2020年12月11日 星期五






護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動



RE-[KEVIN J. ARSENAULT議員 #6的發文] 真如大師(金女)每年有6個月住在加勒比海某地,其餘6個月住在艾德華王子島。

@...>就金女有6個月在在加勒比海某地-那不就是說金女有半年是躲開P島零下10度的天氣,到較溫暖的地區生活呀~ 這樣養尊處優的金女,竟還有一群福僧說金女是含辛茹苦 和為了要追隨金女 故要信施或學員護持他們的旅費與生活費的飛奔加拿大P-台灣福團的僧俗,真是該醒了吧!
加勒比海的氣候受到墨西哥灣暖流秘魯寒流洋流的影響[6]。由於地處熱帶,因此海的溫度維持在較溫暖的溫度,各季的最低溫在21-29 C°之間。加勒比海是西半球常出現熱帶氣旋的地區。]


RE-[K議員說] 當她(金女)PEI的時候,她並沒有和GWBI的尼眾們住在一起,她在一個巨大的建築群裡面建有自己的 "公寓",她和一群非常親密的 "馬可和尚 "和兩個全職的私人侍者住在一起(關於馬可和尚,我將在以後的文章中詳細解釋)。

@...>”兩個全職的私人侍者” 是福僧,還是女侍呢? 希望以後可以看到更詳細的報導或揭發!


RE-[K議員說] 我嘗試著拍了一張靠近寺院的福智總部和真如大師的家。不幸的是,這是一個封閉的建築群..去谷歌地球看看鳥瞰圖會有什麼發現。解析度不是很高,但主樓後面停車場的汽車 提供了一個很好的衡量標準,可以準確地瞭解建築物的大小和範圍。

@...>看到有4部大驕車在停車場 (那是說金女的住處,起碼有4部以上的驕車吧) 那大概有20上下的馬可僧住在那吧!




DECEMBER 6, 2020

[@依網路英翻中的翻譯機 ]


You’ll be happy to hear that I’m going to honour my commitment to give you a short, but important, part of the picture concerning Bliss and Wisdom in PEI…no more mini-books.


This series has captured the attention of two significant audiences: one in PEI; the other in Taiwan. The PEI audience is mostly comprised of Island residents living in Eastern PEI; the Taiwanese audience is Bliss and Wisdom monks, nuns and laity who likely wouldn’t be able to find PEI on a map.

There are quite different perspectives and interests with each audience; so much so, that the very same information is likely to be shocking to both audiences for entirely different reasons.



Take this episode, for example, which focuses on the PEI property and land purchases of Master Zhenru and her family. It has a short introduction, then provides (1) a family tree, identifying members of Master Zhenru’s immediate family and her powerful landlord; (2) information concerning Bliss and Wisdom’s secretive Global Headquarters, where Master Zhenru lives inside a house inside a complex like two Russian dolls, tucked cozily in the woods of Eastern PEI behind a steel gate; and (3) Geolinc charts of the PEI land and property holdings, as well as some corporate connections of Master Zhenru and some info on the family members who now own a chunk of PEI.



Since it’s been a while since my last article in this series, let’s begin by summing up a few of the most important insights and understandings about Master Zhenru and Bliss and Wisdom published in that last episode.



1. GWBI and GEBIS – although each are incorporated in Canada – are one and the same with Bliss and Wisdom. They represent “global extensions” of Bliss and Wisdom Corporation, Inc.

GWBIGEBIS -- -- 雖然它們都在加拿大註冊 -- -- 但它們與福智是同一個公司。它們是福智公司的 "全球延伸"

2. Monks and nuns in PEI (GWBI, GEBIS, Compassion and Grace Institute, etc.), as well as Bliss and Wisdom laity, all regard themselves as part of the same monastic family, and all regard Master Zhenru as their spiritual leader;


3. Monks and nuns in PEI follow the same teachings and rule as their Bliss and Wisdom counterparts in Taiwan;


4. Monks and nuns in PEI are part of the Bliss and Wisdom development plan for the relocation of their Headquarters from Taiwan to PEI;


5. Monks and nuns in PEI all draw from the same pool of donations coming from the same Bliss and Wisdom followers (laity). Those funds are expended in support of the same development projects; and 100% of Bliss and Wisdom’s revenue source is donations.

