2019年5月20日 星期一

2018.5.13 加拿大福團好像只敢對當地的報社說,他們有300多位僧人,在”大覺新院”,而不說出還有236位是在”傳燈寺”-以金女到2019年,可能還是擔心”從台灣過去這麼多福僧,會被島民或官方抵制吧”!P島的公關活動與免費供應,不會耽誤福僧或福尼的學習,與增加僧團的額外開銷嗎? 還是因為P島福團的任何開銷,台灣福團的呆胞都會買單!所以”不差”呀!

2018.5.13 加拿大福團好像只敢對當地的報社說,他們有300多位僧人,大覺新院”,而不說出還有236位是在傳燈寺”-以金女到2019,可能還是擔心從台灣過去這麼多福僧,會被島民或官方抵制吧!P島的公關活動與免費供應,不會耽誤福僧或福尼的學習,與增加僧團的額外開銷嗎? 還是因為P島福團的任何開銷,台灣福團的呆胞都會買單!所以不差!


RE-20185.13 加拿大P島當地一個衛報的報導-

2013 福團加拿大的大覺新院剃了一位P島的島民為僧,如是,他的剃頭師父,會是誰?! 是台灣鳳山寺福團的住持-如證嗎?

RE-大約十年前[ 2008],四位佛教僧侶 到達東部P.E.I.修道院。
如今[20185.13],位於小沙灘(Little Sands)的修道院內 [大覺院], 有超過300名僧侶

因為金女與福團高層,2018-20195月間,一再宣稱已經有500-600位福僧在P島那學習-即福僧分居在大覺新院(300多位),與已建好的傳燈寺二座僧寮(168X2=236), 2018.5.13 福團好像只敢對當地的報社說,他們有300多位僧人,大覺新院”,而不說出還有236位是在傳燈寺”—



RE-這是一個全年大部分時間 對公眾開放的私人場所



@...>這樣的公關活動與免費供應,不會耽誤福僧或福尼的學習,與增加僧團的額外開銷嗎? 還是因為P島福團的任何開銷,台灣福團的呆胞都會買單!所以不差!

RE- Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) built its P.E.I. monastery

@...> GEBIS 的英文全名,明明就是大覺佛教社團”- 即完全不是傳燈寺的英文名字,但現在金女與金女集團,就硬是要將GEBIS 稱為傳燈寺”-有夠詭異吧!


Buddhist monks welcome Islanders, N.S. and N.B. residents to monastery during open house

The Guardian

Published: May 13, 2018 at 9:40 p.m.


LITTLE SANDS, P.E.I. - Before the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) built its P.E.I. monastery, all Venerable Eli knew about the religion was what he’d picked up in movies and on the news.

Born in Charlottetown, the now 27-year-old was introduced to the monks when they first arrived  because his mother started helping out in their community.
Once Eli started learning more about the group, he realized he also wanted to live as a monk.




“I just really enjoyed being with the group, and then eventually decided that I would like to try to be a monk,” said Eli, who has now been at the monastery for five years and is the only Island monk living there.
 Nearly a decade ago, four Buddhist monks arrived to set up the eastern P.E.I. monastery.
Today, more than 300 monks reside in the monastery located in Little Sands, a private location closed to the public for most of the year.

我真的很高興和這個團體在一起,然後最終決定 我想成為一名僧人,” Eli說,他現在已經在修道院呆了五年,是唯一住在那[寺院內][P]島僧。

大約十年前[2008],四位佛教僧侶 到達東部P.E.I.修道院。

如今,位於小沙灘(Little Sands)的修道院內 [2018]有超過300名僧侶,這是一個全年大部分時間 對公眾開放的私人場所

Geoff Yang, the society’s executive secretary, said there was a growing interest over the years from the public to learn more about this new, growing community of monks, so they began to host events.

There certainly seems to be an interest, as more than 2,000 people from Tignish to East Point, and from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, visited the monastery over the weekend during its annual open house.

The open house included dinner rolls, stories, a prayer hall visit, a debate demonstration, spiritual education and other free, family-friendly activities.

該協會的執行秘書Geoff Yang表示,多年來公眾越來越關注這個新的,不斷增長的僧侶社區,因此他們開始舉辦活動。

看起來肯定有趣味,因為從TignishEast Point,以及新不倫瑞克和新斯科舍省的2000多人,在周末的開放日期間,參觀了修道院。


Other than shaving off his long dreadlocks, Eli said the major change in his life was learning how to be more compassionate and caring towards those around him.

He said he hopes events like the open house help people realize that monks are just human beings.

“We all have difficulties and we all have different ways of wanting to overcome that, but I guess just to realize that we’re people, too, and that we’re all here together – to work together, to make a better environment and become better people.”

For more information about the Island’s monks, visit Gebis.org.



我們都有困難,我們都有不同的方式想要克服這個問題,但我想只是意識到我們也是人,我們都在一起 - 共同努力,創造一個更好的環境,變得更好的人。



