2019年3月4日 星期一

福智醜聞曝光–在P島的學院(7) 如倫法師成功遊說P島教育部,批准僧團建立“月光國際學院”-福僧能以學院的教師,圖書管理員的身份等,或持學生簽證,在加拿大逗留幾年;大多數福僧未經許可,不能離開寺院場地-會犯下被驅擯的罪行;在加拿大,如果不會說英語而且沒有車,就不可能偷偷溜出寺院

福智醜聞曝光P島的學院(7) 如倫法師成功遊說P島教育部,批准僧團建立月光國際學院”-福僧能以學院的教師,圖書管理員的身份等,或持學生簽證,在加拿大逗留幾年;大多數福僧未經許可,不能離開寺院場地-會犯下被驅擯的罪行;在加拿大,如果不會說英語而且沒有車,就不可能偷偷溜出寺院


福智內幕大公開分享了 1 連結


福智醜聞曝光P島的學院- 7部分:

簡介:加拿大的福智(又名GEBIS傳燈寺),毫無疑問,堪稱是整個佛教歷史上最詭異的邪教。以下這篇文章是從一些新進法師處所瞭解而寫成的資料,涉及從日常法師於200410月去世至2017年年中,在首任方丈梵因法師公開撼世驚人的醜聞音檔之前期間(這又是另一則文章的主題)。一小群資深法師和學員操縱策劃了一個大膽詭計多端的計劃,企圖說服法師,僧尼和學員接受Mary Jin(金夢蓉)作為福智的接班人,並最終在愛德華王子島設立替代中心。福智利用了變相依止法來設立一個對金夢蓉個人效忠崇拜的邪教。
如倫法師成功遊說P島教育部 批准僧團建立月光國際學院,法師能以工作許可證進入加拿大(例如以學院的教師、圖書管理員的身份等)或持學生簽證,如此一來 他們每次都可以在加拿大逗留幾年。
最初,許多P島教育官員 並不熱衷於批准該申請。當局與法師之間存在重大的溝通障礙,以及許多懸而未決的問題。但是,如倫法師和他的團隊鍥而不捨,最終憑藉他們的善意和誠心 贏得了一些官員的信任,所以那些官員願意為這個計劃辯護並推動它,儘管他們因此引來其他同事的抨擊。

他們還和P島教育部副部長 亞歷山大麥克唐納博士 成了親密好友,後者曾訪問過台灣福智(不確定哪方買單),包括福智園區(http://youth.blisswisdom.org/canada / 網上其他地方還有很多這方面的資訊)。 

他們如何讓月光國際學院的設立獲得當局批准? 無從而知 - 只有極少數人看過他們提交的文件、他們聲稱所會教授的課程、所授予的資格和認證等等。

GEBIS的大多數法師甚至都沒有學習英語 - 他們,尤其是沙彌班,遵循內部的法師課程,例如五部大論沒有發出任何資格或證書

P島教育官員來時,在他們面前展示一些講英語的法師並不困難,展示笑容,觀功念恩(福智的口號),回答之前演習過的問題,並獻上餅乾和茶點; P島教育官員離開後,一切回歸正常運作。


我想知道為什麼P島教育部首先批准月光國際學院 - 它對P島有何貢獻?



在台灣和加拿大,法師不擁有自己的車,但是可以使用寺院的公用汽車或麵包車。申請人必須向上級申請,並由負責紀律的法師批准,並且只允許辦公事 - 例如為居士開示或辦營隊、去另一個福智的中心做正式的參訪、求診、處理簽證問題、為寺院購買器具或用品等。



Introduction: Bliss and Wisdom (aka GEBIS) in Canada, must rank among the most bizarre Buddhist cult in the entire history of…


福智內幕大公開     GEBISP島教育部副部長亞歷山大麥克唐納博士成了親密好友,後者曾訪問過台灣福智(不確定哪方買單),包括福智園區
演講題目:Myths and Reflection of Modern Education 現代教育的迷思與省思

為促進教育思想之國際交流與創新,福智文教基金會邀請 (PEI) 省教育廳副廳長MacDonald, Dr. Alex (Sandy)蒞台,辦公開演講,
時間:2014 9 26 (週五)下午 3:004:30
聯絡人:胡純小姐 電話:02-2545-2546#108, 0919-630448



