2018年7月8日 星期日

福團在加拿大的僧眾寺院,正在增長的同時[興建傳燈寺],在布魯德內爾,也同樣地計劃為尼眾[建寺院];從福團GEBIS 向衛報展示的動畫視頻,看到它[傳燈寺]完成時的樣子-幾乎看起來,像是一個高級度假勝地;且其間使用的材料是需經久耐用,即其中一些結構設計,是要維持1000年;福尼在P島也正要建設一個新的寺院-佔地225英畝,享有部分水景-又是一個高級度假勝地啊!

福團在加拿大的僧眾寺院,正在增長的同時[興建傳燈寺],在布魯德內爾,也同樣地計劃為尼眾[建寺院];從福團GEBIS 向衛報展示的動畫視頻,看到它[傳燈寺]完成時的樣子-幾乎看起來,像是一個高級度假勝地;且其間使用的材料是需經久耐用,即其中一些結構設計,是要維持1000;福尼在P島也正要建設一個新的寺院-佔地225英畝,享有部分水景-又是一個高級度假勝地啊!



從福團GEBIS 向衛報展示的動畫視頻,看到它[傳燈寺]完成時的樣子-幾乎看起來,像是一個高級度假勝地; 且其間使用的材料是需經久耐用,即其中一些結構設計,是要維持1000;
衛報還說,在大覺佛學院(GEBIS)與傳燈寺,200位福僧-這是不是福團在對衛報說謊啊! 難不成福團在加拿大,現在又要再低調,即若真的報出在p島的確實僧數[400-600],會讓P島的島民緊張吧!

Monks' monastery growing, while same is planned in Brudenell for nuns
在僧眾寺院正在增長的同時[興建傳燈寺],在布魯德內爾,也同樣地計劃為尼眾 [建寺院]

Published: Jan 05, 2017 at midnight  [2017.1.5 公佈]

Updated: Sep 30, 2017 at 3:16 a.m.   [2017.9.30 更正]


[A major expansion of the Buddhist monks monastery in Heatherdale is underway. The project includes a large temple for the monks to pray in. A model of what the temple will look like is pictured here. From left, are Geoffrey Yang, spokesman for the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS); Venerable Xing-Zi; Venerable Xing-An; and Venerable Xing-Mao.] 





左起是大覺佛學院(GEBIS)發言人Geoffrey Yang ,釋性Zi; 釋性An; 釋性Mao者。

HEATHERDALE, P.E.I. — A multi-million dollar expansion of the Buddhist monk monastery in Heatherdale is underway. 
HEATHERDALEP.E.I - Heatherdale的佛教僧侶寺院 正在進行數百萬美元的擴建
[PS: 一百萬美元,相當於3千萬台幣, 那數個3千萬台幣,那是多少台幣呢? 就黃主委好像曾說50億或更多- 不知跟福智傳心委員較熟的法友,可以幫大家問一下,以總不能像是無底洞的一直投錢到金女的”P島王國]

It’s an expansion that could take up to seven years to complete and one that is creating hundreds of P.E.I. jobs.

The Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) gave The Guardian a tour of the grounds last week.

By the time everything is said and done, there will be six new dormitories, a temple and lecture hall. There will also be gardens, lots of trees planted and ponds. An animated video shown to The Guardian, showing what it will all look like when it’s finished, almost makes it look like a high-class resort.


上週[2017.1.5 還是2017.9.30],大覺佛學院(GEBIS)讓衛報參觀了這個場地。在一切都解說後,這裡將有六個新的宿舍,一個大殿和一個演講廳。這裡還有花園,種植了大量的樹木和池塘。


There are about 200 monks on P.E.I. now, studying in Little Sands and Heatherdale.

P.E.I上約有200名僧侶。現在,在Little SandsHeatherdale學習。

@....> 衛報說 在大覺佛學院(GEBIS)與傳燈寺,約有200位福僧-這是不是福團在對衛報說謊啊! 難不成福團在加拿大,現在又要再低調,即若真的報出在p島的確實僧數[400-600],會讓P島的島民緊張啊!

The Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute (GWBI), a completely separate entity that represents Buddhist nuns, will be undertaking a similar project when the nuns move from their temporary quarters in Uigg to Brudenell.

妙音佛學院(GWBI)是一個代表佛教尼眾的完全獨立的實體,當尼眾們從Uigg的臨時住所 搬到Brudenell時,他們將開展一個類似的項目[@ 甚麼類似的項目-擴建寺院嗎? 台灣的福智人,好可憐啊]

“There is five years worth of construction here,’’ said Floyd Sanderson, spokesman for GEBIS. “(Asian) coaches have been brought in to teach the construction workers how to build Asian (architecture). This is the beginning of a new design (for P.E.I.). You won’t see vinyl siding here.’’

