2020年10月22日 星期四





護持福智僧團回歸正法聯盟- ""行動分享了 1 直播視訊


RE-[David]我確實認為Michele Beaton(米歇爾·比頓) 問到 “GWBIGEBIS的精神領袖是同一個人,從而對這兩個機構之間的分離和獨立程度產生了嚴重的懷疑,特別是在涉及《土地保護法》的規定”,問說的很好

這是一個巨大的檔案, 涉及數百萬, 也許是數十億美元的外國投資和參與,


目前金女是要福尼與福僧,在面對P島的議會或島民,一問三不知的清純相- 但這已經不管用了吧! 以有留言說 這是如同地獄天使”- 想想, 這多丟出家人或佛教徒的臉呀!


David Weale

2020. 1016日下午8:44 ·


I'm not saying it exactly as I heard it (storytellers scarcely ever do) but one friend said something to the effect that having those three young nuns speaking on behalf of GEBIS, a multi-multi million dollar corporation, is like having the priest here in Ft' Augustus explaining the plans and long-range intentions of the Vatican.

Who would buy those figs? 


我並不是完全聽過(講故事的人很少做), 但一位朋友說的話大意是, 這三個年輕修女代表GEBIS, 一家數百萬美元的公司GEBIS, 就像是讓牧師在這裡 Ft ' Augustus解釋梵蒂岡的計劃和遠距離意圖.



David Weale

1015日下午9:16 ·

[PS: 中文翻譯 是依照D臉書上的機器翻譯,有些實際需要修正,才能較清楚原意] 


Just a quick comment about the half hour or so I was able to watch the Legislative Committee questioning the 3 nuns from the GWBI (Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute).

It was kind of sad. One member of the Green party came very close to apologizing to the Buddhist nuns for the the concerns Islanders have been expressing. It was so politically correct, but for the MLA in question so politically stupid. Islanders will not, and I believe should not, refrain from questioning the actions and intentions of those who have come to live among them, and will resent the rebuke.

One Liberal MLA came close to doing the same thing, but his comments were so hell west and crooked it was difficult to tell for certain what he was saying.

But the questions asked were not good, or well informed, and the follow-up questions were practically non-existent. For the most part the MLAs involved appeared to have been very poorly briefed, if briefed at all.

Though I did think Michele Beaton made a good point when she questioned whether the spiritual leader of GWBI and GEBIS are the same person, thereby raising serious doubts about how separate and independent these 2 bodies are from one another, especially when it comes to the provisions of the Lands Protection Act.

This is a huge file, involving millions, perhaps billions of dollars of foreign investment and involvement, and not to have public servants who are on top of it is a travesty. It is also a commentary on the power of political correctness and systemic corruption in our province.

Mr. Premier, you need to have someone on this file fulltime... tomorrow.


只是短短半小時的評論, 所以我可以觀看立法委員會質疑GWBI (妙音佛學院)3名尼眾.

這有點傷心. 綠黨的一名成員非常接近為島民表達的關切向佛教尼眾道歉.

這在政治上是如此正確, 但對於涉及的MLA來說, 這在政治上是如此愚蠢. 島民不會, 我相信也不應該質疑那些來到他們中間生活的人的行為和意圖, 並將憎恨責備.

一個自由主義的MLA接近於做同樣的事情, 但他的評論是如此的西方地獄, 歪曲了他在說甚麼, 很難確定.

但是提出的問題並不是好的, 也沒有很好的資訊, 後續問題實際上不存在. 大多數情況下, 涉及的國際自由貿易協議似乎都非常簡短, 如果完全簡短的話.

然我確實認為Michele Beaton(米歇爾·比頓)問到 “GWBIGEBIS的精神領袖是否是同一個人,從而對這兩個機構之間的分離和獨立程度產生了嚴重的懷疑,特別是在涉及《土地保護法》的規定”,問的很好

這是一個巨大的檔案, 涉及數百萬, 也許是數十億美元的外國投資和參與, 不讓頂上的公務員是一種嘲弄. 這也是對我們省政治正確性和系統性腐敗的力量的評論.

