2019年2月23日 星期六

福智醜聞曝光-馬可僧團(3) 少數被金女精心挑選,因此有特權的福僧,就成為她的隨行者-他們被所有福僧稱為馬可僧,雖然馬克僧試圖將他們的組織命名為“秘書處”,但”馬可僧”這個名字,多年來一直沿用著;若在學習場合中秘密記錄金女的教誨,並將其發佈在互聯網上,將犯上“盜法”黑業,會帶來嚴重的惡報,沒人敢冒風險

福智醜聞曝光-馬可僧團(3) 少數被金女精心挑選,因此有特權的福僧,就成為她的隨行者-他們被所有福僧稱為馬可僧,雖然馬克僧試圖將他們的組織命名為秘書處”,馬可僧這個名字,多年來一直沿用著;若在學習場合中秘密記錄金女的教誨,並將其發佈在互聯網上,將犯上盜法黑業,會帶來嚴重的惡報,沒人敢冒風險。


福智內幕大公開分享了 1 連結


福智醜聞曝光 - 馬可僧團 - 3部分:




*上師說: 我正在不斷地努力,能來到你這邊。我經常說,我們離能夠在一起學習的日子越來越靠近了。有人問,越來越靠近意味著什麼?那就是繼續努力祈求。






Saturday, February 23, 2019

Bliss and Wisdom (GEBIS) Scandal Unfolding - The Marco Polo Monks - Part 3 

Having been praying to “Guru” for a very long time, the monks were very eager to meet her, or at least listen to her teachings. At first, only short quotes were released, such as:

Guru’s kindness permeates life and death, all the way till enlightenment. Wherever you are, Guru will recognize you, and will love you as his only son.

What does it mean when you view the Guru as the Buddha? It means you have seen the Buddha. When you see the Buddha, you feel his golden light brightening up your heart, you will be enveloped by the feeling of bliss coming from him.

The more difficulties you face, the more you should remind yourself to pray to Guru. In this way, each time you face a difficulty, you become closer to Guru.

I am working hard, unceasingly, to come to your side. I often say, we are coming closer and closer to being able to study together. Someone asked, how close do you mean by “closer and closer”? Keep praying hard.

As the years passed, voice recordings of “Guru’s” teachings became more and more accessible to the monks. Her dharma name Zhen Ru (真如), which means “the true nature of phenomenon” (referring to emptiness, the absolute truth in Buddhist philosophy) was made known. Finally, in March 2015, “Guru” made her first trip to Taiwan, and her photographs were published to all the monks and lay people. Now, some of her voice recordings are available on Bliss & Wisdom’s official website, although most remain restricted to sangha, or can only be broadcast by monks at retreats for the lay people. The followers are told that recording her teachings secretly at these retreats and posting them on the internet would constitute “stealing the dharma” and bring about severe karmic retribution. Nobody dares to take the risk.

Marco Polo: the inner circle is born

Many of the monks met Mary Jin in her bungalow in Kunming, capital city of Yunnan Province, China. A few houses were bought for Mary Jin, and the entourage of monks following her, in the Marco Polo Villas (马可波罗别墅). Situated on the banks of Dianchi Lake in Kunming, Marco Polo Villas is an expensive high-end residential district, the playground of the wealthy.

The few privileged monks who were often handpicked by her to become her entourage became known by all the monks as 马可(ma ke), the Chinese transliteration of “Marco”.  The name stuck over the years, even as the ma ke monks attempted to name their organization “The Secretariat” (秘書處).

