2019年2月13日 星期三

淨遠在加拿大P島主法,還不忘趕快在他的臉書貼出”批評[他們的]教義,那就具有極大的破壞性”;難不成淨遠是擔心台灣的呆胞,忽開竅的問金女”你是不是真的跟福僧共住或睡在一起呀?!” 故在臉書先貼出這篇新加坡廣論學員寫出的這一段-即好讓有疑慮的台灣學員,先被打”預防針”的,不要對金女提出這類的尷尬問題吧!

淨遠在加拿大P島主法,還不忘趕快在他的臉書貼出批評[他們的]教義,那就具有極大的破壞性;難不成淨遠是擔心台灣的呆胞,忽開竅的問金女你是不是真的跟福僧共住或睡在一起呀?!” 故在臉書先貼出這篇新加坡廣論學員寫出的這一段-即好讓有疑慮的台灣學員,先被打預防針,不要對金女提出這類的尷尬問題吧!




@.....> 淨遠在加拿大P島主法,還不忘趕快在他的臉書貼出這段-即淨遠在遙遠的加拿大P,還須(或會)這樣費心的護金女呀!

難不成淨遠是擔心台灣的呆胞,忽開竅的問金女你是不是真的跟福僧共住或睡在一起呀?!” 故在臉書先貼出這篇新加坡廣論學員(或是誰寫的-不清楚)寫出的這篇英文文章的這一段-即好讓有疑慮的台灣學員,先被打預防針,不要對金女提出這類的尷尬問題吧!


It is never wrong to have questions about the teachings, practices and traditions, and it’s even highly encouraged for practitioners to engage in healthy debate sessions, conducted with the correct motivation of clarification of doubts as well as to seek deeper understanding of the dharma.
對教學,實踐和傳統,有疑問 從來都不是錯的,甚至高度鼓勵從業者參加健康的辯論會,以澄清疑慮的正確動機進行,並尋求更深入地了解佛法

However it is extremely destructive if we criticize the teachings we see or hear information from another group, whose teachings and practices we find unfamiliar or unacceptable.



December 11, 2018

When We Misunderstand The Beauty of A Diversity of Buddhist Lineages.



Theravada,Mahayana, Zen, Pure Land, Vajrayana and so on – such a diversity of Buddhist lineages exits, each beautifully rich in their own traditions and practices. The teachings that we understand may seem to have differences, or even conflict with each other. Some say that the teachings between Hinayana and Mahayana often seem to be incompatible, that they cannot accommodate each other. 
However, it is their co-existence that generates even more harmonious compatibility, because every one of us have different capacity levels to be able to practice the dharma, which is the reason why we face problems in putting the dharma teachings into practice.

上座部,大乘佛教,禪宗,淨土,金剛乘等等 - 這種多樣化的佛教血統出現,每個人都有自己豐富的傳統和習俗。我們理解的教義似乎有差異,甚至相互衝突。有人說小乘佛教和大乘佛教之間的教義似乎是不相容的,他們無法互相容納。


With gratitude to the Buddha for his compassion and the highest-ever wisdom, he has factored in our different levels of capacity into his teachings, which is why the various systematic stages in the path to enlightenment are presented via a beautiful diversity of different Buddhist lineages.

The Beauty of A Diversity of Buddhist Lineages. There are shared paths which one lineage shares in common with another, and there are also unshared paths. It’s like the schooling system that all of us go through. A shared path between a college education and an elementary education would be what was learnt during elementary. After finishing the elementary stage, the elementary students may not continue and that would be the unshared path between a college and an elementary education. 



With such a diversity of Buddhist lineages, each and every one of us will be able to adapt to different practices based on our current level of understanding and capability – nobody gets left out.

Misunderstanding the Beauty of A Diversity of Buddhist Traditions. It is never wrong to have questions about the teachings, practices and traditions, and it’s even highly encouraged for practitioners to engage in healthy debate sessions, conducted with the correct motivation of clarification of doubts as well as to seek deeper understanding of the dharma.  However it is extremely destructive if we criticize the teachings we see or hear information from another group, whose teachings and practices we find unfamiliar or unacceptable.  

憑藉如此多樣化的佛教血統,我們每個人都能夠根據我們目前的理解和能力水平適應不同的實踐 - 沒有人被排除在外。



We may have heard of this misconception before – “I practice Mahayana, and I will not study those Hinayana texts.” or “I am a Mahayana practitioner, I don’t need to learn Hinayana teachings,” – this is a very grave mistake and the cause planted is extremely harmful.  Unless we have attained ultimate wisdom like the Buddha, it is all ignorance and confusion on our own part when we believe conflicting information between one Buddhist group and another, and this results in many misunderstanding about the different lineages of traditions. 

我們之前可能聽說過這種誤解 - “我練習大乘佛教,我不會研究那些小乘佛教文本。我是大乘修行者,我不需要學習小乘佛教教義,這是一個非常嚴重的錯誤種植的原因是非常有害的。除非我們像佛陀一樣獲得終極智慧,否則當我們相信一個佛教團體與另一個佛教團體之間的信息相互矛盾時,我們就會感到無知和困惑,這導致了許多對傳統不同譜系的誤解。

“Because there is no one in this world more wise than the Conqueror— No other who knows precisely with omniscience all [phenomena of the world] and the supreme reality— Do not disturb any of the collections of Sūtra set forth by the Sage himself. By destroying the system of the Sage, you will harm the sacred teachings.” ~ the Sublime Continuum by Maitreya Bodhisattva

Sectarianism is a very serious matter that should not be taken lightly of, thus it is important to be educated about and understand clearly the overview of the entire dharma path that encompasses the different traditions.

因為在這個世界上沒有人比征服者更明智 - 沒有其他人真正全心全意地了解所有[世界現象]和至高無上的現實 - 不要打擾聖人自己提出的任何Sūtra集合。通過摧毀聖人的製度,你將損害神聖的教義。〜彌勒菩薩的崇高連續體


Regardless of how each lineage present their practices in their different ways, the teachings are based on the same principles of overcoming suffering created by our afflictions, our mental poisons and bad habits, recognizing that we have the potential to attain true liberation from these suffering forever and developing it, the growth of wisdom and the aspiration for all beings to be well and happy.

Regardless of how many different lineages there are, all of them stem from the Buddha’s teachings which branch out to different lineages and traditions to accommodate the capacity level of each and every one of us.


Sharing of reflections is based upon personal contemplation from the learning of the dharma teachings at BW Monastery. 

 If dharma teachings interest you, catch more snippets at BW Monastery – https://bwmonastery.org.sg/discourses/

分享個人的反思 -BW修道院[@新加坡吉祥寶聚寺]學習的佛法教義

如果對佛法教義有興趣,請到在BW修道院 獲取更多片段 -  https://bwmonastery.org.sg/discourses/

[@....>Sangha Discourses僧团法语]

