2018年7月14日 星期六




[節錄] When the Monks Come to Town A mysterious Buddhist organization recently arrived on Prince Edward Island with millions of dollars and a taste for organic farming. The monks and their followers are friendly—until you start asking too many questions.
當僧侶來到城鎮 一個神秘的佛教組織最近抵達愛德華王子島,花費了數百萬美元,並嘗試了有機農業。僧侶和他們的追隨者都很友好 - 直到你開始問太多問題 By Mark Mann June 18, 2013
Five years ago,[2008-2009] a bunch of Buddhist monks from Taiwan moved into the old Lobster Shanty in Montague, Prince Edward Island and made it their home. At first, there were only four of them, but more kept coming, scores filling up the defunct hotel. They were very friendly, and they wore their orange robes, of course, and mostly everyone thought it was nice enough and a good idea and all that. Some of the things they did, such as buying live lobsters from the Atlantic Superstore and releasing them back into the ocean, seemed odd, but what harm could come of it?
五年前[2008-2009],一群來自台灣的佛教僧侶搬進了愛德華王子島蒙塔古的舊龍蝦棚,並將其作為家園。 起初,他們只有四個,但更多的不斷湧現,分數填補了已經倒閉的酒店。 他們非常友好,他們穿著橙色長袍, 當然,大多數人都認為這很好,一個好主意和所有這些。他們所做的一些事情,比如從大西洋超市購買活龍蝦並將它們釋放回海洋,似乎很奇怪,但它會帶來什麼危害呢?
That might have been the whole story, but more monks kept showing up—there are about 250 today—and before long they had built their own brand-new monastery in Little Sands, about half an hour’s drive south, a hidden place by the shore where no mere visitor could ever go. They brought some of their lay associates, who began fanning out across the countryside, reportedly purchasing properties that no one else would buy. The Buddhists talked about organic farming and told of a grocery chain in Taiwan. These monks were not what the people of Prince Edward Island had expected.
這可能是整個故事,但更多的僧侶不斷出現 - 今天大約有250 - 不久之後他們在小沙灘建造了自己的全新修道院[大覺佛學院GEBIS的新僧院],大約半小時的車程向南,在岸邊隱藏的地方沒有訪客可以去的地方。 他們帶來了一些非專業人員,他們開始在鄉村散步, 據報導他們購買了其他人都買不到的房產。 佛教徒談到有機農業,並告訴台灣一家雜貨連鎖店。 這些僧侶不是愛德華王子島人民所期待的。
RE-據報導他們購買了其他人都買不到的房產 …..> 是金女集團很會搞房地產,還是他們的後台-台灣福團呆胞太給力的,幾億幾億的洗過去呢? 
PS: Photograph by Finn O’Hara 

