2017年12月1日 星期五

加拿大P島 David Weale教授的疑問-根據一位曾經是台灣福智成員的通信者訴說-大約有40-50名6至10歲的孩子,住在PEI島,他們屬於2015年招收的“預科班”學生;這些行為嚴重違反台灣的【國民教育法】,直接向教育部檢舉,以保護這些小孩,不會因父母對福智的盲目崇拜而受害;前沙彌在加拿大被引誘到女性導師的床上。

加拿大P David Weale教授的疑問-根據一位曾經是台灣福智成員的通信者訴說-大約有40-50610歲的孩子,住在PEI,他們屬於2015年招收的預科班學生;這些行為嚴重違反台灣的【國民教育法】,直接向教育部檢舉,保護這些小孩,不會因父母對福智的盲目崇拜而受害;前沙彌在加拿大被引誘到女性導師的床上。



B 分享了 David Weale 貼文2017.11.30 21:22

加拿大P David Weale教授的疑問


他還表示,他們不住在位於Little Sands 的大覺佛學院道場,而是住在其他地方的房子裡。


當我們摒棄這種做法時,對我們自己的文化來說 不是一種進展嗎[]

[@ 當我們擺脫這種做法時,這對我們自己的文化來說,不是一個積極的步驟吧!

以上是中文翻譯 ( 感謝熱心法友提供 )

Question of the day?
According to a regular correspondent, who was once a Bliss and Wisdom monk in Taiwan, there are likely around 40-50 children between age 6 and 10 living in PEI, belonging to the 'Special Child Class' who were recruited during the '2015 intake'. He also said they do not live in the GEBIS monastery in Little Sands but in houses elsewhere.
My question is whether any of my 'friends' have any knowledge of these children, or information about where they are being educated/trained.
And my question for Government would be whether the training of these little ones is being monitored by provincial officials to ensure their emotional and physical well-being. Personally I have some serious reservations about what I consider to be the severe practice of removing small children from their homes and communities and isolating them for years, twenty-four seven, in the care of religious celibates,
Was it not a positive step in our own culture when we moved away from that practice?


thank you so much for raising these question and definitely these questions are needed to be answered .
i have witnessed some of the kids who went through similar so called holy traning for almost decade and ended up being not be able to socialize when they step out of the training program(which will eventually happen).

非常感謝你提出這些問題, 肯定需要回答這些問題.
我已經看到一些孩子經歷了差不多十年的所謂神聖的, 最終無法參加訓練方案(最終會發生) [@ 將實質發生].

[@當他們退出培訓計劃(這將最終發生) 將不能進行社交[即跟社會脫節吧]

網民Nelson Ho 在該部落格的發言,在此翻譯如下:


根據那些聽过錄音的人轉述,他不僅描述了當時爱撫/前戲如何發生,還描繪了不為外人所知的 該中國女性導師的身體特徵。

原文:A former novice monk who put on the robe at age 9, and afterwards grew up without the internet, made a 3 hour recording on how he was seduced into the female guru’s bed in Canada. According to those who heard the recording, he not only described how the foreplay took place, he also depicted the physical attributes of the female guru from China that otherwise would be unknown. The monastic elders in Taiwan were appalled that some novice monk who didn’t grow up with the internet could give such detail ....

J 這些福智的家長瘋了,把小孩往魔窟送!

ZR  福智到底有多少 長年在加拿大的沙彌,學籍掛在福智中小學呢?

around 40-50 children between age 6 and 10 living in PEI, belonging to the 'Special Child Class' who were recruited during the '2015 intake'.