先生 總理, 你需要有一個全職檔案... 明天.

David Weale The nun who did most of the speaking acknowledged that they (the Buddhists) paid too much for land early on. I have 2 problems with this confession. Firstly the nuns organization (GWBI) was scarcely heard of during the early years...were they actually buying then? Or did they appear on the scene as a separate company after legal limits for land purchasing had been reached? GEBIS was buying early on, and I know were asking some vendors to sign a non-disclosure agreement that they would never tell what they paid for the land. Why was that?

David Weale 大多數演講的修女承認他們(佛教徒)早些時候為土地付出了太多的代價. 我對這個告白有2個問題. 首先, 修女組織(GWBI)在早期很少聽說過... 他們真的在買東西嗎? 還是在達到土地購買的法律限制之後, 他們是否作為一家單獨的公司出現在現場? GEBIS很早就購買了, 我知道有些供應商要求他們簽署一項不披露協議, 他們永遠不會告訴他們為這片土地付出了多少. 為什麼是這樣?

Cora Nicholson Phyllis Doyle-McCabe they take vows of property and turn over all their assets to the GEBIS or whomever, but there is way more money coming from elsewhere and in the process being laundered here

Cora Nicholson Phyllis Doyle-McCabe他們發誓要將他們的所有資產移交給GEBIS或其他人, 但有更多的錢來自其他地方, 這裡正在洗的過程中

Janice Nicolle Well there speakers at the 3 rivers meeting were rude especially after the Mayor’s 5 min speech on polite behavior

Janice Nicolle , 3年河流會議上的演講人很粗魯, 特別是在市長5分鐘關於禮貌行為的演講之後

Phyllis Doyle-McCabe It should have said nun

Phyllis Doyle-McCabe 它應該說修女 

Louise Hardy I watch most of meeting, there was no way they could ask any questions that needed to be asked with out looking bad so none were asked.

Louise Hardy 我看了大部分會議, 他們不可能提出任何問題, 因為看起來很糟糕, 所以沒有人被問.

更正: 她們不可能回答任何被提出的問題,因為整個看來,沒有人再問她們-這真是很糟!

Sharon MacFadyen I was so angry when I saw this. All trying to be goody two shoes and for God"s sake do not rock the boat. They are sweeping the Island out from under us and it looks as if the Government does not care. Where is the money coming from?

Sharon MacFadyen 看到這個時我很生氣. 所有人都試圖成為好的兩雙鞋子, 看在上帝的份上, 不要讓船搖滾. 他們把島從我們的下面掃除出來, 看來政府並不在乎. 錢來自哪裡?


Louise Hardy Sharon MacFadyen they cant care as we have painted ourselves in a corner. They would be called the R word or my favorite "you people "

Louise Hardy Sharon MacFadyen, 他們不在乎, 因為我們已經把自己畫在角落. 他們會被稱作R單詞或我最喜歡的′′你們′′

Claudia Jay Brestovansky
Laughed when she said they over paid for the land airports are open

Claudia Jay Brestovansky 當她說陸地機場超支時, 她笑了
更正: 她说他们高价买地机场开放,我就笑了

Wendy Chappell would you send in the local priests to answer questions related to the Vatican's business? or even that of the local Diocese? i would say (continue to say) there is a very good, well paid, public relations arm and it knows how to make the wolf look like cuddly, kind sheep.
Wendy Chappell
你會派當地牧師回答與梵蒂岡生意有關的問題嗎? 甚至是當地教區的那個? 我會說(繼續說)有一個非常好, 薪資高的公關手臂, 它知道如何讓狼看起來像可愛, 善良的綿羊.

David Weale Right on...perhaps the main point of the whole GEBIS process...extremely sophisticated PR.

David Weale 正好... 也許是整個GEBIS過程的重點... 非常精密的PR.

