2019年2月1日 星期五

在淨遠臉書出現一則”獨特”的留言-“所有佛教老師是搶劫佛的話的劫匪. 一個寄生蟲, 用佛語為名聲和認可, 以及一個人類的恐怖分子, 將人類最大的發現變成人類遭受苦難的因素.”-不多時會被淨遠刪除吧!果然,是被刪除了-這則留言應該有把"淨遠或小編"嚇了一大跳吧!

在淨遠臉書出現一則獨特的留言-“所有佛教老師是搶劫佛的話的劫匪. 一個寄生蟲, 用佛語為名聲和認可, 以及一個人類的恐怖分子, 將人類最大的發現變成人類遭受苦難的因素.”-不多時會被淨遠刪除吧!果然,是被刪除了-這則留言應該有把"淨遠或小編"嚇了一大跳吧!



所有佛教老師是搶劫佛的話的劫匪.... 一個寄生蟲, 用佛語為名聲和認可, 以及一個人類的恐怖分子, 將人類最大的發現變成人類遭受苦難的因素.”



本懺法是中國清朝康熙時代,望華頂嗣祖沙門ㄇㄟ(這個ㄇㄟˋ字是古字 左邊「言」, 右邊上面是一「上 」,下面是「小」字。) 震法師所撰
震法師深感大般若經乃為大藏經之首,最尊最貴,然因600卷文繁義廣, 非一般世人心智所能測量,又見古來諸師各依諸多經典而作各種懺本,唯大般若獨無懺本,因此參照法華懺、楞嚴懺、大悲懺等而製作《大般若寶懺》希望有緣之士 建壇,效法湧常啼菩薩大興供養等等。

Ven Jing Yuan 釋淨遠   應是這個字:l𧧌

有一天, 一個男孩遇見了"", 說佛...", 我想像你... 請告訴我如何"..................
""好吧, 如果你想成為我..... 你會看到白色的線出現在地板上... 事情會出現在線的一側... 收集它, 把它給我... 你給我帶來的更多東西, 你是我更大的機會".......
所以有一天, 男孩想成為佛, 看到白色線和東西出現在地板上.....................

他是如此興奮, 跟著白色線, 收集東西, 把它在他後面........

在他旅行的時候, 他希望成為佛增加, 他的愛是佛增加, 他對更多事情的貪婪, 他對失去他收集的東西的恐懼, 並繼續在他的背上增加.... 他的自我是佛增加...

因為他收集了更多和更多物品, 它變得越來越沈重了......... 他越來越痛苦了.............

在一個點上, 當他轉身時... 他很震驚, 看到, 白色線 到處都是...... 有無數的項目在地板上... 沒有人旁邊的他... 他總是一個人... 沒有人要拿走他收集的東西.........

他希望旅行減少, 他的愛是佛減少, 他對失去的東西的恐懼, 他對失去的東西的恐懼, 他的貪婪/自我堅持他的意志 ........

他將繼續減少....... 和他的意志的堅持和他的背上的東西減少........
所有事情慢慢, 逐漸, 自然從他背上掉下來... 隨著越來越多的東西從他的背上掉下來, 他越來越輕鬆了........

最後, 他背上沒有更多的東西... 不要再堅持他的意志... 他會旅行減少... 他越來越慢, .... 他終於停止了, 因為他不再有任何旅行的旅行..... 他到了... 自由... 他是和平的.... 他是佛.......

佛的話語只是關於你 而不是你應該是誰.
過去17年來, 我已經與數百位來自各種背景和世界各地的佛教老師交流了.... 我現在在一種頭腦中, 聲稱所有佛教老師都處於巨大的痛苦中, 充滿了巨大的精神

. #..... #..... #..... #..... #..... #..... #..... #..... #..... #..... #..... #..... #.....
所有佛教老師都用佛的話語作為一個指南, 給你"某人".... 帶領你"在那裡", 但你總是"在這裡"... 你在掙紮著嗎"....
所有佛教老師都像有人給你泥濘的水洗衣服, 讓你期待它在星巴克放鬆喝卡布奇諾, 讓你支付賬單.