這裡[@傳燈寺] 要花五年的施工  GEBIS發言人弗洛伊德桑德森說。



Sanderson couldn’t put an exact dollar figure on the expansion, but did confirm that there is no P.E.I. government money involved.

Outside of the Asian construction coaches, all of the work is being done by Island companies.

Islandwide Roofing, EMC, Island Coastal, Cardigan Excavators and MacKay Construction are just some of the P.E.I. firms that won contracts on the job.


除了亞洲建築師傅們,所有的工作,都是由島嶼公司來做全島屋頂,EMCIsland CoastalCardigan挖掘機和MacKay建築, 只是P.E.I的一部分,贏得工作合同的公司

@....> 這位大覺佛學院(GEBIS)的發言人[想是P島的島民吧] 會這樣的強調-即沒有花加拿大的錢,就可以知道金女在P島的占據與開發,已經引起很多島民的關切與恐慌了

 “It’s completely Asian construction so it’s very, very high-end materials. The tiles are hand-made and engineered for a Canadian winter. It’s the first time ever you’ll see this kind of structure (in P.E.I.).’’
The materials used are built to last, too. Some of these structures are designed to stand for 1,000 years.



@...> 就這個可以維持1000,金女絕對會讓福智呆胞很樂意的捐錢興建吧!

These are temporary residents, either. When Buddhists are ordained to be a monk, they will spend up to 14 years in P.E.I.
And they’re families are coming here to visit, buy property and spend money.
There is a tourism component as well for things like lectures that bring in people by the hundreds.
這些[@福智僧尼] 都是臨時居民

當佛教徒被任命為僧侶時 [@出家],他們將在P.E.I中度過長達14年的時間。

他們是家人 [他們的家人] 來這裡探望,購買房產和花錢。


@.....>這些福智僧尼,都是臨時居民-即這些福智僧尼不是要移民加拿大. 感覺這個加拿大的衛報,現在可能是專門幫GEBIS 報出一些讓P島島民安心的一個已經被金女集團收買的報社吧

@...> 衛報還要幫金女集團強調,福僧到P島來居住,是帶來P島的觀光收入啊

All of the farming done in the monastery and in the surrounding area is organic.
“These people are the quintessential meaning of peace. It’s part of their faith,’’ said Sanderson.
Helping out in the community daily is part of the faith as well.The Buddhist monks in Heatherdale recently donated $50,000 to the Town and Country Aquatics Plus facility in Montague where the local community has spent months trying to get the pool complex up and running again. 
The monks have also hosted free suppers for seniors over the holidays and help out local families in need.



每天在社區中 幫助也是信仰的一部分。

Heatherdale的佛教僧侶最近向MontagueTown and Country Aquatics 加工廠捐贈了5萬美元[@150萬台幣],當地社區花了數月時間 試圖讓游泳池建築群再次投入使用。


@.....> 衛報還要將金女是如何的表示友善寫出來-GEBIS(大覺佛學院)的土地,全部是種有機農作;P島上的任何一個單位或團體,若缺錢修建,金女她都可因她已是加拿大公民會出錢幫-只是這些花費,可都是信金女的台灣呆胞,在買單吧!.

A new monastery site is set for the Buddhist nuns is also in the works although plans have not been finalized yet.

The monastery will be built on the farm sold to GWBI by Willy and Jenny Delodder. The property is located on the Brudenell Point Road (which corrects information The Guardian previously published) and is 225 acres with a partial water view.
The waterfront lots are owned by both residents and non-residents.

尼寺院將建在WillyJenny Delodder出售給GWBI的農場上。
該物業位於Brudenell Point Road(更正The Guardian之前發布的信息),佔地225英畝,享有部分水景。 海濱地段由居民和非居民擁有。

@.....>1英亩=1224.1741136825/225英畝=275300(27.5萬坪)/94- [PS:請幫忙再確定這些數字
且台灣南海尼寺已經建好了嗎? 為何不能將好不容易籌出的建設金,在台灣建設呢
Need to know

Buddhist monks and nuns in P.E.I. now welcome questions from the public.

P.E.I的佛教僧眾和尼眾, 現在歡迎公眾提問

• Buddhist monks[僧眾] can be reached at info@gebisociety.org

• Buddhist nuns[尼眾] can be reached at info@gwbi.org

1 則留言:

  1. 常師父思思念念的在漢地建立教法,現實的狀況讓人覺得背道而馳,福智僧俗大部份是被蒙在鼓裡,這麽多的寺院蓋在非漢地的加拿大,現在仍未對台灣信衆正式公開,反觀台灣的根本道場拖拖拉拉的蓋這麽久,根本與騙局無差別,學佛學到分不出善悪,常師父果然死不瞑目!
