2016年12月29日 星期四





本帖最後由 學弘正法 2016-12-29 19:52 編輯

Buddhist nuns 'learning to fit in' on P.E.I.
P.E.I. now home to 134 Buddhist nuns — and the number is growing
P.E.I. 佛教尼眾學習適應. 現在住有134佛教尼眾 - 而且數量是在增長中
By Shane Ross, CBC News
Posted: Nov 21, 2016 7:48 PM  AT  Last Updated: Nov 21, 2016 7:48 PM AT

A Buddhist nun prays at the nunnery on Uigg Road in Eastern P.E.I. (Laura Meader/CBC)
Prince Edward Island is becoming home to a growing number of Buddhist nuns, who say the Island is a comfortable place for them to practise their spirituality.
一個佛教尼師 在東部P.E.I.Uigg路的女修道院 祈禱。
Laura Meader / CBC
愛德華王子島 正在成為越來越多的佛教尼眾的家,
尼眾說 這個島對她們來說 是一個舒適的可練習他們靈性的地方。
Four years ago, 13 Buddhist nuns moved to the Island from Taiwan. Today, there are 134 at their home on the Uigg Road in eastern P.E.I.
今天,在東PEI (王子島)Uigg路之她們的住處, 134
In the next couple of years, they hope to attract about 100 more and move to a new building that will be modelled after a traditional Chinese temple.
Sabrina says she wants to devote her life to helping others. (Laura Meader/CBC)
她想要把自己的生命用於幫助別人 Laura Meader / CBC
"Canada has a great acceptance of different cultures and religions," said Yvonne, one of the nuns at what is called the Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute.
'We are here to practise Buddhism but we are not trying  to convert everyone's religion into Buddhism.'– Yvonne
我們雖在這裡實習佛教,但我們不是試圖將每個人的宗教轉化為佛教。” - Yvonne
"It is a very good environment to practise and study here, that's why it will attract more nuns from other countries."
The majority are from Taiwan, but some are from Singapore, New Zealand, United States and Canada. The average age is 25.
Yvonne says the good thing about shaving her head is that she doesn't have to think about hairstyles. (Laura Meader/CBC)
說,剃掉她的頭髮的好處 是她不必考慮髮型。 (( Laura Meader/CBC)
They give up their last names, and devote their life to studying Buddhist teachings with the goal of bringing happiness and peacefulness to the world. 
Separate from monks
The nuns say they are often confused with a group of monks that moved to P.E.I., but while they follow the same spiritual teacher, they are separate in the same way churches on P.E.I. would be independent of each other.
尼師們說,雖她們與一群搬到PEI的僧眾, 經常是讓人搞不清.,但他們是遵循同一個精神老師,即他們是在PEI是同一方式之教會之分開的彼此獨立”[的團體]
They will sometimes see the monks at functions, but they can't make eye contact with men, or be alone with men. The idea is to avoid distractions to maintain focus on  their devotion.
她們有時會在活動中看到僧侶,但她們不能與男人的眼神接觸,或與男人單獨相處。 這個概念是為了避免散亂, 即為了保持專注於她們的忠誠[奉獻]
The nunnery is decorated with Buddhist symbols. (Laura Meader/CBC)
修道院用佛教標誌裝飾 Laura Meader / CBC
They all wear the same clothes, and shave their heads, too.
"I don't have to think about what hairstyle I have to have today," said Yvonne, "So it's just very simple. Everything I do is just to learn every single day."
Candles are often used in the prayer hall to symbolize wishes. (Laura Meader/CBC)
蠟燭經常在禱告大廳裡 用來象徵願望 Laura Meader / CBC
Sabrina lived in California before she came to P.E.I. She said she had an ordinary life before coming to the nunnery, but felt something was missing.
"I would often hear the saying that the best years in life are high school, or the best years of life are in college ... and it would always puzzle me that then what do you do after the best years in your life are over?" she said.
在她來到P.E.I之前,住在加利福尼亞州。 她說她來到女修道院之前,有一個普通的生活,但就是覺得有些東西散失了。
我經常聽到這樣的說法,生活中最好的年份是高中,或最好的生活年齡在大學......它總是困惑我,在你的生命中最好的歲月結束後, 你要做什麼呢 她說。
The nunnery resembles an old farm house, but the nuns plan to move to a building in Brudenell styled after a more traditional Chinese temple. (Laura Meader/CBC)
女修道院像一個老農舍,但尼師們計劃搬到在布魯登內[Brudenell] 一個更加傳統的中國寺廟的建築物。 Laura Meader / CBC
"I wanted to devote my life to helping others, because that's the best way to use my life."
Yvonne said the nuns are "learning to fit in" on P.E.I. She said they go out more in P.E.I.  than they would in Taiwan  because they are trying to learn more about the Island culture.
尼師是正在PEI“學習適應”. 她說她們出來是因為在P.E.I.比她們在台灣[可以學得更]多,因為他們正在試圖學習更多的島文化
"We are here to practise Buddhism but we are not trying  to convert everyone's religion into Buddhism. So one thing we can do in the community is go visit the elders and see if we can learn more about what Islanders think and maybe other religions and how they make contributions to the community and how we can work together to make the community better."
The nuns are getting out in the community to learn more about the Island way of life. (Laura Meader/CBC)
尼師們到社區內 去瞭解島上的生活方式。 Laura Meader / CBC
She said the best way to learn from Islanders is to become friends with them.
"The Islanders will teach us the way of life here, even from winter tires to how you drive in the snow and how you can shop and utilize local resources."
福智南海尼眾,到加拿大P島所成立的大智慧佛學院(BWBI)” 一直很少被報導, 現在竟也出頭了, 20161121 CBC報紙竟對她們也開始有興趣的作了一番介紹性的訪問