加拿大PEI省教育廳副廳長MacDonald, Dr. Alex演講:現代教育的迷思與省思


https://lojelthoughts.blogspot.com/2019/03/part-7-bliss-and-wisdom-gebis-scandal.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR1xhDl7fxsctcQa3q-GY9vcHCzyrIi1_6rtsfupZo7An3JEk7hKV7WepFE Saturday, March 2, 2019

Part 7 - Bliss and Wisdom (GEBIS) Scandal Unfolding - The Academy in PEI, Canada

Introduction: Bliss and Wisdom (aka GEBIS) in Canada, must rank among the most bizarre Buddhist cult in the entire history of Buddhism. This writing is written from the knowledge of junior monks in the monastery from the period of Rih-Chang's death in Oct 2004 to mid-2017, before the first abbot, Venerable Fan Yin released the earth shattering audio file detailing the scandal, which is the subject of another writing. A small group of senior monks and members master minded an audacious and cunning scheme persuading monks, nuns and members to accept Mary Jin (Jin Mengrong) as the bona fide successor of Bliss and Wisdom, and eventually setting up alternative centres in Prince Edward Island in Canada. Bliss and Wisdom has built a personality cult revolving around Mary Jin in the guise of guru devotion (依止法) concept.
Ru Lun successfully lobbied the PEI Department of Education to allow the monks to set up “Moonlight International Academy”, which now allows the monks to enter Canada on work permits (as teachers, librarians, etc of the academy) or student visas, so they can remain in Canada for a few years each time. The difficulty of the task, and the significance of this achievement, is something many of the monks know about. Initially, many PEI education officials were not keen to approve the application. There were significant communication barriers with the monks, and many unanswered questions. But Ru Lun and his team persisted and eventually won over some of the officials with their kindness and sincerity, so some of the officials were willing to defend the scheme and push it through, despite receiving flak from their colleagues. They also found a close ally in Dr Alexander MacDonald, deputy minister of the PEI Department of Education, who has visited Bliss & Wisdom in Taiwan (not sure at whose expense), including the Edu Park (http://youth.blisswisdom.org/canada/ lots of info elsewhere on the web too). 

It’s not widely known how they managed to get Moonlight International Academy approved – Only very few people have seen the documents they submitted, what curriculum they claim to teach, what qualifications and certifications they award, and so on. But most of the monks in GEBIS are not even learning English – they are following the internal sangha curriculum, such as the Five Major Treatises, especially the children intake. No qualifications or certificates are given. When the PEI education officials come, it wouldn’t be difficult to parade a few English-speaking monks in front of them, smile, OMAK (Observe Merits Acknowledge Kindness – A Bliss and Wisdom {Gebis} slogan), answer questions as coached, and ply them with cookies and tea; after the PEI education officials leave, it can be business as usual. Most of the monks are not allowed to leave the monastery grounds without permission (an offence requiring expulsion) anyway, so most of them have little interaction with the islanders. I wonder why the PEI Department of Education even approved Moonlight International Academy in the first place – in what way does it contribute to PEI?

Some of the monks say that they like the cloistered, protective environment of GEBIS, because it helps them keep their Vinaya (monk rules and conduct) and focus on the spiritual path. One of the monks told me, “In Canada, it’s impossible to sneak out of the monastery if you don’t speak English and don’t have a car.” In both Taiwan and Canada, monks do not own their own cars, but may use the shared monastery cars or vans. An application has to be made to one’s superior, approved by the discipline master, and only official trips are allowed – e.g. giving lessons or retreats to lay people, official visit to one of Bliss & Wisdom’s centers, medical treatment, settling visas, purchasing equipment or supplies for the monastery, etc. Visiting family and friends, or going shopping, would not be allowed. Moreover, monks are not allowed to leave the monastery alone, and must be accompanied by another monk. Senior monks, or monks with official duties, can have mobile phones issued by the monastery. Junior monks, novices and pre-ordinates are not allowed to have their own cellphone and must use the monastery phone in the office (with permission from their tutors, and after signing a log book). 

...continue part 8 (to be available) 

