2019年5月28日 星期二

加拿大P島的David Weale 說:我還相信,GEBIS組織至少與中共(中國共產黨)串通. 最近, 我直接問了一位中國朋友-”佛教僧侶”和CCP(中國共產黨)中間是否有聯絡,答案是"肯定",且這是當地華人社區中,第二個明確肯定(僧侶與中共)關係(聯繫)的人,事實上,第一個人是說-“僧侶是間諜”;福團不是強調要"依止"與"尊師"嗎?那在P島的"師長住處"為何不太願意公開呢?

加拿大P島的David Weale :我還相信,GEBIS組織至少與中共(中國共產黨)串通. 最近, 我直接問了一位中國朋友-”佛教僧侶CCP(中國共產黨)中間是否有聯絡,答案是"肯定",且這是當地華人社區中,第二個明確肯定(僧侶與中共)關係(聯繫)的人,事實上,第一個人是說-“僧侶是間諜;福團不是強調要"依止""尊師"?那在P島的"師長住處"為何不太願意公開呢?




RE-David Weale : 我還相信,GEBIS組織至少與中共(中國共產黨)串通. 最近, 我直接問了一位中國朋友-”佛教僧侶CCP(中國共產黨)中間是否有聯絡, 答案是切要的 "肯定", 而且這是當地華人社區中,第二個明確肯定(僧侶與中共)關係(聯繫)的人,事實上,第一個人是說,僧侶是間諜。
如是一個表面上說是師長住處” “要隱密”,然實際上,可因此好好的讓一些人在那,作一些隱密的聯繫工作吧!

RE-島民說:我們需要迫使新政府採取必要措施, 看看過去12年的這個項目實際發生的情況.
@.....> “12
年前”-那就是說從2007 加拿大就是一個可以可以洗錢與被收買的國家嗎?
David Weale
23日下午1:31 · 

Every day, from around the world, we are seeing mounting evidence that China has a master-plan for global supremacy, and that locally the reckless, self-serving immigration policies of Ghiz and MacLauchlan opened wide the doors of the Island to agents of the Chinese Communist Party, and to international criminality and money laundering on a broad scale, and that the two initiatives were/are connected.
每一天, 從世界各地, 我們看到越來越多的證據表明, 中國有全球至上的總體計劃, 當地的魯莽, 自我服務的移民政策,
Maclauchlan的移民政策開啟了全島的大門, 向代理商敞開大門. 中國共產黨, 國際犯罪和洗錢活動廣泛, 這兩項舉措是/已聯絡在一起.
There is perhaps no place in the country (with the possible exception of Vancouver) where the welcome was as cordial, and as craven, and it makes me ashamed..
在該國可能沒有地方(可能是溫哥華的例外), 那裡的歡迎是親切的,也是懦弱的,這讓我很慚愧..
I don't know how aware Ghiz and MacLauchlan were of the long-term political ramifications of what they were doing, but if they didn't see it they were blind, and the source of that blindness was doubtless greed and ambition.
And it's not like there was no ringing of a warning bell to wake them up..
我不知道GhizMaclauchlan是如何認為他們在做的長期政治影響, 但他們如果沒有看到, 那他們是盲目的, 而這個失明的來源 無疑是貪婪和野心. 再說,這不像沒有響鈴已在叫醒他們了.
It is also clear that the new Conservative Government must move swiftly and resolutely to minimize the potential damage to Island society. It would not be stating the case too strongly to say the take-over is well under way, and that the interlopers must surely be amazed how sleepy. naïve and docile Islanders are about the process. That needs to change.
For starters, an investigation into money laundering should be launched immediately,
同樣明顯的是, 新的保守政府必須迅速和果斷地採取行動, 盡量減少對島嶼社會的潛在損害.[]接管工作好好地進行,不會說這案子太強烈了 且介入者.肯定會驚訝於,在整個[被侵入的]過程中,島民的不覺與天真和溫順,這需要改變.
首先, 應該立即啓動對洗錢的調查,

I also believe that the GEBIS organization is, at the very least, colluding with the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).
我還相信, GEBIS組織至少與中共(中國共產黨)串通.

