2020年10月20日 星期二

感覺妙音尼團的福尼,是很心虛的,以她們太清楚,在聽金女指示下的大量違法的 “無節制地積累土地” (即狂購P島農地,與不斷要擴建尼院的行徑),真是很不如法,故妙音福尼怎麼也不敢PO 出她們已經被P島島民抵制的案例在臉書; P島的檢調單位,已認定加拿大的GEBIS,GWBI等組織,就是有台灣福智團體(類似金雞母),在無止盡的支援


感覺妙音尼團的福尼,是很心虛的,以她們太清楚,在聽金女指示下的大量違法的無節制地積累土地 (即狂購P島農地,與不斷要擴建尼院的行徑),真是很不如法,故妙音福尼怎麼也不敢PO 出她們已經被P島島民抵制的案例在臉書; P島的檢調單位,已認定加拿大的GEBIS,GWBI等組織,就是有台灣福智團體(類似金雞母),在無止盡的支援




護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動



*福團加拿大P島的妙音佛學院2020.9.14 應該就已知道 P島議會已擱置了妙音佛學院提出的在社區建尼寺的建議,妙音福尼在臉書,還是不動聲色的,PO要祈求的作早課的文章.

乃至2020.9.30妙音福尼還以更動臉書的封面 (妙音佛學院在 Brudenell已建好的僧院) 來對應P島全國農民聯盟的地區主任 Douglas Campbell 2020.9.30SaltWire 的發文-Douglas再次提及 P島議會與島民對妙音佛學院要再興建的抵制.


*雖妙音佛學院2020.9.30 沒有在臉書提及P島島民的抵制,且刻意地將妙音佛學院在 Brudenell已建好的僧院,當封面,2020.9.30這篇更動封面的文字下面,是一堆隨喜讚嘆妙音尼院,是多莊嚴的留言-然可以感覺妙音尼團的福尼,是很心虛的,以她們太清楚,在聽金女指示下的大量違法的無節制地積累土地” (即狂購P島農地,與不斷要擴建尼院的行徑),真是很不如法,故妙音福尼怎麼也不敢PO 出她們已經被P島島民抵制的案例在臉書-也就是到現在(2020.10.21)妙音尼團的臉書,都不敢讓台灣福團學員知道真相吧!


*RE- [Douglas Campbell] 有一些佛教組織在PEI(愛德華王子島)是:福智、大覺佛學院(GEBIS)- 即在小沙 (Little Sands) 在希代爾 (Heatherdale) 住有僧眾的寺院 [PS:大覺佛學院 在小沙 (Little Sands) 傳燈寺 在希代爾(Heatherdale) ]

大覺佛學院(GEBIS) 夏洛特敦,一個位於大喬治街(Great George Street)的非營利組織;


妙音佛學院(GWBI)- 一個尼眾學習和實踐佛陀教義的寺院,目前在Uigg路上,並計畫在Brudenell建立廣泛的寺院。

@...>即使金女在加拿大P島的發展,一直避免提及跟台灣的福智團體有關,P島的檢調單位,已認定加拿大的GEBIS,GWBI等組織,就是有台灣福智團體(類似金雞母),在無止盡的支援即這些不掛福智名字P島僧院或公司,都是福智僧眾或俗眾,P島狂購農地與房產,後在合集的送給大覺佛學院/傳燈寺僧團,或妙音佛學院,蓋寺院- 如是規避合法的購地與興建,



RE-月光國際學院,是在小沙 (@靠近GEBIS大覺佛學院的新僧院)的一所私立寄宿學校,專門向青少年 和一些未成年的孩子傳授佛法。

@......>月光國際學院應該是收容打算移民加拿大的大陸人或台灣人的子女吧! 也就是月光國際基金會應該是金女為了辦移民業務而設立的一個營利單位吧!



妙音佛學院 GWBI

2020.914 ·




妙音佛學院 GWBI 更新了封面相片。

2020.930日上午7:11 ·



NFU: Understanding the spirit and intent of the Lands Protection Act

Premium content


Published: Sep 30 at 1:26 p.m.


Venerable Yvonne Tsai, a Buddhist nun with the Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute, spoke during a regular council meeting in Montague on Sept. 14. During the meeting, council put a proposal on hold from the Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute to build a nuns' residence in the community.

[2020]914日,妙音佛學院的福尼蔡玉芳在蒙城的一次議會的例會上發言。會議期間,議會擱置了妙音佛學院提出的 在社區建尼寺的建議。- . - SaltWire檔案


Douglas Campbell




Guest opinion


The National Farmers Union (NFU) is praising the Three Rivers municipal council for its care in dealing with issues relating to the Buddhist communities in the region.

In recent days the council voted to refuse a permit to Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute (Buddhist nuns) for the building of a residence in Brudenell, eventually to be expanded to hold over 1,000 nuns.

It was clear that the centre of concern for many attending the council meeting was far greater than the building permit.

There has been an increasing growing anxiety in the surrounding area of Three Rivers, as well as other parts of P.E.I., about what appears to be unregulated land accumulation by foreign interests and corporations, through deliberate disregard for and manipulation of the Lands Protection Act.