艾德華王子島的僧侶和尼姑都從同樣的 "福智 "信徒(教友)的捐款中提取資金。這些資金用於支援同樣的發展項目;福智會的收入來源100%是捐款。

Bliss and Wisdom followers outside of PEI have about the same degree of information concerning what Bliss and Wisdom is up to in Prince Edward Island as Islanders have about what Bliss and Wisdom is doing in Taiwan. In fact, Islanders didn’t realize that the Buddhists coming to PEI are all Bliss and Wisdom monks and nuns until very recently.

Similarly, PEI residents know very little about the rules and expectations of the culture of the Bliss and Wisdom Buddhist family in Taiwan. We know next to nothing of the dynamic relationships and cultural norms and practices that hold this Buddhist family together in community, accountable both to those rules and expectations, and to one another.

艾德華王子島以外的信眾 對艾德華王子島的福智的瞭解程度,與島民對臺灣的福智的瞭解程度差不多。事實上,直到最近,島民們才知道來艾德華王子島的佛教徒都是福智和尚和尼姑。


Islanders are primarily concerned about the Buddhists buying PEI land. I suspect Taiwanese followers could care less if Master Zhenru and her family buy land in PEI – unless they found out it was with donations designated for the monastery that is being constructed back in Taiwan, a “mega-monastery” to hold over 1,000 monks.

No, Buddhists in Taiwan are likely to be far more concerned with what all those individual land purchases by Master Zhenru says about the likelihood that their leader is putting down roots in PEI and ain’t coming home anytime soon!

島民主要關心的是佛教徒購買PEI的土地。我猜測臺灣的信眾不會關心真如法師和她的家人是否在PEI買地--除非他們發現那是用捐款指定給正在臺灣興建的寺院,一座可以容納1000多名僧人的 "超級寺院"


Islanders were led to believe that the Buddhist monks and nuns were going to simply build a couple of monasteries in PEI. No one ever imagined that the monks and nuns were part of an international organization with over 100,000 lay followers, many who would be interested in PEI from afar as investors, others anxious to come play on our Island (then buy a bunch of it).

The information in this article will be of significant concern to Islanders when they see the total acreage already purchased by just this one powerful Buddhist family. There are many others!



The purchase of so much property by people “cloistered” and supposedly living simple lives of prayer makes no sense to Islanders. It raises major red flags about what is really behind the plans of the Buddhists. It makes Islanders wonder what will be in store for the future of PEI if those ambitions are left unchecked.

Bliss and Wisdom followers in Taiwan may not be aware that Master Zhenru and her family are putting down some pretty deep roots in PEI.

"隱居 "並據稱過著簡單祈禱生活的人購買這麼多財產,對島民來說毫無意義[@很說不過去]。這讓人對佛教徒的計畫背後的真實情況產生了懷疑。這讓島民們不禁要問,如果這些野心不受控制,PEI的未來會怎樣。


Zhenru is the leader of Bliss and Wisdom, an international network of affiliated manifestations or “international extensions” of Bliss and Wisdom, with incorporated entities in over 50 countries throughout the world: Home base was always Taiwan, and my sense is that Bliss and Wisdom followers in Taiwan expect that to continue to be the case.

There are many other incorporated monasteries (Compassion and Grace Institute; Guam Yin; etc.) and charitable organizations (Moonlight International, etc.) registered in PEI as independent corporate entities (declaring no affiliation with an International organization in their annual Charitable Tax Returns), but are all members of Bliss and Wisdom Corporation Inc., all drawing from the same pool of donations (from parishioners in Taiwan mostly), all part of the same Master-(Zhenru)-plan to establish global headquarters for Bliss and Wisdom Corporation Inc. in PEI.

真如是 "福智 "的領導人,"福智公司 "是一個由福智的附屬表現或 "國際延伸 "組成的國際網路,在全世界50多個國家都有法人實體:大本營一直是臺灣,我的感覺是臺灣的福智信徒期望繼續如此。


After my last article was published, I was contacted by several former Bliss and Wisdom monks, each living in three different countries: Argentina, the United States, and Taiwan. The monk from Taiwan wrote a long, detailed, well-referenced, and VERY informative letter offering to assist me with the research on a go-forward basis. Amazing!