Recently I asked a Chinese friend straight out if there was a connection between the Buddhist monks and the CCP. The answer was short and to the point. "Affirmative," And that was the second person from within the local Chinese community who affirmed the connection unequivocally. Indeed, the first person said matter-of-factly, "The monks are spies."
最近, 我直接問了一位中國朋友-”佛教僧侶CCP(中國共產黨)中間是否有聯絡, 答案是切要的 "肯定",
When an organization behaves like a hungry tiger but bleats like a gentle lamb it can be very dangerous to ignore the discrepancy, which is exactly what Islanders have been doing for more than a decade.

Melissa Batchilder:  I was really impressed by its inclusiveness.
Dennis Jameson:  Thank you for continuing to address this most important topic David. Many may assume that with a new government this problem will simply go away. We need to pressure the new government to take the necessary measures to look into what has actually been going on with this program over the past 12 years.
感謝您繼續討論這個最重要的主題大衛. 許多人可能假設, 有了一個新政府, 這個問題將完全消失. 我們需要迫使新政府採取必要措施, 看看過去12年的這個項目實際發生的情況.
“12年前那就是說從2007 加拿大就是一個可以可以洗錢與被收買的國家嗎?

Anna MacAdam: It's quite obvious that something is going on when you see the streets of Charlottetown teeming with luxury vehicles driven by Chinese individuals. They are obviously rich people and not the same as the ordinary Islander. Also, speaking of real estate, I heard someone in town owns twelve places which he is turning into airbnb. Now I'm not saying this is an Asian person, but is someone with money. PEI is changing and probably not for the better. Why can't we learn from other's mistakes? Greed, I guess. Hope the new gov takes this situation seriously. Or is it too late!
相當明顯的是, 當你看到charlottetown的街道上, 在中國個人驅動的豪華車輛時, 發生了甚麼事情. 他們顯然是富人, 而不是普通的島民.
另外, 說到房地產, 我聽說鎮上有人擁有個他正在變成airbnb的地方. 現在我不是說這是一個亞洲人, 但是有錢的人. 裴正在改變, 可能不是更好.
為甚麼我們不能從別人的錯誤中吸取教訓? 貪婪, 我猜. 希望新政府認真對待這種情況. 或者, 它太晚了!

Yanira Greener: "Financially, donated funds are diverted for unknown purposes and official accounts are unclear. Many monks’ bank accounts were used for money laundering. Four bank accounts, registered under my name, were used by Bliss and Wisdom for transferring funds as much as NT$100 million." Ven Fan Yin "
在財務上, 捐贈的資金被轉用於未知目的, 官方賬戶也不清楚. 許多和尚的銀行賬戶被用於洗錢. 在我的名字下註冊的四個銀行賬戶被b福智(團體)用於轉移資金, 只要nt$ 100." 釋梵因

David Weale : For those who don't recognize the name Fan Yin is a former GEBIS monk who separated from the Movement because of the corruption he witnessed. That at least is my understanding.
對於那些不認識釋梵因,[先做一些介紹 ] 是一個前gebis和尚, 因為他見證了腐敗, 他脫離了運動[被當人頭的策略].-這至少是我[DAVID]的理解.

Heather : I hate saying this but isn’t this shutting the gate after the cows got out? GEBIS owns at least 30-35 % of Kings County and pockets of land scattered in other counties. Chinese investors have purchased large tracts in Cavendish/ Stanhope area and many shops houses in Charlottetown. What should be happening is their citizenship should be being questioned. If they did not fulfill the terms of their residency requirements they should be deported.
擁有至少30-35 %的國王縣和零星的土地散落在其他縣.
中國投資者在卡文迪什/ balmoral地區購買了大片的大片,
charlottetown的許多商店都有. 應該發生的是他們的公民身份應該受到質疑. 如果他們居住的條件不具足, 他們應該被驅逐出境.