Frederick Rodgers These particular nuns were obviously selected as the GWBI representatives. They were well and clearly spoken, they played the island angle well. They stated how islanders were so friendly and welcoming, how they merely came here to learn and study. All sounds great on the surface, but no mention of where the vast sums of money comes from?? Or why the need for so much land?

Frederick Rodgers 這些特殊的修女顯然被選為GWBI代表. 他們說話得很清楚, 他們玩得很好, 島嶼角度也很好. 他們說島民如何如此友好和歡迎, 他們是如何來到這裡學習和學習的. 表面上聽起來很棒, 但沒有提到大筆錢來自哪裡?? 或者為甚麼需要這麼多土地?

Junellen Clausheide When asked directly why the need for so much land the answer (with a smiling face) was for "environmental protection" like that is actually an answer. No follow up question like just what the F does that mean exactly. I understood that their original application and plan was for them to farm! That plan fell by the wayside I guess as it was probably just a front anyway for their application. So they continue to buy up farmland with no intention to farm. Are they going to rent or lease it out to actual farmers? Wake up people, what do they want with farmland and lots of it?

Junellen Clausheide 當直接問到為什麼需要這麼多的土地時, 答案(帶著微笑的臉)′′環境保護′′, 實際上就是一個答案. 沒有跟進的問題, 就像F到底是什麼意思. 我明白他們的原始申請和計劃是為了讓他們耕種! 那個計劃落在路邊, 我猜, 因為它可能只是申請的前沿. 所以他們繼續購買農田, 無意耕種. 他們是要出租還是出租給實際的農民? 叫醒人們, 他們想要農田和很多農田?--更正:他們想要什麼樣的農田和大量的土地?


David Weale It's quite true Junellen Clausheide...their explanation of why they are buying so much land has changed to fit the moment.
David Weale
這是相當真實的Junellen Clausheide... 他們解釋為什麼他們購買這麼多土地已經改變了, 以適應時機.

Michael Lin Frederick Rodgers In case you fell asleep during the presentation, I thought I'd help find the time slots where they actually answered both your questions. Maybe you should take a look.
Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/peileg/videos/777192873130567/

7:25 Where the money comes from
28:24 Why they bought the land

Michael Lin Frederick Rodgers如果你在演講中睡著了, 我想我會幫助找到他們實際回答你兩個問題的時間段. 也許你應該看看.

以下是連結: https://www.facebook.com/peileg/videos/777192873130567/



Junellen Clausheide David Weale And we accept that bullshit Dave. I fear and truly hope I'm wrong, but the time may come when islanders really wake up and are ANGRY, about being duped. This type of anger can very easily turn ugly, really ugly!

Junellen Clausheide David Weale, 我們接受那個廢話Dave. 我害怕並且真的希望我錯了, 但島民真的醒來, 對被欺騙的時候可能會到. 這種憤怒很容易變醜, 真的很醜!


Clayton Ellis They could be the real, hells Angels.

Clayton Ellis 他們可能是真實的, 地獄天使.


Junellen Clausheide I would like to know why the nuns are the face they insist on presenting to the public. They are so far removed from the actual purchasing as to be actually absurd. This is a brilliant strategy and we islanders are swallowing it hook line and sinker. No one is prepared to ask the hard questions of these passive, friendly and "naïve" students for fear of appearing racist! We should be addressing the CEO or lawyer who is signing the checks. It's time to stop being so nice and start demanding our representatives do their job. It's time to demand answers to any and all questions. It's time to demand transparency in every single purchase. It's time to demand to be shown their entire "grand plan" and exactly where they are right now in accomplishing their goals. It's time people because we are fast running out of time. Their colonization of this little island is underway, make no mistake!
Junellen Clausheide
我想知道為什麼修女是他們堅持向公眾展示的臉. 他們遠離實際購買, 實際上是荒謬的. 這是一個出色的策略, 我們島民正在吞噬它鈎線和沈沒. 沒有人準備因為害怕出現種族主義者而問這些被動, 友好和′′天真′′學生的難題! 我們應該向簽署支票的CEO或律師致詞. 是時候停止如此善良, 開始要求我們的代表做他們的工作了. 是時候要求回答任何問題了. 是時候要求每次採購都透明了. 是時候要求展示他們的整個′′宏偉計劃′′, 以及他們現在在實現目標方面的確切位置了. 是時候有人了, 因為我們快沒時間了. 他們在這個小島的殖民狀態正在進行中, 不要犯錯!