從這個報導,我們可以確知, 2013 [以這裡說2016年的4年前] 就由13位尼眾先到加拿大開墾了- 即將一農舍改建成可以容納130-150位尼師的尼院啊!
至於尼師開始學習五部大論的攝類學, 則是從2014 [這是由另一篇的資料得知]

由於這個大智慧佛學院不久將增收100位尼師- 即增到230, 她們也已經明確的知道 她們將會搬到一間正在布魯登內[Brudenell] 興建的一個更為傳統之中國寺廟.

不知這是在指真如/金所說的 -要在加拿大P島興建一所"耗資15""具有中國傳統寺院"傳燈寺?
假設GWBI的尼師 真就是要搬進 "傳燈寺", 那傳燈寺應該是在P島的二處同時興建了: 一處是給GEBIS(大覺佛學院)的僧眾住.  一處是要給 GWBI的尼眾住 , 是這樣嗎?
以福智的僧眾與尼眾, 若一定是要分開住,且都要用"傳燈寺"的名, 那就只能這樣的在二處,同時興建了.
如是, 還真是很大的工程,  福智傳心委員不好好的加油,或費心地勸募, 那還真難讓福智僧尼 靈性特佳的P修行或學習了.

不過,即從這個訪問中,可以看到福智僧尼,現在的目標,都是說為了世界和平為了要有一個適合靈性修行的地方”, 所以她們是需跟僧眾一樣, 學習如何搞定在雪地開車”,如何敦親睦鄰乃至要走進社區,請教長者,或多做公益與服勞役, 總之, 就是多瞭解P島的島文化

即他們為何要居士花這麼多錢護持她們或他們到加拿大P島的學習, 而他們竟是說"他們現在主要是在學習P島的文化與要花心思的"敦親睦鄰"!
若在加上尼師的這個特別強調 - 即她們到P, 絕對沒有要將P島島民的原來的宗教,轉移到佛教- 如是僧尼他們到P,真的就是為了風光太美了,可以寧靜的修行, 是這樣嗎?
那真如/金要不要存在, 都不是很重要, 以在P島的福智僧眾或尼眾都是說 P島的環境太好了, 且人民也太好, 所以我們要搬過來,--即這話好似"我們在台灣的後台 (學員的支持) 夠力 , 我們是有條件可以這樣享用" -也就是只要有福報在福智出家, 那就是要甚麼 有甚麼的天下第一等驕子

總之. 從這些簡介, 我們大概也可以看出福智尼師,根本不須"常常不知在那的真如/"來指導,以她們現在還在適應P島的生活,且主指導福智僧眾的金,從來又不是跟福智尼師們住. 因此, 尼師在那, 真不知是如何的自學或….!
想想, 台灣經濟這樣的不好,台灣的福智學員,還須全力的籌募與護持福智僧尼在國外的開銷,跟在那敦親睦鄰的開支, 這還真是一言難盡無奈”  以誰叫福智要有這麼一位想從大陸移民到加拿大的精神導師啊!
即福智有這樣一位甚麼心靈老師後, 福智學員就不知已花了多少冤枉錢-這可從 "四季如春的蓬萊仙島"的台灣,轉移到"半年是白雪覆地"的加拿大P (PS:連金都知道 在加拿大的冬日,到東南亞避冬)學習的這些年間[2008-2016],所多花的"飛機旅費""興建或改建的僧院" "作公關"等多開銷的錢,來看---這不是一些大冤枉錢,是甚麼呀?!