在我目前的腦海中, 所有佛教老師是搶劫佛的話的劫匪.... 一個寄生蟲, 用佛語為名聲和認可, 以及一個人類的恐怖分子, 將人類最大的發現變成人類遭受苦難的因素.
我不是一個垃圾郵件或一個巨魔, 在這裡和我的身份證名和一張臉在我的個人檔案..... 我誠摯邀請所有佛教老師與我辯論, 以挑戰我這個想法

One day , a boy met " Buddha" and said to Buddha..." Buddha, I want to be like you ...please tell me how "..................
"Buddha" said " Well , if you want to be me .....you will see white line appear on the floor ...and things will appear on the side of the line ...collect it and bring it to me ...the more things you bring to me , the greater chance you be me ".......

So one day , the boy wanted to be Buddha and saw white line and things appear on the floor .....................

he is so excited and follow the white line and collect things and carry it on his back ........

as he travel , his desire to be Buddha increase , his love to be Buddha increase , his greed for more things increase , his fear of losing things that he collected and carried on his back increase .... his ego of to be Buddha increase ...

and as he collected more and more items and it became more and more heavy .........and he is getting more and more suffer .............

at one point , as he turn his head ...he was shocked and saw , white line are everywhere ....

..and there are countless of item on the floor ...and there are no one beside him ... he is always alone ...no one going to take away the things he collected on his back .........
he recognize he is like someone watching a movie acted and directed by him ............

his desire to travel decrease , his love to be Buddha decrease , his fear of losing the things he carry decrease , his greed / ego of holding on his will decrease ........

and his will to move on decrease .......

and as the hold on his will and the things on his back decreases ........
all things slowly , gradually and naturally drop from his back ...

and as more and more things drops from his back , he is more and more at ease ........

and finally there is no more things on his back ...there is no more holds on his will ...

his will to travel decreases ...

he is moving slower and slower ....

he finally stop as he no longer with any will to travel.....and he is arrived ... he is free ...he is peace ....he is Buddha .......

The words of Buddha is only about YOU not a guide of who you should be .

For the past over 17years I had communicated with hundreds of Buddhist Teacher from various background and from all over the world ...

I am now at a mind that claimed all Buddhist Teacher are in great suffering holding on a large mind filled with referrals of Buddhism and is leading people into a path of greater suffering in the name of Buddhism.....
All Buddhist Teacher are using Buddha's words as a guide for you to be " someone ".... leading you to be " there "....but you are always " here " ...is you that suffer struggling to be " there "....
all Buddhist Teacher are like someone giving you muddy water to wash your clothing and let you expect it to be cleaned while they relaxing drinking cappuccino at Starbucks and let you pay the bill. In the current mind of me all Buddhist Teacher are robber that robbed Buddha's words....a parasite that feeding on Buddha words for fame and recognition and a TERRORIST OF MANKIND for transforming perhaps the greatest discovery of mankind into a factor for human to suffer

... I am not a spam or a troll and is here with my identity card name and a face on my profile.....I cordially invites all Buddhist Teacher to debate with me as to challenge this mind of me

S:   謝謝法師,用心說法。聽了喜悅,也印了修善持戒之心。感恩法師以簡單白話傳佛語,護持正法。感恩法師也介紹不同的佛經典給大家。請法師繼續護持正法,傳佛語,轉法輪,引渡眾生種下出世之因到彼岸。

S: 也很希望法師能舉辦講堂,解說大乘經典裡的內容和道理。比如說,《金剛經》真實世界的空性。或《阿彌陀經》《無量壽經》極樂世界的描述,阿彌陀佛第18願,念佛帶業往生。也能錄下來,放在YouTube讓更多人瞭解。感恩法師與三寶對眾生無私的奉獻。南無阿彌陀佛。

