2020年8月3日 星期一

福團的陳耀輝學長,在台灣,以遠洋的方式,購買加拿大P島的土地-因被退件,且被舉發,這才再次被討論!金女為何要在P島,購買這麼多土地呢? 難不成“建立教法”是看擁有多少土地,來斷定的嗎?金女如是囂張的購地行為,當然讓P島的某些議員警覺,且讓P島島民驚恐-如是損腦眾生的行徑,還算在P島”建立教法”嗎?

福團的陳耀輝學長,在台灣,以遠洋的方式,購買加拿大P島的土地-因被退件,且被舉發,這才再次被討論!金女為何要在P,購買這麼多土地呢? 難不成建立教法是看擁有多少土地,來斷定的嗎?金女如是囂張的購地行為,當然讓P島的某些議員警覺,且讓P島島民驚恐-如是損腦眾生的行徑,還算在P建立教法?


RE-加拿大PIRAC 執行委員會 202069日拒絕了陳先生的10份購買包裹之申請的公文指令中,是標示著台灣台北的陳耀輝先生
@....> 這是一樁台灣福團的陳耀輝學長,在台灣,以遠洋的方式,購買加拿大P島的土地-又因被退件,且被舉發,這才再次被討論!.
很奇怪,金女為何要在P,購買這麼多土地呢? 難不成建立教法是看擁有多少土地,來斷定的嗎?.
RE-[P島島民的某留言] 我是一個在愛德華王子島(PEI)出生與長大的驕傲島民。當我讀到的內容(非島民大量購P島的土地) 使我感到震驚和憤怒
我們島民最終將不得不向外國房東支付租金; …
*金女帶領的福團,如是囂張的在P島購地行為,當然讓P島的某些議員警覺,且讓P島島民驚恐--如是損腦眾生的行徑,金女還好意思說- 她是在P建立教法的開闢嗎?
其實,女這種不顧一切的要他的手下(如陳耀輝 或盧克宙 或馬可僧等)當財主的去P島購地-已經有太多可疑之處, 贊助金女的台灣福團學員,不須好好地追查與探究嗎?
Two sets of applications to purchase the same 10 parcels were filed with IRAC on January 9th.
One set identified the applicant/purchaser as Yaw Hui Chen.
The stated INTENDED PURPOSE on both sets of applications filed on January 9, 2020 was “subdivision into lots”.
IRAC sent Executive Council a “recommendation” for the Yaw Hui chen set (we don’t know what that recommendation was) on March 2, 2020.
Executive Council issued an Order on June 9, 2020 denying sale of the 210 parcels to Yaw Hui Chen.
[2020] 19日,向IRAC提交了購買相同的10個包裹的兩組申請。一組將申請人/購買者確定為Yaw Hui Chen[陳耀輝]
執行理事會於202069日發布命令,拒絕將210[10件吧 原文有筆誤吧 ]包裹出售給陳耀輝Yaw Hui Chen.
I’m not going any further down that rabbit hole in this article, except to point out that the person originally wanting to purchase those 10 parcels from Taiwan “Yaw Hui Chen,” is listed as living at “4 Williams Gate” in Stratford, PE (along with “Shao Ching Tseng, who is also listed at “4 Williams Gate”) on the incorporation documents for the “Hope International Education Foundation” with the head office in Stratford, PEI.
我在本文中不再贅述-除了要指出最初想從台灣購買這10個包裹[10筆土地]的陳耀輝“ Yaw Hui Chen”是標示住在Stratford, PE “ 4 Williams Gate”(連同“ “Shao Ching Tseng,也標示在“ 4 Williams Gate” 這個地址)即希望國際教育基金會的成立文件中,其總部就是設在Stratford, PEI.(這個地址)
In the June 9, 2020 Order from Executive Council declining Mr. Chen’s 10 applications to purchase those parcels it identifies him as “Yaw Hui Chen of Taipai City, Taiwan.”
在執行委員會於202069日拒絕了陳先生的10份購買包裹的申請之公文指令中,是標示著 台灣台北的陳耀輝先生。
1. Jodisays:
I am a born,bred and proud Prince Edward Islander.
What I just read above terrifies and angers me…
I have always wanted to live,work,and raise my family on the absolute best place in the world,P.E.I.
I have spent a lifetime trying to come back Home for good, not just when there is work at Home.
I’m trying to find a home of my own with some land to live on,but situations like the one above have rendered it next to impossible to do that.
Non-Islanders buy up the Island & drive the prices up to a point regular Islanders cannot afford to buy the very land they were raised on.
非島民購買了該島並將價格推高至正常水平 島民無力購買他們在其上得養活的土地。

These same “P.eople”/corporations F.rom A.way that will never step foot on the very land they are buying (solely for the purpose of turning a buck,regardless of the effect on the lifelong residents of P.E.I.) see our Island not as Home,but as a commodity to be bought or sold cheaply & without commitment to the Island ‘s traditional values.
這些相同的“ P.eople” /公司F.rom A.way永遠不會踏上他們要購買的土地(僅出於賺錢的目的,而不考慮對PEI終身居民的影響)島嶼不是居家,而是一種可以廉價購買或出售的商品,並且不承擔島嶼的傳統價值。
This is a small Island.Yet it seems that the only “people” that can own land here are anybody BUT true Islanders who ACTUALLY live here.

Why is it this “Corporation” is allowed to buy up vast swathes of land,yet I as an born here Islander am limited ,by law,on how much I(or any other Islander) can buy to live on.

Key word, LIVE.
為什麼允許這個公司購買大片土地,但在這裡出生為島民的我,是受限於法律,即我(或任何其他島民)有多少(土地)能維生的購買? 關鍵字-(維生)
This keeps up,we Islanders will end up having to pay rent to foreign landlords.
Because no Islander will own any of our beloved Island.
Enough is enough.
If you are not going to live on the land you buy,and work that land, you should not be allowed to buy that P.E.I. farmland.
Make a life here,raise your families here,be part of what makes this Island such a friendly,wonderful & unique,safe place to call Home.