I asked for a photo of a name that I can’t pronounce properly, and 10 minutes later I’m downloading it, then uploading and importing it into an article (this one).

Thanks immensely to “you know who you are” [a good Buddhist Bud of mine now, who will remain anonymous, for what I hope you’ll agree are reasons that don’t need to be provided].




非常感謝 "你知道你是誰" [我現在的一個好佛友,他不願意透露姓名,我希望你能同意,原因不需要提供]

One paragraph in his email was of particular importance. It corroborated the same sense I had (which I’m still investigating), that there is GREAT confusion about what Master Zhenru and Bliss and Wisdom are planning for the future, not only in PEI apparently, but back home in Taiwan as well.

To be clear, Master Zhenru is not a nun and is not subject to vows of obedience or poverty. In fact, none of the people I’m putting on her immediate family tree in this episode are Buddhist monks and nuns. They haven’t taken a vow of poverty and are free to purchase property as far as Buddhist rules go, which many of them have done with gusto.



I put together this family tree to help keep things straight…visuals are so important; names, especially Chinese names are easier to remember when attached to a face.

I have yet to find a name for Master Zhenru’s father (who also lives in PEI now) so was I unable to determine what (if any) property he owns in PEI.

Master Zhenru’s birth mother apparently died many years ago and Zhenru has a step-mother living in PEI; however, I could neither locate her name nor photo, so I’m unsure of whether she also has PEI property holdings.

Master Zhenru’s brother Frank doesn’t apparently own anything. He’s a total mystery to me, but I put him on the tree so he wouldn’t feel left-out.





Master Zhenru and Family’s PEI Land Holdings


Master Zhenru apparently lives in the Caribbean somewhere for 6 months of the year, and in PEI for the other 6 months. When she is in PEI, she doesn’t stay with the GWBI nuns, she has her own “condo” built inside a huge complex where she lives with a very close-knit group of “Marco monks” and two full-time personal attendants (I will explain more about Marco monks in a subsequent article).

顯然,真如大師每年有6個月住在加勒比海某地,其餘6個月住在艾德華王子島。當她在PEI的時候,她並沒有和GWBI的修女們住在一起,她在一個巨大的建築群裡面建有自己的 "公寓",她和一群非常親密的 "馬可和尚 "和兩個全職的私人侍者住在一起(關於馬可和尚,我將在以後的文章中詳細解釋)。

I made an attempt to get a picture of the Bliss and Wisdom Headquarters and home to Master Zhenru close to the monastery. Unfortunately, it’s a gated complex, so not interested in girl guide cookies or trick-or-treaters on Halloween.


I then went to Google Earth to see what a bird’s-eye view would reveal. The resolution isn’t great, but the cars in the parking lot behind the main building provide a good gauge to get an accurate sense of the size and scope of the buildings.

然後我就去谷歌地球看看鳥瞰圖會有什麼發現。解析度不是很高,但主樓後面停車場的汽車 提供了一個很好的衡量標準,可以準確地瞭解建築物的大小和範圍。

What goes on in this complex? This is where the queen bee lives, and like a hive full of honey bees, the queen has special attendants. There are a small group of monks, including Venerable Walter Tsai, brother of Venerable Yvonne Tsai, the GWBI Financial Director who appeared before the Legislative Committee on Natural Resource and Sustainability. Apparently there are offices and files and big safes and all the things you would expect in the Headquarters of an international organization like Bliss and Wisdom.

這個建築群裡發生了什麼?這裡是蜂后居住的地方,就像滿是蜜蜂的蜂巢一樣,蜂后有專門的侍者。這裡有一小群僧人,其中包括曾在立法會自然資源與可持續發展委員會上 露面的 全球華商銀行財務總監蔡奕宏法師[@Yvonne尼師]的弟弟蔡沃特法師[@性恩]。顯然,在福智這樣一個國際組織的總部,有辦公室、有檔、有大保險箱,以及所有你會想到的東西。



