2019年10月4日 星期五

新加坡某講師或班長說-金女關心並會檢查上課者的名單-金女對新加坡學員會這樣關心與監控呀! 2017年下半年,已經有新加坡學員覺醒的說“必須找出各方的說法,才公平”-即該學員認知到”該要多看與多聽”,不想,到2019.10,淨遠還在提醒學員”不要去點火-即不要去看或聽或思惟質疑者的評論或陳述-淨遠這樣擔心被檢驗,其間會沒有問題才怪吧!

新加坡某講師或班長說-金女關心並會檢查上課者的名單-金女對新加坡學員會這樣關心與監控呀! 2017年下半年,已經有新加坡學員覺醒的說必須找出各方的說法,才公平”-即該學員認知到該要多看與多聽”,不想,2019.10,淨遠還在提醒學員不要去點火-即不要去看或聽或思惟質疑者的評論或陳述-淨遠這樣擔心被檢驗,其間會沒有問題才怪吧!




RE-[2017年的下半年, 新加坡的某學員 ] 問講師(或者班長)-得到的回覆是不要理會那個視頻,因為那是被編輯與是抹黑我們的上師(金女)” 這個說法還被另一位同學附會的說-她不會在謠言上浪費時間;對此,我立即反駁說,我們必須找出各方的說法才公平

@...> 2017年下半年,都已經有新加坡學員如是覺醒的說必須找出各方的說法才公平”-也就是該學員認知到該要多看與多聽”,不想,201910,淨遠還是在提醒學員不要去點火-即不要去看或聽或思惟質疑者的評論或陳述”-看到凈遠這樣擔心被檢驗,其間會沒有問題才怪吧!

Lee   分享了 1 連結


资料来源: 佛教护法会



Helen    (供养上师,供养佛,供养法,供养僧,供养一切众生) I started this practice in early 2014, but am now trying very hard to unlearn and delete the first line.

 --> 作者努力把第一項忘掉,因為過去供養的不是上師,而是喪師

Helen    用眼睛去觀察、用理智去思考的人,才是真正在學習佛智慧的道路上努力。不看、不聽又不思惟的福智人,就是糊里糊塗造業、亂七八糟感果。




Months ago, I chanced upon a video on YouTube with H.H. the Dalai Lama replying questions about Taiwan’s Bliss & Wisdom Society. Having an inquisitive mind,

幾個月前[@發文時間是20171231,那幾個月前, 應該也是在2017年下半年] 我偶然發現YouTube,達賴喇嘛(H.H. Dalai Lama)的視頻-該視頻回答了有關台灣福智的問題。[不由]有好奇心,

I asked my monitor about it. The reply was to ignore the video as it was ‘edited’ to ‘smear’ our Guru. This was chorused by a classmate who said she would not waste time on the ‘rumours’, to which I immediately retorted that we must find out what is going on to be fair to all parties.


Frankly, I was stunned that a supposedly more ‘learned’ monitor would discourage students from finding out more about the truth, by giving the excuse that to do so is to slander, which will create heavy negative karma, to even fall into hell.
坦白說,讓我驚訝的是,一個所謂的學識淵博的講師,竟會以這樣做(探索),會變成誹謗 -即這會造成負面法,甚至陷入地獄為由的,勸阻學生對真相的發掘.

Long story short, I received news from a Dharma friend, who warned about the possibility of BW Monastery being a cult since it is connected to BW (福智)in Taiwan, which was already controversial. My personal experience in 2014 confirmed that Jin controls its Singapore branch too.

長話短說,我收到一位佛法朋友的消息,他警告說BW Monastery(吉祥寶聚寺)可能是一個邪教,因為它與已經引起了爭議的台灣BW(福智)有關.

我在2014年的親身經歷,也證實金控制了其 (BW福智)新加坡分公司。

This is what happened… I skipped class as I was having family vacation abroad. My monitor messaged to ask about my absence, saying that the monitor must be informed if unable to attend class.


When I resumed class later, the monitor reminded the class of the same need to inform. I remarked that the Dharma is to liberate us; not to bind us, to which the monitor explained that Jin cares about us and checks the attendance lists. I mentioned that I do not see the need to apply for leave of absence as this is a Dharma school and not a business entity.

當我稍後重新上課時,講師提醒 對班級同樣需要通知。

我說- 佛法是要解放我們 不是要綑綁我們

對此, 講師解釋說 Jin關心我們,並檢查上課者的名單。

我提出, 我不認為有必要申請請假,因為這是佛法學校,而不是商業實體。

This is the first of many encounters that indicated the monitors’ and students’ blind adherence to instructions of Jin and the society.



2019.10.4 ·




