2019年2月20日 星期三

福智醜聞曝光-神秘的接班人(2) ; 2005年-2008年,知道金女身份的福團10多人,要福智僧俗二眾接受金女當他們的上師;暗渡陳倉的幹下讓人譏嫌到現在的,不但破壞佛教史,且是欺師滅祖之事!

福智醜聞曝光-神秘的接班人(2) ; 2005-2008,知道金女身份的福團10多人,要福智僧俗二眾接受金女當他們的上師;暗渡陳倉的幹下讓人譏嫌到現在的,不但破壞佛教史,且是欺師滅祖之事!



福智內幕大公開分享了 1 連結


福智醜聞曝光 - 神秘的接班人 - 2部分:


其中一位法師 後來講述了 他在非常嚴密的情況下 如何獲告知他將很快前往中國。他還得宣誓保密,並被警告說如果有消息洩露,他將無法成行。







福智內幕大公開    ~猜得沒錯,在中國時期,還是阿遠在主導一切! 2000/5/2 天魔大戰、關鍵六小時之後,福智的行徑就開始偷偷摸摸了

福智內幕大公開   明明如阿遠等知道金女身份的那10個人,一開始就心知肚明,要福智僧俗二眾接受,一個女的,一個俗女,一個長頭髮的俗女,當他們的上師,是一件難以接受的事,他們照樣暗渡陳倉的偷雞摸狗的幹下去......寧可讓人機嫌到現在,也要幹下這樁破壞台灣佛教史上欺師滅祖之事! 毀人無數個年輕佛子的法身慧命.....

Yin Sun    為何有長髮在日記本裡

Yin Sun    這也是重點?日記本私密物,長髮在私密的日記本

福智內幕大公開    我也想知道!


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Bliss and Wisdom (GEBIS) Scandal Unfolding - The Secretive Successor - Part 2

For some of the monks, after an agonizing wait, they became one of the lucky ones who could go to China to meet “Big Brother”. One of the monks tells of how he was informed, very discreetly, that he would be going to China soon. He was sworn to secrecy and threatened that his trip would be in jeopardy if word got out. So he hid his suitcase in a storeroom, and brought his belongings there one by one to be packed, so that his roommate wouldn’t find out. When the big day came, his roommate discovered that he too had disappeared without a trace, together with a few other monks.

When the monks arrived in China, they were met by Jing Yuan for a briefing.  Jing Yuan asked them to fill in a questionnaire. The first question read, “If Master Chang’s successor is a woman, how would you feel?” Most of them wrote something along the lines of, it doesn’t matter if she is a nun, so long as she is qualified to be our guru. The second question read, “If she is a lay woman, how would you feel?” The third question was, “If this lady has long hair, how would you feel?”  Their minds went blank at the third question. Soon after, Mary Jin appeared in the room.

Gradually, more and more of the monks came to know that “Big Brother” was actually a lay woman, including those who had not gone to China to see her. She became known as The Successor (接班人). Still, no one knew her name, no one had any photographs of her, and no one had copies of her teachings. 

As time went by, some of the senior monks began to address her as the Successor Guru (接班上師). The other monks gradually adopted this. Eventually, they simply addressed her as Guru (上師), and everyone came to see her as their guru, or root guru. Typically, in the Tibetan tradition, your root guru is the lama who gives you the vows, tantric initiations, or oral transmissions of texts. Before you take someone as your guru, you need to observe carefully if he possesses the qualities of the guru, as described in the scriptures (such as the Lamrim Chenmo and other Tibetan texts). According to the scriptures, renouncing or criticizing a guru is the most severe form of negative karma, hence the caution before taking someone as a guru. Many scriptures advise us that if we are not sure about taking someone as a guru, it’s alright to see treat him simply as a spiritual friend for the time being, and listen to what he says with discernment, the way you would listen to a friend. Taking someone as a guru is a very personal matter and a very serious decision.  For this reason, Tibetan Buddhists rarely refer to their teachers as “Guru”, a very specific term with serious connotations. Besides, not everyone would consider a certain lama as their guru. Instead they refer to them usually by their title such as XX Rinpoche or Lama XX, sometimes with an honorific such as Jetsun (Venerable). 

