒有巨大的公眾興趣和/或組織性的行動, 所以文章停止了.
My Monkileaks series has woken the dragon apparently, and I'm
[但]我的Monkileaks系列顯然叫醒了龍, 我印象深刻!!
What LadaKh2017 Blog provides is a true Buddhist perspective, with both
personal experience of living as Buddhist monk with Bliss and Wisdom, but also
a thorough understanding of the culture, rules, traditions, etc...something I
can not provide.
LadaKh2017部落格提供的是一個真正的佛教視角, 既有個人作為佛教和尚在福智的生活經驗, 也有對文化的徹底理解, 規則, 傳統等- 我無法提供的東西.
I offered my comments, analysis and insights on GWBI's presentation the
Standing Committee on Natural Resource; Ladakh offers his comments, analysis
and insights in this article, and offers some unique and very insightful
我對GWBI在”自然資源常設委員會”的說詞(提出),發表了自己的評論,分析和見解; Ladakh在這篇文章中提供了他的評論,分析和見解, 並提出了一些獨特和非常有見解的觀點.
If you are following my Monkileaks series, you'll want to bookmark Ladakh
as well.
I have a suspicion there may be more excellent articles which I'm sure
will add much to what I publish.
如果你正在關注我的Monkileaks系列, 你也會想要書簽Ladakh.
Shane Bryanton I am very glad to know that the
author is active again.Of course the GEBIS spokeswomen will dismiss his charges
as the rumour mongering of a disgruntled former monk.. and then blush demurely
and smile.
我很高興地知道作者再次活躍. 當然, GEBIS發言人將駁回他的指控, 因為傳言說一個不滿的前和尚.. 然後臉紅笑.
Carol Carragher A lot of information to
absorb. Protecting our Island land is clearly Islanders focus.
很多資訊要吸收. 保護我們島上的土地顯然是島民的焦點.