2016年12月19日 星期一



本帖最后由 學弘正法 2016-12-20 00:18 编辑
Buddhist monks embracing the spirit of Christmas

While Buddhists do not observe Christmas, they share many similar values with people who do
Dave Stewart dstewart@theguardian.pe.ca
Published on December 17, 2016

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Venerable Xing-Xun, right, observes four Buddhist monks hard at work on special gingerbread houses and will be gifts at a free senior citizens Christmas meal the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society is putting on Saturday in Murray Harbour.

XX正觀察四個僧人 努力的在製作一特別的薑餅屋的工作,這將是GEBIS(大覺佛學院)於周六 在墨累港 一個免費的老年人聖誕大餐的禮物

LITTLE SANDS, P.E.I. - P.E.I. Buddhist monks and nuns don’t observe Christmas, but they are still making plans to don their Santa hats.

LITTLE SANDSP.E.I - P.E.I. 佛教僧尼不守()聖誕節,但他們還是在計劃著 戴上他們的聖誕老人帽。

We’re so appreciative of what Islanders have done for us so we want to pay back Islanders and one particular event that we are doing this year is to offer a Christmas meal Venerable Xing-Xun
The Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) and the Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute (GWBI) both plan on embracing the spirit of giving as a way to thank Islanders for all their generosity.

因為我們太感激島民為我們所做的,所以我們想回饋島民,今年我們做的一個特別事件 是提供一個聖誕餐

The GEBISa monks have been on the Island for the past seven years while the GWBI nuns have been here for the past four years.


While Buddhists do not observe Christmas, they share many similar values with people who do. They make a light offering as light symbolizes wisdom. They will make a candle light offering and put up lights on trees, dedicating it to all beings for attainment of wisdom and elimination of darkness.

雖然佛教徒不遵守聖誕節,但他們與那些有同樣價值的人 分享許多相似的價值觀。 他們做一個供燈 象徵智慧的光。

They also perform many acts of kindness during Christmas.

“We’re so appreciative of what Islanders have done for us so we want to pay back Islanders and one particular event that we are doing this year is to offer a Christmas meal,’’ Venerable Xing-Xun told The Guardian through an interpreter at the monastery in Little Sands.
That free meal will be held today for seniors in Murray Harbour.

這個免費餐 將於今天 Murray 為老年人舉行。

During The Guardian’s visit, four monks were hard at work on making gingerbread houses to give away as gifts at the supper. These aren’t normal gingerbread houses. It was taking each monk almost four hours over five days to finish them. Each contains ingredients sourced locally.

在衛報的訪問期間,四個僧人努力工作,使薑餅屋   在晚飯時 當禮物。
它是每個僧人花了五天 [每天] 四個小時 才完成它們。
每個 都包含著本地採購的成分。

The monks are also welcoming Islanders into their home in Little Sands on New Year’s Eve from 2:30-3:30 p.m. to come into their prayer hall, ring the bell and pray for blessing in the New Year.

僧侶們也歡迎島民 在新年除夕 從下午230-330 進入他們的家[僧院] 到他們的禱告大廳[大殿],在新年中 敲鐘和祈福。

Buddhist nuns have put up a Christmas tree outside their monastery in Uigg, decorated with colourful lights.

佛教尼師在Uigg的僧院外面 放了一棵用彩燈裝飾的聖誕樹,

Venerable Sabrina said the nuns enjoy experiencing the festival spirit and joyfulness at this time of year in P.E.I.

Sabrina說,尼師喜歡體驗節日的精神和  且在PEI的歲月 都很快樂.

“We want to fit in with the Island and also just kind of give back to our neighbours,’’ Sabrina said. “We’ve been hanging up some Christmas lights. It’s really beautiful. We have a really big tree outside and then we put lights on it and we’ve been giving out treats to our neighbours and our friends, just because we really like the gift-giving part of Christmas.’’

說。我們一直掛著一些聖誕燈。 這真的很美。 我們有一個非常大的樹在外面,然後我們點亮它,我們一直給予我們的鄰居和我們的朋友,只是因為我們真的喜歡聖誕節的禮物贈送的一部分。

The monks and nuns will be following the same routine and daily schedule on Christmas Day as any other day of the year. Morning and evening prayers are dedicated to peace and happiness for all people.

僧侶和尼師在聖誕節 還是會如同一年之任何一日的遵循著日程
早晨和晚上的祈禱 獻給所有人的和平與幸福。

Still, Venerable Yvonne talks about the birth of Jesus and what it means.
“We believe that by having Jesus to be up here in the world, he brings a lot of positive influences to people,’’ Yvonne said. “We want (the same thing), to make positive changes and different influences to the world. I personally want to do that.’’

我們相信,通過耶穌 [我們]在世界上的這裡,他給人們帶來了很多積極的影響,
說。我們想要(同樣的事情),對世界作出積極的改變和不同的影響。 我個人想要這樣做。

Yvonne said her wish will be to do whatever she can to make her parents and all the people around her happy.


“After my breakfast (on Christmas Day) I wish that whatever I do . . . I can send out best wishes to the people (of P.E.I.).


“It may be just another day for me but the birth (of Jesus), it’s inspiring us to do something better for the world. It’s good practice for us, too.’’
The nuns were still thinking about ways they could give back at Christmas but seemed warm to the idea of just going out and greeting people and wishing them well.

這可能只是我的另一天,但是在耶穌誕生日,它激勵了我們 為世界做更好的事情。這也是我們良好的練習
尼師們一直思考著 他們在聖誕節可以回饋的方式,但看起來要加溫 就是讓這個構想進行出去,與問候和祝他們很好。


福智派到加拿大佛學院學習的僧尼  也不過在加拿大P島住了7年或4,即就算是接受了P島島民的照顧或友善, 然這些福智僧尼 在真如/金的指示  不已經從2014-2016 天天對著島民說要回饋 - 每周作2000個麵包卷濟貧 煮中國料理給街友 不時送有機玉米  草莓  高麗菜等蔬果 且還送過向日葵  幫甚麼之家打掃  參加島上的各類公益活動  
乃至定期的邀請島民到僧院參觀 與送他們禮物等 理由都是要回饋島民
如是猛力且獻殷勤的敦親睦鄰真是不但讓當地島民受寵若驚 且當地的報紙 也覺得太驚奇的 不好好報導不行啊!
今年真如/金更積極,連聖誕節都要GEBIS /GWBI-福智在加拿大的佛學院的僧尼 跟著島民一起過聖誕節
如是 還不夠 即尼師還說出如下驚人之語 (PS 不知是她自己要這樣說 還是尼師在當真如/金的傳聲筒) 即尼師說我們相信,通過耶穌 [我們]在世界上的這裡,他給人們帶來了很多積極的影響,”   “在耶穌誕生日,它激勵了我們 為世界做更好的事情。這也是我們良好的練習。


