2019年1月29日 星期二

真是要為福智僧團的”廣招僧眾或尼眾”擔心! 即除了擔心那些還在福團的僧眾與新進的福僧,會被金女或金女集團一再當人質與洗腦;以外,還要擔心”離開福團的僧眾”,其思想與個性(或行為)是不是已經被侵蝕的很偏差,即很難改正了—想想,福團真是製造某類的”世紀災難”呀!

真是要為福智僧團的廣招僧眾或尼眾擔心! 即除了擔心那些還在福團的僧眾與新進的福僧,會被金女或金女集團一再當人質與洗腦;以外,還要擔心離開福團的僧眾”,其思想與個性(或行為)是不是已經被侵蝕的很偏差,即很難改正了想想,福團真是製造某類的世紀災難!



*總之,這篇文字讓人更是要為福智僧團的廣招僧眾或尼眾”-擔心! 即除了擔心那些還在福團的僧眾與新進的福僧,會被金女或金女集團一再當人質與洗腦;以外,還要擔心離開福團的僧眾”,其思想與個性(或行為)是不是已經被侵蝕的很偏差,即很難改正了想想,福團真是製造某類的世紀災難!


Kevin Li 分享了 1 連結




#一些背景:最近我[A]的弟弟[B]12歲時 被任命[@剃頭](他現在已經20多歲了)剛剛回到家中,與我和我們的家人 待在一起,因為他在修道院系統方面[@福智P島的僧團] 遇到了問題,並希望將他的學業,轉移到另一座寺院[@會是在那裏的寺院呢?]


現在,他正在處理他想要留學的新修道院[@會是要留學那一個寺院呀!] 的簽證申請,現在仍然和我們待在一起 直到他的簽證獲得批准(希望如此)。

@....> 這位12在福團剃頭現在20多歲的新加坡僧人-算算,也在福智僧團,學習了10年以上,卻是被教成這樣的蠻橫” -真是可悲呀!



然而,他最近的行為 讓我感到震驚。

昨天,因我媽媽在客廳要他不要在iPad上玩遊戲,這讓他決定到學習室- 學習室”,是我正在使用的地方,他要我出去。







然後,他開始威脅我- 我阻礙了一個和尚學習(?? [@在手機上玩遊戲,是和尚的學習?],傷害了一個和尚,我將遭受嚴重的後果。他還提到了我的墮胎(我並不自豪)”, 以及 我以前曾經向其他僧人承認過的問題(事情)” - 用這些方式來傷害我,還包括根據一位喇嘛說-我將在55歲時死去,顯然[@是要用這些惡毒的話,傷害我]





submitted 8 months ago * by throwaway0325352313

Some context: So recently my younger brother who got ordained at the age of 12 (he's in his 20s now) just came back home to stay with me and our family because he is having problems with the monastery system and wants to move his studies to another monastery.

My devout Buddhist parents resisted the idea at first but he was very insistent so they eventually caved in. Now, he's in the midst of processing his visa application for the new monastery he wants to study in, and still am staying with us at the moment until his visa gets approved (hopefully).

Anyway, he has been gaming all day everyday on his phone and iPad (which he made my father buy) or going out with his friends to the arcade since he got back. I tried to communicate with him about this, but the moment the topic comes up, he gets very angry and defensive. So eventually, I stopped talking about it.

However, his behaviour recently really shocked me. So yesterday, my mom was bugging him to stop gaming on his iPad while he was in the living room. So he decided to game in the study room instead, which I was using and he asked me to get out. I was using the table, so I said no. Before I knew it, he started pulling my hair forcefully. I got really angry and told him I'd call the police. To which he just said go ahead.

Today when I woke up, I made my breakfast and wanted to eat it on the study table. Because he was about to start eating on the dining table and I wanted some space. He immediately got really worked up and moved my food away from the table. I protested against it, and he just said, "If you use the table, don't blame me for what I'll do afterwards." I got so freaking mad and immediately called the police. He then started to threaten me, saying I am obstructing a monk from studying (??), harming a monk, to which I will suffer grave consequences. He also mentioned my abortion (which I'm not proud of) and other problems which I've confessed to other monks before as a way to anger and hurt me, including how I will die at 55 according to a Lama, apparently.

I really don't know how to handle this. I've spoken to a few venerables from our monastery about this today but I'm not sure what they can do. My parents can't really do anything about this either. I still feel really angry and hurt. Would appreciate some advice on this.

Btw, our living space is very small and according to him, that is his table and I can't use it.