全國農民聯盟讚揚三河市議會 在處理與該地區 佛教社區有關的問題時 表現出的關懷。

最近幾天,市議會投票拒絕批准妙音佛學院(佛教尼眾) Brudenell建造一座寺院,最終將擴大到容納1,000多名尼眾。

很明顯,許多參加理事會會議的人 所關心的中心問題 遠比建築許可更重要。

三河市周邊地區以及英屬印度洋領地的其他地區 越來越擔心外國利益集團 和公司 通過故意無視和操縱《土地保護法》,似乎在無節制地積累土地。

For people who may not be aware, the Lands Protection Act was put in place in 1982 by the then Progressive Conservative government of Angus MacLean. It was, and continues to be, a forward thinking piece of legislation of spirit and intent and laws to ensure Islanders retain the right to the ownership and use of their land. It was also to protect Island farmers from direct competition by processors. The act is entrenched in the Canadian Constitution. While Island land has always been a target of outside interests with deep pockets, the NFU believes the act is more relevant than ever now as the worldwide land grab escalates.

對於可能不知道的人來說,《土地保護法》是1982年由當時的進步保守派政府Angus MacLean制定的。





The NFU全國農民聯盟 wonders if the Buddhist presence in Southern Kings County might be following some of the same patterns of land ventures in other parts of P.E.I.



Two corporations, along with others, cluster together family members to come up with numerous “legitimate” farm corporation, each of which can own 3,000 acres.

It is a brazen breaking of both the letter and the spirit of the Lands Protection Act, which decrees that all such off-shoot corporations must be considered as one corporation.

兩家公司連帶其他公司,集成幾個 "合法 "的農場公司,而每家公司可以各擁有3,000英畝土地。


Thus far we know of a number of organizations under the heading of Buddhist.


Some of the Buddhist organizations, which come into the conversation in P.E.I. are: Bliss and Wisdom; Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS), the monks with monasteries in Little Sands and Heatherdale;

有一些佛教組織在PEI(愛德華王子島)是:福智、大覺佛學院(GEBIS)- 即在小沙 (Little Sands) 在希代爾 (Heatherdale) 住有僧眾的寺院

[PS-大覺佛學院在小沙 (Little Sands) 傳燈寺-在希代爾(Heatherdale) ]


GEBIS Charlottetown, a non-profit organization on Great George Street; Moon Light International Foundation; Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute (GWBI), a monastery where nuns study and practise the teachings of Buddha, currently on the Uigg Road, with extensive plans for Brudenell.

There is also the Moonlight International Academy, a private boarding school in Little Sands for the teaching of Buddhism especially to teenagers and some preteens.

大覺佛學院(GEBIS) 夏洛特敦,一個位於大喬治街(Great George Street)的非營利組織;


妙音佛學院(GWBI)- 一個尼眾學習和實踐佛陀教義的寺院,目前在Uigg路上,並計畫在Brudenell建立廣泛的寺院。



The long-time residents of Southern Kings, from the first arrivals of the monks, nuns and students, have given the Buddhists an ongoing warm welcome, and have known these new neighbours as peaceful and kind.

However, uneasiness entered the picture when people began noticing that farmland and other real estate seemed to be changing hands “small-holding-by-small-holding”.


然而,當人們開始注意到農田和其他不動產(房產) 似乎正在被以少部分握有的方式,少部份握有"(即是以小博大的逐步侵蝕)地轉手時,不安就進入了人們的視野。


Yet on all levels, the current government to-date is following in the footsteps of previous governments in its weakness and unwillingness to enforce the spirit, intent and even the letter of the Lands Protection Act.

It seems powerless to “follow the money” or to enforce laws related to international money transactions, acquisitions and investments within their jurisdiction.

然而,到目前為止,本屆政府在各個層面上 都在步前幾屆政府的後塵,軟弱無力,不願意執行《土地保護法》的精神、意圖 甚至文字。

(本屆政府) 在各個層面上似乎無力地 "跟錢走", 或在其管轄範圍內,也無力執行有關 國際貨幣交易,收購和投資之相關的法律.

There are many unanswered questions which the P.E.I. government and IRAC must answer.

有許多問題沒有得到回答,PEI(愛德華王子島) 政府,IRAC必須回答

The Municipality of Three Rivers should not have to be the enforcers of the Lands Protection Act.

But how great it is that council listened and understood there are deep-seated issues behind the building permit request.

The NFU insists that the responsibility for overseeing the letter, spirit, and intent of Lands Protection Act belongs squarely on the shoulders of the P.E.I. government.

It is past time to see action relating to land acquisition in Southern Kings.


但是,議會能夠傾聽並理解建築許可申請背後 有深層次的問題,這是多麼偉大的事情。

NFU堅持認為,監督《土地保護法》的文字、精神和意圖的責任 完全屬於P.E.I.政府。



Douglas Campbell

lives on their family farm in Southwest Lot 16 and is District Director of the National Farmers Union.





UPDATE: Three Rivers council votes against Buddhist residence