Donna Davies It's very sad to see this happening. Islanders may well be out of their league on this one. Maybe a documentary film would shake things up a little?

Donna Davies 看到這種情況發生, 非常悲傷. 島民可能在這個問題上完全脫離了他們的聯盟. 也許一部紀錄片會讓事情有點搖搖晃晃晃?


Janice Nicolle They think Islanders are too dumb too notice

Janice Nicolle 他們認為島民太蠢了, 注意了

Junellen Clausheide
Janice, based on our apparent apathy it's not surprising they think that. You can believe they are going to take full advantage of our snail like response. They seem to have a very clear path to their goal and we still have no idea what that is, except property acquisition.

Junellen Clausheide 珍妮絲, 基於我們明顯的冷漠, 他們這麼認為並不奇怪. 你可以相信他們會像回應一樣充分利用我們的snail. 他們似乎有一條通往目標的非常明確的道路, 除了財產獲取之外, 我們仍然不知道這是什麼.

Junellen Clausheide I would like to make a suggestion. Having given this much thought and seeing the earnest concern voiced on this issue the time is now for action. We need to have a venue that perhaps could be donated for a twice monthly meeting. Then we invite any and all concerned islanders. For the first few meetings we perhaps we just discuss the general concerns and allow for any and all to have a moment to express themselves. We should select a moderator to help mediate and keep future meetings running smoothly. My thought was to identify the many different angles and perhaps divide up into groups each one concentrating on a particular concern. Then maybe monthly each group gives a summary of what they were able to learn. When we are ready we can take our gathered facts to the government. We will be armed with the facts and no longer will either our own "representatives' or the monks be able to hide deception. I believe our numbers will be great and we can support one another as we educate ourselves to what is taking place under our noses. thoughts?

Junellen Clausheide 我想提出一個建議. 經過這麼多思考, 並看到對這個問題表達了真誠的關切, 現在是採取行動的時候了. 我們需要有一個場地, 也許可以捐贈給每月兩次的會議. 然後, 我們邀請任何和所有有關的島民. 對於前幾次會議, 我們也許只是討論一般的關切, 讓任何人和所有人都有時間表達自己的看法. 我們應該選擇一位主持人, 幫助調解並保持未來的會議順利進行. 我的想法是確定許多不同的角度, 也許可以分成各組, 集中於特定的關切. 然後, 也許每個團體每月都會總結他們所學到的東西. 當我們準備好時, 我們可以把我們收集到的事實交給政府. 我們將掌握事實, 我們自己的′′代表′′或僧侶都不能掩飾欺騙.[@我們將掌握事實, 讓我們自己的′′代表′′ 或僧侶 都不能躲在欺騙後面]. 我相信, 我們的數字將是巨大的, 我們可以互相支援, 因為我們教育自己瞭解在我們眼皮底下發生的事情. 想法?

Junellen Clausheide We need a centrally located church or meeting hall and if anyone knows of such a place let's get the ball rolling folks. This meeting place might be best placed in Three Rivers!

Junellen Clausheide 我們需要一個中心位置的教堂或會議廳, 如果有人知道這個地方, 讓我們去拿球滾動的人. 這個聚會地點可能最好放在三河!

David Weale I love your contention that we need some kind of a church/meeting hall. Agree!

David Weale 我喜歡你的論點, 即我們需要某種教堂/會議廳. 同意!


