2020年10月9日 星期五

加拿大P島的Bill Gamble 說-東部所有的老農場,都被夏日居民、僧侶、阿米什人,和其他浪費和揮霍土地的團體買走了;加拿大P島島民的痛苦心聲或吶喊, 號稱最會”代人著想”的 “以金女為首的福團僧俗”,可聽到(或想到)呀!?還是金女與幫金女辦事的僧俗,即使知道,還是要裝傻的,讓金女在P島的當土豪-繼續炒地皮與廣購農舍的置產呢?


加拿大P島的Bill Gamble -東部所有的老農場,都被夏日居民、僧侶、阿米什人,和其他浪費和揮霍土地的團體買走了;加拿大P島島民的痛苦心聲或吶喊, 號稱最會代人著想以金女為首的福團僧俗”,可聽到(或想到)!?還是金女與幫金女辦事的僧俗,即使知道,還是要裝傻的,讓金女在P島的當土豪-繼續炒地皮與廣購農舍的置產呢?


護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動分享了 1 個人檔案


RE- [加拿大P島的Bill Gamble ] 東部所有的老農場 都被夏日居民、僧侶、阿米什人和其他浪費和揮霍土地的團體買走了-如果這還不夠糟糕的話 [現在這樣還不夠糟糕嗎?]

*有人能夠負擔得起開始一個農場,當市場已經把它推到一個固定的上層農舍-即在一個體面的地塊上的售價 和多倫多的公寓一樣多,

唯一能夠負擔得起的群體, 來自境外,因為對他們來說,這似乎很便宜。


@.....>加拿大P島島民的痛苦心聲或吶喊, 號稱最會代人著想以金女為首的福團僧俗”,可聽到(或想到)!?


說真的,若不是台灣福團這些不知實際狀況的僧俗,長年這樣盲目護持金女的海外弘法事業”, 金女應該也造不出這麼大的欺壓惡業吧!




Bill Gamble


As if it weren't bad enough that all the old farms in the east are being bought up by summer residents, the monks, the Amish and other groups that waste and squander the land now this.

東部所有的老農場 都被夏日居民、僧侶、阿米什人和其他浪費和揮霍土地的團體買走了-如果這還不夠糟糕的話 [現在這樣還不夠糟糕嗎?]

If anything has been made abundantly clear by the pandemic is that we as a province are not self sufficient enough and our farming practices are very misguided.
We need to move towards actual food production as opposed to the current export cash crop farming that we do now.

如果說這場大流行病 有什麼地方 已經非常清楚的話,那就是我們這個省 還不夠自給自足,我們的耕作方式 非常錯誤。

There are many young people I have talked to that would love to get into small scale farming but can't, government funding doesn't have provisions for new farmers to acquire land so if you're starting from scratch and are not lucky enough to already have land it's a non-starter.


We need to shift our focus imagine how many small farms could have been started with the money Cavendish just recieved!

We could produce many of our own veggies here year round, the knowledge and ability is there but without land it isn't an option.

No one can afford to start a farm when the market has pushed it so that a fixer upper farm house on a decent plot of land is selling for as much as a condo in Toronto, the only groups that can afford that are coming from out of province because to them it seems cheap.




沒有人能夠負擔得起開始一個農場,當市場已經把它推到一個固定的上層農舍-即 在一個體面的地塊上的售價和多倫多的公寓一樣多,

唯一能夠負擔得起的群體 來自境外,因為對他們來說,這似乎很便宜。

Hell you want a way to fix the issue of temporary foreign workers and why we "need" them, fix the housing market and stop allowing all the houses by the farms to become inaccessible to the average islander.
Who wants to drive out from town to go to work on a farm when they could not travel and get the same money in town?

該死的,你想要解決臨時外國工人的問題,以及為什麼我們 "需要 "他們,解決住房市場,停止讓農場旁的所有房屋 成為一般島民無法進入的地方。
誰願意從鎮上開車去農場工作,且他們不能在鎮上旅行 並得到同樣的錢?

Wonder why the rural communities seem to be drying up, well how can anybody who has kids actually afford to live there?

不懂為什麼農村社區 似乎正在枯竭,好吧,有孩子的人 怎麼能真正負擔得起那裡的生活?

That's where our farm workers went they were pushed out by "progress" and the move for urbanization.

這就是我們的農業工人去的地方,他們被 "進步 "和城市化的行動所趕走。

It's not that Islanders are lazy as some have suggested it's that the support from the government isn't there anymore, it's almost as though they prefer it this way, high production cash crops going out and all of our produce shipped in sacrificing quality and self reliance so that the high efficiency machine of large scale farming can keep padding pockets and rich offshore investors can buy up whatever they want.

這並不是說島民們像某些人所說的那樣懶惰,而是政府的支持已經不存在了,就好像他們更喜歡這樣,高產量的經濟作物外出,我們所有的產品都是以犧牲品質和自力更生為代價的運進來,這樣大規模農業的高效率機器 就可以不斷地填充口袋,而富有的海外投資者就可以買下他們想要的任何東西。

Amy MacPherson

So many issues Billy.

The department of ag. Is indoctrinated in this corporate model of farming and whole heartedly believes it to be the right path forward.

We are in such a serious "progress trap" I fear we will never get out. Thankful to Michele Beaton for her continued work bringing issues to light!!



我們正處在這樣一個嚴重的 "進步陷阱 "中,我擔心我們永遠也走不出來。感謝蜜雪兒-比頓的持續工作,將問題曝光!

Bonnie Reimer Richards

Factory farms have taken over pushing out the small family farms. Our family farm is now in the hands of the Amish.

工廠化農場已經取代了小型家庭農場 我們的家庭農場 現在在阿米什人手中。




2000年時,美國境內有超過165,000保守派艾美許人,在加拿大境內則有約1,500人。2008年的調查顯示艾美許人的人口數增加到了 227,000人,在2010年有研究顯示在過去兩年艾美許人的人口增加了10%而達 249,000,且朝西部移動的情形增加中。


