2019年6月19日 星期三






@.....>甚麼是溫和藝術? 是福僧與福尼到加拿大P,就要偽裝成藝術家-即當一個會製作酥油花的藝術家嗎?

RE-某島民說當公眾受邀參觀佛教修道院[GEBIS的大覺佛學新院或傳燈寺], 他們只展示了某些地區... 有很多沒有看到的地方. 我想看看"金女"可以閒逛的房間[=金女的住處].


RE-某島民說:我無法理解這是怎麼發生的. 我們有多少人可以得到如此快速的批准, 以一所私立學校? 尤其在這種情況下




月光国际学院位于PEI省小沙市,是一所指定的语言学院。CIC DLI#: O19220127182


中文名 月光国际学院
英文名 Moonlight International Academy
省份 爱德华王子岛
城市 小沙
学校类型 语言学校
学校性质 私立
授课语言 英语

联系方式 12174 Shore Road Little Sands, Prince Edward Island C0A 1W0 Canada
Telephone: (+1) 902-969-6496

David Weale



I realize there are many Islanders who are upset because I ask so many questions of the monks.

因為我問了僧侶(從台灣過去的福僧)很多問題, 我知道有很多島民是生氣的

They think I should just let them be, to practice their 'gentle arts' in the privacy of their monasteries.


[@甚麼是溫和藝術? 是福僧與福尼到加拿大P,就要偽裝成藝術家-即當一個會製作酥油花的藝術家嗎?]

However, I believe that when an organization is involved in the teaching/indoctrinating of youngsters who have been brought to this country from halfway around the world they forfeit the right to secrecy.


Those kids are in our country, and are our responsibility. Have we learned nothing about the dangers of such arrangements?

那些孩子在我們國家,是我們的責任。難不成我們沒有學到 (僧侶)這樣(神秘的)安排的危險嗎?

I think the same could be said of an organization that is buying up large tracts of Island land contrary to the spirit and intent of the Lands Protection Act. Secrecy doesn't cut it there either.



Lifting the veil of secrecy will change everything.


Glenn Beairsto If not our responsibility who's is it....?????....If serious things are happening (IN SECRECY ) we all could suffer ......Silence gives consent.....we should WAKE UP before it's too late......

Glenn Beairsto 如果不是我們的責任, 誰是它....?????.... 如果嚴重的事情發生(在保密中), 我們都可能遭受痛苦...... 沈默給予同意..... 我們應該在它太晚之前醒來......

Bonnie Jordan I've come to believe that most islanders would be willing to turn a blind eye to a gated community of polygamists, should they decide to set up a compound on the island. After all, who cares about dirty old men marrying 13 year old girls, and taking multiple wives. What they practice is also illegal...and they are also VERY secretive... but, who cares if young children are possibly being mistreated, abused, molested, raped in these "religious" cults.

Bonnie Jordan 我已經相信, 大多數島民會願意對一個封閉的啓社羣視而不見, 如果他們決定在島上建立一個大院. 不管怎樣, 誰在乎骯臟的老男人娶了13歲的女孩, 並娶了多個妻子.

他們練習的也是非法的... 他們也是非常神秘的...

但是, 誰在乎年幼的孩子可能在這些"宗教"邪教中受到虐待, 虐待, 騷擾, 強姦.

Bonnie Jordan When the public is invited to tour the Buddhist monastery, they're shown only certain areas...there's a lot that is not seen. I'd like to see the room where the "Golden Girl" hangs out.

Bonnie Jordan 當公眾受邀參觀佛教修道院時, 他們只展示了某些地區... 有很多沒有看到的地方. 我想看看"金女"可以閒逛的房間[金女的住處].

Julie Anne MacDonald Thank you for speaking out. I hope our government is listening

Julie Anne MacDonald 謝謝你的發言. 我希望我們的政府在聽

Cora Nicholson I cannot understand how this happened. How many of us could get such a fast approval for a private school? Especially under such circumstances

Cora Nicholson 我無法理解這是怎麼發生的. 我們有多少人可以得到如此快速的批准, 以一所私立學校? 尤其在這種情況下

Janice Nicolle Cora Nicholson it was a change to the Education Act done by the legislature. Only in PEI.

Janice Nicolle Cora Nicholson, 這是立法機構完成的教育法案的改變. 只有在P.

Carolyn J Stewart Many young boys here...many of us have always wondered..human nature being what it is...makes so much secrecy questionable..

Carolyn J Stewart 許多年輕的男孩在這裡... 我們很多人一直想知道.. 人類的本質是甚麼... 讓這麼多保密問題有疑問.

Mervin Bradley The problem as I see it is the love of 💰 far exceeds the love of the island land or for that matter the love of anything else so when they want to buy land the offer far exceeds the market price and so they can't sell it quick enough!!

Mervin Bradley 我看到的問題是愛💰遠遠超過了島嶼土地的愛, 或者這件事的愛, 所以當他們想買土地的優惠 遠遠超過市場價格, 所以他們不能很快將之出售!!

Janice Nicolle Bravo secrecy is hiding something. And certainly it’s unacceptable the school

Janice Nicolle Bravo保密在隱藏一些東西. 當然, 學校是不可接受的

