2019年3月3日 星期日





福智內幕大公開分享了 1 連結


福智醜聞曝光 - 在愛德華王子島紮根- 6部分:



一小群資深法師和學員 操縱策劃了一個大膽詭計多端的計劃,企圖說服法師,僧尼和學員 接受Mary Jin(金夢蓉)作為福智的接班人,並最終在愛德華王子島設立替代中心。福智利用了變相依止法來設立一個對金夢蓉個人效忠崇拜的邪教。






我想知道建設傳燈寺的邏輯是什麼(寺院顯然會是巨大的) - 這是否意味著金女打算長期留在加拿大,而不是去台灣?


日宗仁波切(第102 甘丹赤巴),傑尊洛桑丹增仁波切(第103任甘丹赤巴,圓寂於2017421日),和洛桑丹增仁波切(第104任甘丹赤巴),他們與達賴喇嘛的關係緊密,每年他們會前往台灣福智為法師傳授教法幾個月。福智資深法師經常有機會私下與他們交談,或親近隨行的格西和法師們。




他們開始尋找更好的解決方案。淨遠法師嘗試了很多年,但都失敗了。後來,如倫法師接手了,他於 2016年去世(福智在網路上撰寫了很多關於他的文章)。

2661: 2018年前為金女住處,2018年則為傳燈寺地標。
正確地址為2661 Heatherdale Rd, Montague
google map: https://goo.gl/maps/41XsirrBqr92

GEBIS()大覺佛學院: 台灣福智僧團
正確地址: 12174 Shore Rd, Murray River
google map: https://goo.gl/maps/KgLAJhHVrrP2



Introduction: Bliss and Wisdom (aka GEBIS) in Canada, must rank among the most bizarre Buddhist cult in the entire history of…

福智內幕大公開    2661: 2018年之前為金女住處,
正確地址為2661 Heatherdale Rd, Montague蒙塔古。
google map: https://goo.gl/maps/41XsirrBqr92

該址在2018 才顯示此處為傳燈寺地標。之前2661就是金女住處,淨人、沙彌都知道的。

福智內幕大公開    GEBIS()大覺佛學院: 台灣福智僧團
正確地址: 12174 Shore Rd, Murray River(little sand小沙鎮)
google map:


Friday, March 1, 2019

Part 6 - Bliss and Wisdom (GEBIS) Scandal Unfolding - Taking Root in Prince Edward Island 

Introduction: Bliss and Wisdom (aka GEBIS) in Canada, must rank among the most bizarre Buddhist cult in the entire history of Buddhism. This writing is written from the knowledge of junior monks in the monastery from the period of Rih-Chang's death in Oct 2004 to mid-2017, before the first abbot, Venerable Fan Yin released the earth shattering audio file detailing the scandal, which is the subject of another writing. A small group of senior monks and members master minded an audacious and cunning scheme persuading monks, nuns and members to accept Mary Jin (Jin Mengrong) as the bona fide successor of Bliss and Wisdom, and eventually setting up alternative centres in Prince Edward Island in Canada. Bliss and Wisdom has built a personality cult revolving around Mary Jin in the guise of guru devotion (依止法) concept.

However, Mary Jin only visits GEBIS a few times a year, although some senior monks can travel to 2661 to meet her occasionally. Everyone always wondered why Mary Jin is not staying at GEBIS. After spending millions of dollars flying the monks to PEI, building GEBIS for millions more, the monks only get to see their precious guru a few times each year! If Mary Jin needs some peace and quiet, or some privacy, GEBIS has enough land to build her a house in some quiet corner of the compound, shielded by trees or something.

The monks are being told that Chuan Deng Monastery is being built so that Mary Jin can live together with them. They are looking forward to it, because everyone wants to live in close proximity to their spiritual guru & learn from her. I wonder what’s the logic for building Chuan Deng Monastery (which is obviously going to be huge) – does that mean that Mary Jin intends to stay in Canada in the long run, instead of going to Taiwan? If that’s the case, why are they building Yuecheng Guangming Monastery in Taiwan for 100,000 monks? The monks and lay people are being told, Yuecheng Guangming Monastery is being prepared so that when Mary Jin comes to Taiwan, she can live with the sangha and teach them.

Rizong Rinpoche (102nd Ganden Tripa), Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche (103rd Ganden Tripa, passed away on 21st Apr 2017) and Jangtse Choje Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche (104th Ganden Tripa) , all firmly close and devoted to Dalai Lama, travel to Taiwan to give teachings to the monks for a few months each year. Senior monks often have the chance to speak to them privately, or approach the Geshes and monks accompanying Rinpoche. However, it is usually Mary Jin’s gurus/teachers who travel to GEBIS to give teachings to the monks. One of them is Harwa Rinpoche from Sichuan, one of Mary Jin’s most important gurus, who has links to the 10th Panchen Lama. There are also other Tibetan lamas and teachers from Mainland China and Mongolia. Some of these teachers could have difficulties entering Taiwan, or may face scrutiny from Taiwanese authorities (Chinese tourists and businessmen can now enter Taiwan relatively easily, but I expect monks/religious persons would come under some scrutiny).

Initially, when the monks began coming to Canada, most of them had no permanent visas and could only enter for six-months visa free. This meant that hundreds of monks had to fly between Taiwan and PEI each year, a significant financial burden on the organization. They began to look for a better solution.  Jing Yuan tried for many years, but failed.  Ru Lun (如倫法師), who passed away in 2016 (lots of articles written about him on the internet by Bliss and Wisdom), took up the mantle.
.... continue part 7