Lorna Macphee: Finally someone other than myself seeing this. It is plain as the nose on there faces and yet People don't see it. Hopefull this will open eyes wider so Islanders take another look. 終於有人看到這個了. 它就像鼻子上的鼻子一樣, 但人們卻看不到它. 希望這會睜開眼睛, 讓島民再看看.

Marie Lyon: Last year we were talking with a local at Starbucks in Charlottetown and he told me that a Chinese woman had told him that some day the Chinese were going to own P.E.I. That's very disturbing.
去年, 我們在charlottetown的星巴克和一個當地的朋友交談, 他告訴我, 一位中國女人告訴他, 有一天中國人要擁有愛德華王子島, 這非常令人不安.

Kristen MacQueen: Marie Lyon
A Vancouver friend of mine recently related something similar. A wealthy Chinese client of hers said that China already controls much more than what ls generally perceived by the public. I don't think their global economic plans are a secret though: https://www.cnbc.com/....../cramer-china-may-recognize......
If there's any upside, China has gained its wealth though non-violent means. Not all countries are foolish enough to permit foreign land ownership. But if you have weak laws and loopholes, then obviously any good chess player would use them to their advantage.
她的一位富裕的中國客戶說, 中國已經控制了很多, 比公眾普遍認為的更重要. 我不認為他們的全球經濟計劃是一個秘密, : https://www.cnbc.com/....../cramer-china-may-recognize......
如果有任何好處, 中國已經獲得了財富, 雖然非暴力手段. 並不是所有國家都愚蠢, 足以允許外國土地所有權. 但是如果你有軟弱的法律和漏洞, 那麼顯然任何好的象棋球員都會利用他們來利用他們的優勢.
Cramer: China may be recognizing that revealing its…

Cora Nicholson: Marie Lyon
a prominent Chinese gentlemen with ties to the liberal government, said this would become China Island
一位著名的中國紳士與自由政府的關係, 說這將成為中國島嶼

Cora Nicholson: Kristen MacQueen
they take their money to countries and offer to help with infrastructure, especially upcoming countries, then bingo they have a hold
他們把錢給國家, 並願意幫助基礎設施, 特別是即將到來的國家, 然後賓果 他們有一種感覺

Craig Giarc: The Chinese are interested in buying up land in Canada for a few very simple reasons:
1) we let them with almost no restrictions
2) they can easily take advantage of the social system and pay no tax while here
3) the environment is better than China
4) we allow birth tourism and hand out citizenship asking nothing in return
5) we are naive and overly accommodating
6) Canada is a relatively safe and stable country, easy to get in and out of if you have a little $$$ and we have no coherent culture

中國有興趣在加拿大購買土地, 因為幾個非常簡單的原因:
他們可以很容易利用社會系統, 而在這裡沒有納稅
我們允許出生的旅遊和交出公民身份, 要求沒有回報
我們是天真, 過於遷就
加拿大是一個相對安全和穩定的國家, 很容易進出, 如果你有一點$$$, 我們沒有連貫的文化

Jody Jordan: People can spot this chinese criminal activity but cannot and will not recognise its our own government who allows it to happen.. Get a clue as to who the most dangerous enemy is please.
人們可以發現這個中國的犯罪活動, 但不能也不會認識到它是我們自己的政府, 允許它發生.. 瞭解一下誰是最危險的敵人


Tubden    那是建给请来给福僧教授五部大论的藏系师长居住的

既然是給師長住, 為何大多時 金女集團的視聽組, 在拍攝時, 多會刻意地"隱藏"這片大草坪與別墅呢?
那在P,反而這樣的隱密,不介紹這棟"大覺新院"旁邊的"師長住處" -這樣的反常,是不是還是怪怪的

