2020年10月27日 星期二

依據加拿大P島David 2018.9.28的發文得知-福團P島的大覺新院,有一個迷你屋-有島民,某日見到大量的中國與臺灣的男人,聚集該屋與坐在電腦前.該島民還告訴David,福僧們安裝了一條從蒙塔古到大覺新院(-開車大約27分鐘距離)的私人光纖線路-估計要花近百萬美元(那是3千萬台幣嗎?-真是有錢呀)-參與安裝的先生,證實了這一點


依據加拿大PDavid 2018.9.28的發文得知-福團P島的大覺新院,有一個迷你屋-有島民,某日見到大量的中國與臺灣的男人,聚集該屋與坐在電腦前.該島民還告訴David,福僧們安裝了一條從蒙塔古到大覺新院(-開車大約27分鐘距離)的私人光纖線路-估計要花近百萬美元(那是3千萬台幣嗎?-真是有錢呀)-參與安裝的先生,證實了這一點



護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動分享了 1 相片



RE-[加拿大PDavid  2018.9.28的發文] 寺院裡(@大覺新院)有一個迷你屋,有一天,(Z)進去一看,驚訝地看到大量的中國/臺灣男人坐在電腦前。

*(Z)還告訴我(David),僧侶們安裝了一條 從蒙塔古一路開挖溝渠(到大覺新院)的私人的光纖線路 (@二地距離是開車27分鐘] 


@...> 這位住在大覺新院附近,且已跟大覺佛學院的台灣福僧熟識的島民Z, 應該是可以分出大陸僧人與台灣僧人的差異,因此,Z說有一群大陸僧與台灣僧,聚集一起,應是可信.



*想想,同是需聽金女指令的大陸僧眾與台灣僧眾,在新建的大覺新院建一間集合的密室”,這也是很正常,只是為何還會特別安裝一條私人的光纖線路-從蒙塔古到大覺新院(開車大約27分鐘距離)的私人光纖線路-即從蒙塔古一路開挖溝渠 有很多電腦呢? 

*不知如是的訊息, David 20189,或現在(202010),可提供給P島的檢調單位呢?



其實,2013,金女帶領的福團(GEBIS) 的財大氣粗的行徑,就已引起P島島民懷疑,故金女馬上要福僧與福尼,2014年以後,開始主打公關牌. 即金女一方面要純真的僧尼,P島敦親睦鄰的作社交,一方面讓更多的台灣僧尼,轉到P,以便可以再在P,增建僧院的,向台灣學員募款





David Weale



Buddhists and PNP佛教徒 PNP

()PNP:加拿大聯邦政府對各省的企業投資移民計畫。[ @根據https://www.facebook.com/groups/1953123191590245/permalink/2179307662305129/?hc_location=ufi 所說] 

[@為了清楚文中,說事的各個人士—>今以X–Y- Z-A來作各個人物的代號.]

 Coincidence or Coordination


Just wondering if it might have occurred to others, besides, myself that the almost simultaneous arrival on PEI of the Buddhist monks, and the massive in-flow of PNP investor immigrants from China, might not have been entirely coincidental.

只是想知道,除了我之外,其他人是否也想到,佛教僧侶(@台灣或大陸的僧人) 幾乎和中國 PNP投資移民 而大量湧入P島,是同時來到P-這可能並不完全是巧合。

It certainly makes me wonder if state sponsorship is involved in both these processes.

It is not anything I can prove, but there is so much circumstantial evidence that it’s difficult not to at least wonder if there is some form of collusion involved.

這當然讓我懷疑-這兩個過程中(@大陸人的移民P,與台灣僧尼進駐P) 是否涉及國家贊助。


The strongest of the circumstantial evidence I have heard came from a friend, who was told by person who is a PNP immigrant, that he was sponsored by the Chinese state, and that the Buddhists are, in his word, “spies.”

The informant also said that he would like to be free of his ties with the Chinese Government, but that he is afraid what would happen to him and his family if he did not cooperate.

我聽到的最有力的間接證據,是來自一位朋友(X),即他(X)被一位PNP移民的人(Y)告之-(Y)是由中國國家贊助的,且用他(Y)的話說,佛教徒是 "間諜"


[PS: 為了清楚文中,說事的各個人士—>今以X –Y- Z -A來作各個人物的代號.]

A credible witness? I just don’t know, but he did confirm what I have suspected for years,

and as far as I am able to determine he had no knowledge he was speaking to a friend of mine.


He also said that while many PNP immigrants from China are not sponsored operatives, the majority are.


My concern in this regard goes back five or more years when a friend (since deceased) who lived near the monks, and initially befriended them, told me that on one of his trips to the monastery he saw something that shocked him.

我對這方面的關注 可以追溯到五年或更久以前

[@ 2018年的5年前- 那是2013年以前-

假設是2012-2013-那是福團在小砂石(Little Sand)正在大型的建設大覺佛學院的新僧院的時間.


[PS:金女在大覺新院建設的2012-2014年間,不管進度或任何訊息,都還是很隱密地不對外公開.直到2014年完全完工後,才對P島島民開放參觀,與正式辦台灣到P島參訪團. ]

當時一位住在僧侶附近,且最早成為僧侶們的朋友的一位(我的)朋友(Z)-(已經去世) 告訴我,他(Z)在一次去寺院((大覺新院), 看到了令他震驚的事情。

He said there was a mini-home on the property and when he looked in one day was surprised to see a large number of Chinese/Taiwanese men sitting in front of computers.

He said there were so many it “looked like NASA”.

(Z)說,寺院裡有一個迷你屋,有一天他進去一看,驚訝地看到大量的中國/臺灣男人 坐在電腦前。


He also told me that the monks had installed a private fibre-optic line that had to be trenched all the way from Montague (he estimated that it cost them close to a million dollars, and this was later confirmed by a gentleman who was part of the installation).


At the end of my friend’s life he believed strongly that there was more going on than what is seen on the surface.


The fact that the monks were Taiwanese made it difficult for many of us to believe there might have been a relationship between the monks and the PNP immigration from Mainland China.

However, we now know that Mary Jin, the leader of GEBIS, (the Buddhist sect on PEI) is from mainland China, and is suspected by many Taiwanese Buddhists of being far too friendly with the Chinese Government for their comfort.

然而,我們現在知道,GEBIS(大覺佛學院或傳燈寺)的領導人Mary Jin是來自中國大陸,且有許多臺灣佛教徒懷疑她與中國政府,過於友好,讓他們感到不舒服。

And we are still waiting for the answer to our question as to why the Buddhists are acquiring so much land on the Island, but it does fit with China’s extremely aggressive campaign to buy up primary resources around the world.



Nothing to it? Maybe.

But if there is something to it we are being duped royally, and the individuals most to blame are neither the monks or the PNP immigrants.

The villains in this movie are Robert Ghiz and Wade MacLauchlan, both of whom were elected to protect the interests of all Islanders, and both of whom have benefitted personally from their cooperation with the Chinese.


但如果有的話,我們是被騙了,而最應該受到指責的人 既不是僧侶,也不是PNP的移民。

這部電影中的反派是羅伯特-吉茲Robert Ghiz和韋德-麥克勞克蘭Wade MacLauchlan,,他們都是以保護所有島民的利益而當選,且他們也都是從 與中國人合作"中,獲得了個人利益。


